How to Make a Good Online Dating Profile

If you’re looking for love online, you want to make sure you put your best foot forward. Don’t worry, you won’t need to hire the best web design Philadelphia has to offer to make you a custom website; there are plenty of online dating services available to you. All you need to do is set up a profile.

There are a few tricks and tips for making the most of your online dating profile. Follow them, and you can be confident your profile shows your best side.

Photographs are Essential

It’s important to let your prospective dates know what you look like. After all, physical attraction is an important part of a romantic relationship.

While it can be tempting to choose your very best photographs, a more natural approach can often be better at showing the real you. A photograph from 5 years ago can lead to unrealistic expectations!

Include at least one photograph of your face and one full-body shot. Pick photos that reflect your personality and interests. Think about it: wouldn’t you prefer for your prospective dates to be up-front and honest about their appearance?

Make it Clear What You are Looking for

Online dating sites are used by all kinds of people looking for all kinds of things, from friendship to a causal one-night stand to a long-term relationship. Being clear about your expectations and desires will save wasted time on both your part and that of prospective dates. If you have any deal-breakers or must-haves, such as religion, location or age, you should be up-front about those requirements.

Talk about Yourself, But Not Too Much

Your prospective dates will want to know about your personality, your values and your views on life. It’s important to give a taste of these parts of your personality in your profile, perhaps by listing hobbies, interests and so on.

However, going into graphic detail on any aspect of your life can make you seem a bit of a one-trick pony or can turn people off due to “too much information”. The internet can break down inhibitions, but if you wouldn’t say it on a first date, then don’t say it on your profile.

Don’t be self-deprecating, but don’t be overly boastful either. You might be awful at math, but is that really relevant? Similarly, you might be the state champion math problem solver, but going on and on about it will make you seem like you have a big head.

Pay Attention to the Details

Before you save your profile, take a few minutes to read over it. Spelling and grammar errors are a simple thing to fix, so if you don’t bother, it can give a bad impression.

This is a guest post by blogger Mary who blogs on everything from online dating to finding the best web design Philadelphia offers.

How to Exceed Expectations on a First Date

It’s finally the day of the first date that you’ve been looking forward to for so long. Your hands are sweating, hearts pounding and you’re desperately thinking of what you are going to say, we have all been there at some point. If you are reading this then the chances are that you are feeling a little nervous or unsure about what he or she is going to think of you and so here are some top tips to help ensure that the date goes well and most importantly that you get that all important second date.

1. Calm Those Nerves

The most important thing is for you to be confident and relaxed when you are on the date and so in order for you to relax tell yourself that it is fine to be nervous, it’s natural. Don’t get too focused on the nerves and try instead to turn those butterflies into excitement. The chances are that your date is just as nervous as you are and the anticipation is always the worst part. Try not to memorise what you want to say or questions to ask as this will probably make you feel more nervous, just trust that the adrenaline will take over and that you will naturally create conversation when you meet. After 5 minutes or so the initial nerves should be gone and you will be free to enjoy the date.

2. Find Something Fun to Do

If you meet up with your date without a plan in mind of what you want to do then things can get awkward as you both feel unsure about an activity to suggest. You will most likely be texting or emailing your date for a while before you arranged the date and so you should arrange where you are going to go before hand. Choose something that is fun and allows you to get to know your date a bit better. Going to the cinema on the first date is often a mistake as you don’t get the chance to have a proper conversation with them. Go for a meal or a drink instead which will let you talk while you enjoy your meal or drinks which will be a welcome distraction and will take the pressure off you having to talk constantly. Mini golf, bowling or a trip to an amusement park are all good ways to break the ice and to have fun.

3. Dress to Impress

Even before you speak your date will have made a snap judgement about you based on how you are dressed, it’s human nature and so you want to be looking your best. If you turn up to a date looking scruffy then you come across as being lazy or uninterested. You don’t have to wear your best suit or ball gown but making a bit of an effort shows your date that you care, you have a good fashion sense and that you are willing to make the effort for them. Simple things like a nice clean pair of shoes without any holes in them and a clean shirt can go a long way.

