How To Woo And Seduce A Woman

How to seduce a woman? It can be quite a challenge, considering women are complicated creatures. However, by following the right steps (and paying close attention to her responses), you won’t have to rely on good looks alone to interest the female gender. Though it helps!

The first thing you must have is confidence. If you cannot see your attractive traits, why would she? Women like confident men who are unafraid and can deal with rejection. It is a common belief that women are attracted to “bad boys” over good guys, but this is not completely true. Women are attracted to the confidence most of those bad boys exude.

Next, talk with her. Appeal to her intellect while helping her enjoy the conversation, as well. Making a woman laugh is key to seduction. However, do not insult her, or anything she enjoys or defends. This will be an instant turn-off. Find out what she is interested in, and try to steer the conversation towards that.

Another crucial step is complimenting her. Every woman enjoys being complimented, but be sincere in your compliments. If you are phony or false in any of your compliments, she will know, and will not respond well. Find something unique about her, and tell her how much you love it. It could be her eyes, her hair, her lips, or pretty much anything. She will see you are being sincere, and she will be flattered and feel appreciated.

Physical contact is also important. Just holding her hand or placing your hand on the small of her back will trigger her passion. When done correctly, physically touching a woman lets her know you’re interested in her for more than a casual friendship.
It does not take anything learn how to seduce a woman. Just follow the guidelines stated above, and you will have appealed to both her mind and body.

Ten Sure-Fire Ways To Keep Your Guy Happy

When you find that seemingly perfect boyfriend, and potential husband, you want to make sure that you don’t do anything that could put your relationship in jeopardy. It is very important to have fun in a relationship and enjoy each other. You must also make sure that you are friends, as well as girlfriend and boyfriend. Some of the most successful couples will tell you that their significant other is also their best friend. All these things are essential and there are various ways to make sure it happens. Here are ten tips to keep your man happy.

1) His stomach should never be forgotten. It’s been said a million times, and that’s because it’s true! The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Feed him regularly with tasty meals and you will always be on his good side.

2) Let him cook once in a while. It’s true that men love to have great home cooked meals made for them, but they also love to grill. Take him out to the backyard and give him the opportunity to show you that he can also make some very impressive food every once in a while. Also, make sure you compliment him on his food. This will give him a huge ego boost.

3) Support his sports addiction. For some unknown reason all men love sports. Some women may not be able to understand it but it is tradition to watch the big game every Sunday. Your man will love it if you watch the game with him. It would be even better if you show how much you care by rooting along with him and trying to understand what is going on. Ask questions about it. Men love talking about sports and they will enjoy explaining to you why the other team deserved a foul on that last play.

4) Don’t be afraid to dress up, or even dress down for him. If you are going somewhere with him make sure you look your best. He will appreciate it and feel like spending time together is a special occasion to you, instead of just another day. Also, don’t hesitate to put on your sexiest lingerie when the time is right.

5) Talk to your man. Your boyfriend is not playing dumb when he acts like he doesn’t know how you feel. Men legitimately do not understand woman. Tell him how you are feeling if you want him to know. Explain it in a way he can relate to it.

6) Watch out for PDA. You do not want to be too lovey dovey in public. Holding hands is usually fine, but any more can sometimes cause problems. It’s not because he doesn’t want to be close to you, but because men think they need to “look tough in front of the guys.”

7) Kiss him when you can. Men do love to be kissed by their girl, just not in front of his friends. Surprise him by kissing him all over whenever you get the chance. You can even get scientific on this one. Kissing causes endorphins to be released. More endorphins make men want to get to know you better, so if you’re in the mood to talk, you can start by kissing.

8.) Hold him. Men are supposed to hold their women and keep them safe, but sometimes he may want to be held too. Holding your man is a way of telling him that you are hanging on to him and do not want to let go. It makes him feel important and very loved.

9) Live your own life. Men do not want you to depend on them completely. They want a woman who can survive on her own. So, keep your friends, explore your interests, participate in activities, basically just have fun. Men will appreciate an independent woman.

10) Make him feel important. Boost his ego. One way to do this was already discussed, complimenting him on his cooking, but there are many ways to make him feel like the special man he is. Laugh at his jokes. He’s a typical man so he will probably make a lot of them. Laugh at them even if their dumb because it makes him feel like he made you happy. If he is “the one” than he will love making you happy, so give him the benefit of the doubt.

Now that you have found the right man, and you have read and studied these ten tips, it’s time to go make your man happy. All you have to do is follow this list and you will have a successful and fun relationship.

Kaitlyn Jovanovski is a professional matchmaker and the owner of Instant Checkmate Dating. She has been in the matchmaking business for over five years and has successfully matched hundreds of couples. Learn more about Kaitlyn’s Instant Checkmate Dating service on her website

Online Dating Tips and Meeting in Person

The world of online dating is exploding like never before and there are more relationships starting over the Internet than ever. There are people meeting online right now and laying the groundwork necessary to establish a connection that could grow into something else. It’s important to stay focused if true love is your ultimate goal because there are a lot of distractions when it comes to online dating. But if you remember to take things slow, and you have a healthy perspective about the situation you could find yourself meeting someone in real life in no time. And when that moment comes you could be filled with stress and anxiety, but it can be incredibly thrilling at the same time. Here are some basic online dating tips for when you finally get to meet that special person in real life.

