Social Media Vs. Dating Sites Like eHarmoney And OKCupid App

It seems that eHarmony and the OKCupid App are being replaced by Twitter and Facebook. In fact 21% of couples say they connected through social media.

Meeting someone online is happening more often than ever now, especially with the popularity of social networking. Sites such as Twitter and Facebook have given singles an opportunity to find the match of their dreams, despite the numerous online websites dedicated to matchmaking, such as, eHarmony and the OKCupid App. However, many analysts believe that there is no need for these online dating sites to worry because the online dating industry in the U.S. is expected to experience phenomenal growth by 2016. This suggest a larger market with plenty of space for many players.

The interesting part about couples meeting on Twitter and Facebook, rather than a website that is meant specifically for dating, is that it is easier for potential partners to be able to get to know one another on a level that is more genuine and sincere. According to some studies, when people meet on social networking websites, there is a better opportunity to get more revealing information about a person’s character. Of course, another great advantage with social networking is that it is free.

OKCupid App
OKCupid App

A recent study suggests that in the time period 2005 to 2012, approximately 21% of people who met each other online and eventually got married, actually found each other through social networking sites. Interestingly, the same percentage of marriages resulted from people who meet in school in an offline environment.

Jeff Hall, an expert on different styles of flirting, from the University of Kansas, noted that this often took place without drawing much attention. The author discovered that many of these marriages had roots in older forms of social network sites, such as MySpace and Participants in this study discovered that they were able to take advantage of a more natural setting for meeting and getting better acquainted with potential partners when they used free social networking websites rather than the “awkward” or “too direct” approach offered by online dating services.

Tinder The Love Phone App

Looking for love around your area or where you live? It’s been known worldwide that a lot of people live their lives without truly fulfilling their desire to be loved and love someone else in return. Well I am here to announce a new application on the Android platform supported on the Google Play store known as Tinder.

The app is the new way people across the world can meet up with new people, it’s really great with its functions of knowing who like you or someone close by that is interested in you. A connection can be made though the span of the connection can’t be foretold as it totally depends on both people meeting each other and enjoying the first sighting. Experts have confirmed the fact that the application at least has solved the problem of meeting someone that would be interested in you according to ones preferences.

Tinder App

Below are few interesting features of the Tinder application that makes it quite an alluring app. Tinder lets you know about someone around or nearby that also has the app.  According to preferences, it automatically anonymously likes or makes a pass at that person for you. Tinder also gives you the opportunity to chat or make passes back at anyone who has liked your profile.

It’s worth noting at this point that Tinder can only be registered or logged in to using ones Facebook account. Tinder is a very addictive application the way it connects individuals from a wide list of available acquaintances around your stated location. The New York Times reports everyone is talking about it. The Huffington Post has described the app Tinder as a verb that the popular name of the application has become an action.

Dating has become much easier with the app as it covers the nervousness found among certain individuals who cannot come out on the open to profess how they truly feel about someone or anyone at all. Preferences are taken into consideration when making choices on Tinder as the app sticks precisely to the choices of each individual. It works with the preferences in regards to age and certain factors that have been set up. Therefore selectively eliminating odds that would go against the relationship working out. Tinder is a more relationship centered app, as it does not encourage meet-ups and sex only meetings, like certain apps already existing.

3 Things To Understand About Online Dating

Online Dating is more than just creating a profile and waiting for dates to roll in.  Sure, you can do it that way, but you results might be a bit underwhelming.  Just like with anything in life, you’ll get the most out of online dating if you put a lot into it from the beginning.  If it sounds like hard work, it shouldn’t!  First and foremost, online dating is meant to be fun.

But if you want to have fun and fall in love, there are a few things you should understand about online dating.