4. Remember to Do Some Listening As Well As Talking

One of the most off putting things that you can do on a first date is talk too much about yourself and not showing an interest in your date. You should keep the conversation light and snappy, asking plenty questions about the other person to show that you are taking an interest but not so many that they feel that they are being quizzed. Finding a happy medium of talking about them and you is the best way to ensuring that you both enjoy each other’s company.

5. The Goodnight Kiss

Many people spend the whole date worrying about when they should lean in for the goodnight kiss or if they should do it at all. The best advice for this is to simply not think about and just see what happens. You will be able to tell how the date is going and whether they want you to kiss them so it is best to just do what is natural. If you are feeling uncomfortable about it then it is better not to kiss at all than to create an awkward moment at the end of the night. If it is really playing on your mind you could always go in for the kiss straight away and then you will be relaxed enough to enjoy the rest of the date.

If you are currently single then there are many places you can visit online to meet someone such as free online dating UK and free dating UK. Online dating is becoming more and more popular with many people seeing it as a great way to get to know the person well before they meet up.


Jim Anderson has been using online dating websites such as UK Dating and dating websites UK for the past few years and he met his current girlfriend online.


Online Dating Won’t Do’s

Some people expect online dating to be so amazingly surprising. This is where disappointment has often become a product of unreasonable expectations. Well, if you expect online dating to answer all your problems, you surely will be disappointed.

So here are some of things that you shouldn’t expect online dating to do for you:

  1. Alter your bad dating experiences

If you have this habit of dating people who are bad and inappropriate for you, most likely, you’ll find them on the Internet too. Well, the best thing to do is to beat that pattern. Self development, self help and therapy, healing, whatever it is that you’ll need to choose your own method, go ahead! Changing the way you meet people is not in itself perfect to effect psychological changes in you or even the truth behind your previous dating pattern. Simple as how do you know if you have plateau effect, your bad dating experiences needs its own data why. Break out from it by doing new and more personal development.

  1. Be a better person

Don’t expect the mere act of dating online to give you that confidence you’ve always desired. Allow you to be your real self for the first time. Help you get over personal problems you may have. Self improvement is a process and meeting, dating and socializing with different people. Dating needs its own fitness regime. Allow you to meet more people around and learn from them. You’ll need to work on these separately together with you working on your dating experiences.

  1. Lie for long

It’s easier to lie online than in the real world. Unless you’re content and okay speaking to people online that you’ll need to meet your date sooner or later and all those little lies will come out and maybe disappoint you more. Well, they always do! If you’re shorter, older, heavier or, well, more married than you’d been claiming to be, people will find out and they will get angry, scared and even ridicule you.

Conversations for the Second Date

The second date is a critical time in any new relationship. The first date may not have involved much talking and chances are you did not get to know each other as much as you would have liked. For the relationship to progress, there are questions that should be asked to help you figure out what type of future you may have with this person.

Find out what are the person’s interests. There may be some common ground that you both share and this can serve as a foundation to build on the relationship. You may speak on your likes and dislikes on many topics and find his/her opinion on these subjects. There are many things to talk about, just choose one and learn what the other person thinks about it. These may include questions such as what do you like to do in your spare time or do you like to watch sports.

You may also ask questions about the person’s past. When treading on this territory, exercise special care in the delivery of your inquiries. Certain discussions may bring up hurtful memories from the past. Focus on happy themes and the person’s favorite foods that he/she enjoyed eating while growing up. This will lighten the mood and allow you to become better acquainted with your date.

As you continue conversing, it is very important to raise the subject of what your partner looks for in a relationship. This will provide you with a window to your date’s soul and showcase the qualities that characterize that person.

At this point, you may delve into the personal beliefs of your date. This will give you an idea as to who you are dating. Ask the person about life changing moments and its impact on his/her life.