Take things slowly – even if you have been e-mailing back and forth for quite some time it’s important to understand that an online persona is often different than what a person is in real life. When a person is online, they can be a bit braver than they usually are, or they might fudge the facts a little bit when it comes to certain details. You also have to consider that you might have built them up into something different entirely, and a lot of what you know about them actually comes from your own head. This is not to say the date is going to be some surprising disaster, but you have to be realistic about the situation as well.

Remember it’s just a date – even if you have started a relationship online, once you agree to meet in person it pretty much turns into a regular dating situation. That means that first date tips apply, and in many aspects you are starting from zero. You still have to worry about making a great first impression and that’s usually done by showing up on time, dressing well for the occasion, and being on your best behavior. Remember, you can’t rely on Internet websites to do all of the work for you. Once you are face-to-face then you have to kick into real-life date mode and be on your game if you want to establish any type of chemistry.

The Basics of a First Date

If you find yourself at the end of a date alone and facing rejection, it could be because you’ve made a mistake. First dates are not easy to pull off. You want to impress the other person while having a good time, all the while your heart is beating a mile a minute. But you should always take some time to stay aware and survey the situation. Be yourself, but also take care not to commit any of these major errors.

A first date is all about the conversation you have. The main point is to get to know one another. So keep to this basic rule and don’t stray too far from normal conversation. That means staying away from talking about your exes and past relationships. Also be weary of engaging in chat with regards to politics or religion. And keep the conversation balanced so that you have a chance to talk, but so does the other person. There’s nothing worse you can do than dominate the conversation, so remember that both of you are on that first date together.

Some people simply try to hard when it comes to the first date. This can be a big mistake because you should never confuse impressing someone with appearing desperate. So leave the huge bouquet of flowers at home and hold off on booking those cruise tickets to Mexico. If done properly, all you have to do is bring yourself and that is enough for a first get together. Dress nicely by all means, but don’t worry about sweeping her off her feet. If there is chemical attraction, this will happen no matter what you do. That’s the great thing about first dates, if you are two soulmates who are destined to be together, then you don’t have to put much effort into it. Finding your true love isn’t easy, but when you’re holding hands with someone perfect for you, you won’t have to work hard at it at all.

Free Online Friend Sites


Free Online Friend Sites

Pen pal sites on the Internet offer free opportunities to make friends that you would otherwise be unable to make. And once you have made those connections you can learn quite a bit from each other. Signing up for an account is the normal process with the added fields to show photos, provide social account details, and possibly your location. Once your account is created, contact new friends is easy to do and you can take the conversions anywhere you like. Some look for International friendships while others search for friends in their hometowns.

Generally these sites are strictly for friendship and not for dating. The process is completely free and you should be somewhat guarded with your personal information and making contact with others to avoid predators and criminals that might be present. Use online services to do background checks on individuals that you think you might want to meet in person after your have established a friendship online.

If you create an account and aren’t getting a lot of messages from potential friends, try improving the information you have listed about yourself. Make sure hobbies, interests, family, marital status, and age are part of your profile. Make your descriptions lively and fun. These services are great for those with little time to meet others outside of work and those that have an interest in foreign cultures. Many students use the services as part of a class to learn about other students across the globe.

Weather you like to stay home, are shy, or prefer to write instead of talking face-to-face, a free online friend sites could be perfect for you. Search Google for the topic and you will be sure to find many social sites that offer these features. You can also utilize the main two social sites, and MySpace for the same purposes.

Using the “Option Limitation” to Maximize you’re Dating Success

Using the “Option Limitation” to Maximize you’re Dating Success

When you are trying to attract women, make sure that you understand what she wants, because most men think that it is all about their look and the content of their wallet. If you happen to ask the girl that you like what she wants, your chances of seducing her will be really small. Furthermore, every woman in the world wants to have a more confident man by her side, so you have to become one. For that reason you will have to learn how to be more attractive and confident, but without becoming arrogant or desperate.

The main thing that you have to do is to make sure that you learn all the psychological tactics and rules, because they are the essential part of the whole seduction game. Furthermore, you will be able to plan the whole seduction game and turn the odds in your favor. One of the best psychological techniques that you will be able to use for that purpose is called option limitation and I can assure you that when you are using it, you will increase the chances of getting any girl that you like by more than 50 percent.

The basics of that procedure is that  you present the girl that you like with more than 1 option, which will cause her to choose the option that is suitable for you. For example if you present the girl with only one option, she is likely to choose something that is quite opposite and you will not be happy at all, but if you present her with 2-3 choices, she is more likely to choose one. Those are the main principals of the human nature and I can assure you that they will work for any girl without exception. It is very important to carefully choose the phrases that you will be using, because if you do not, you will decrease your chances of seducing the girl.

I would like to point out one example of how you will be able to use the “Option Limitation”. Most of the men say “Can I get your number?” which is the perfect way to finish a conversation with a girl. However the option limitation will work, when you say “I would like to get your number and I can call you to have dinner or a coffee tomorrow”. The first example will present the girl with only one option and in most cases, she will reject it. However using the second example you will present her with a choice between good and better, which in most of the cases will allow you to get both the number and set the next date. Make sure that you will use the “Option Limitation” in every possible situation, because it will have an effect for sure. Furthermore, make sure that you will use “or” to separate the choices that you are presenting the girl with, because that way she will subconsciously recognize that you are giving her the freedom to choose.

If you are willing to learn all the tricks that women use, make sure to read GuyGetsGirl, because it is probably the best guide available on the market. Furthermore, with that guide you will learn what some of the best techniques are that you can use to attract and seduce women, without these there is only your looks and financial status. I can assure you that all the techniques that are mentioned in that guide work and you will have a lot better dating experience for sure.