Having discussions about the person’s future is another ideal topic to raise during your second encounter. The fact that there is a second date indicates that the potential exists for an ongoing relationship. Their future plans will be a good way to test your compatibility. Stay away from questions such as when he/she would like to get married or how many kids he/she wants to have. Chat about each other’s dreams, goals and aspirations. You do not want to scare your date away with too many intrusive questions. Bear in mind that it is only a second date, so keep your dialogue limited to more introspective topics.

When going out with a person for the second time, such an encounter should not be primarily about interrogation. Your date should not face a barrage of questions. Instead he/she should be engaged in active, stimulating conversation that will eventually answer all your questions. The discussion should feel natural and be engaging. Look your date in the eyes when he/she is responding. This shows your interest in the dialogue. Maintaining a relaxed and balanced state of mind will grant you a successful second date. Once everything goes well, there will be many more dates in the future.

Haliyma Barrow holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish and a minor in journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and a Master of Public Administration from New York University. Barrow regularly contributes articles at online writing sites such as EduBook, EzineArticles and Screen Junkies, with focus on dating related topics.

What You Need To Know When You Try To Bring Back The Love Of Your Life

So your relationship is over – What do you do now? We have all been there. The sleepless nights, thinking of the one you still love. Wondering if things would be different if only you had said or done something else. Just remember that whatever has happened between you and your lover, it is never too late.

Here are a few ideas on how to bring back the love of your life:

Forcing your ideals on them will not bring your partner back. Instead of dreaming about how your relationship was – be realistic. All relationships have their issues, and if your loved one is no longer with you, then there is a specific reason for this that is standing between you and them. You must remove this obstacle between you both, by accepting them and the choices that they have made.

Be reassuring to them, that you accept their choices even if you don’t necessarily think that the choice is the correct one for you both. Let them know that after all that you have shared, you will still support them and that you wish them to be happy no matter what. Breaking off from them and creating distance at this crucial point is the worst thing that you can do and should be avoided. Do you utmost to maintain friendship with them. See the relationship as going through yet another rough patch – This one is a tough one to deal with, but you are still a team in some sense. Let your continued friendship guide you through the new unknown that lies ahead. Just because you are no longer officially together, does not mean that all ties should be cut.

Patience at this point becomes the name of the game. Provided you maintain a good friendship and do not force your wishes, there is a good chance that you can resolve the obstacle that stands in your way, and in doing so bring back the love of your life. This may take weeks, months or even years, so be prepared for this. If you truly believe in them, then the reward of maintaining the friendship should at least be worth the time. This also gives you a good opportunity to focus more on yourself, and address any aspects of your character that you wish to improve. Times like these don’t come often, so make good use of the chance to become a new and better you.

Some Tips to Meet the Woman of Your Dreams

Too many guys stress out over meeting women when it should be a fun and enjoyable experience. This stress stems from the fact that they really have no idea where to start or where to maximize their chances of meeting someone they can really connect with. Indeed, self improvement books and tapes can help a guy improve his inner game, but if he doesn’t have the opportunity to interact with women, what’s the use? Here are some meet single woman tips that will help you meet someone special:

1) Be clear on your expectations. What kind of relationship are you looking for? This will affect your tactics and goals. If you just want a pickup, for instance, you’ll go to different places and do different things than if you want a long term relationship.

2) Know your own interests, and go to places where women with similar interests hang out. This will help you in two ways. In the short term, it will give you conversation starters, something you two share in common and that can help you form a bond. In the long term, if things work out, you’ll be with someone who shares some of your interests.

3) Know your values, and look for a woman who shares them. You don’t want to find someone who believes the total opposite of you in money, politics, children, religion, etc. While it may be stimulating to have arguments at first with your girl, it will eventually get old.

4) The more time you spend interacting with women, the more likely you are to pick up dates and meetings. Think about it as a numbers game. If 10% of women out there are interested in going out with you, you need to meet 10 just to have that chance of meeting that one. Thus, sitting in your home all day won’t get the job done – get yourself out there.

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