  1. It’s not a quick fix.  Many times, when someone gets out of a serious relationship, they automatically sign up for online dating because they think that it is the fast track to falling in love again.  People sign up online and then expect the person of their dreams to email them right away, arrange a first date and drive off into the sunset together.  It doesn’t work that way, unfortunately…wouldn’t it be awesome of it did?  Sure, you might find your next partner online, on your first day of being on the site, but that’s more the exception, not the rule!
  2. There is no guarantee.  Sure, some sites might offer a guarantee, but all that really means is you’ll get part of your money back if you’re unsatisfied.  But there is never any guarantee that you’ll find love online.  Just like when you walk into a bar on a Friday night, you never know who is going to be there, who is going to be interested, or who is even going to make the first move.  Same with online dating.  Putting yourself out there online, and being a participant in the online dating community will certainly raise your chances, but always remember that just because you’ve created a profile and paid some money, it doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed to find the love of your life.  But trying is better than not trying at all!
  3. Not everyone online is shady.  Even though most single people in the world right now are online dating, there is still a stigma when it comes to online dating.  It’s one thing to be cautious, it’s another to come into the online dating world with a complete negative attitude.  Online dating isn’t any different from meeting someone at a restaurant, at a party or even at the gym…and it’s even better since you can do it from the comfort of your own home.  Are there sketchy characters online? Sure! But that can be said for anywhere in the world, so don’t close yourself off from this great dating tool without giving it a fair go.

Armed with this knowledge, you’re ready to go! Have fun and happy online dating!

We Love Dates is a worldwide online dating site and popular blog.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Dating

There were times in the past that online dating was a thing that people didn’t really talk about. There was somehow a stigma attached to online dating, and people who engaged in it were often met with disapproval or criticism. However, as the public is now more attuned to the benefits of various social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, the idea of forging personal connections through online methods are become more acceptable and no longer strange.

If you are one of those people who might be wondering what individuals get from online dating, you would certainly want to know the benefits and risks of the business. With the information at hand, you’ll also be able to decide if virtual dating suits you or not.


  • The numerous number of personalities scattered in the internet is something no one can deny. If you are single and ready to mingle, you’ll be able to find different kinds of persons through virtual dating. Apart from that, there is certainly someone you’ll find compatible with through the use of matching services who set parameters and match you up with your desired qualities and characteristics.
  • If you have a sense of adventure, and are looking to expand your exposure to different people that you might otherwise not be able to meet, through online daring you can count on meeting someone who is a different race, religion, creed, belief and sexual orientation.
  • You are able to save and manage your time. Whether you are really busy or not, the services rendered by dating websites are really catered to help those who seem lack time in the romance department. With just a few forms to fill out, a few tests to take and a profile to update, and a few clicks, you are on your way to meeting the partner of your dreams.  Clearly, you don’t have to waste your time in dating others. Additionally you are also able to save time because someone else invests their time to finding a better match for you.
  • There’s no need to worry about rejecting someone and of being rejected because that’s just the way it is in online dating. It’s easier to accept failure in front of the computer than in front of that person. Similarly, it is simpler to be frank and brutal via the exchange of messages in the internet than in person.


  • Over time, you would certainly want to meet the man or woman of your dreams. However, in some cases, you will find certain factors like geographical distance as something that leaves you with no choice at all but to start the search anew. Although there are others who were able to successfully manage long-distance relationships, if this is not for you then you have better stick to local connections.
  • Safety becomes an issue especially when personal information is sometimes divulged either by the user or the website. While there are those sites that warn their users or offer schemes to help the users, at times, predators are just that good and convincing.
  • When you engage in online dating, there’s no way you will be able to verify the information given to you by your prospect. It is undeniable and based on concrete studies taken, a significant number of users lie about their physical stature from the height to the weight.

However, while online dating do have certain disadvantages, it remains to be a promising possibility for most people. After all, finding a relationship is really complicated—whether online or in real-life. The ability to judge character and tell lies from truth are good skills to have whenever dealing with someone on a romantic basis.

The author writes on behalf of SendOnlineFax. Click here to learn about online fax services for business.

Finding Your Perfect Match: Guide to Online Dating

A lot of individuals find online dating to be a convenient and comfortable way to find the person they will love for the rest of their lives. If you intend to find your luck and fate and you wish to try online dating, then you need to consider these important guidelines.

Identify the type of assistance that you want

Normally, there are five online dating services offered, and all you need to do is to pick the one that will work best for your purpose. The online services you want are as follows: Online Dating Services, Relationship Services, Facebook Services, Specialized Dating Services and Merging Online Dating Services. By choosing the most appropriate service for your needs, you will definitely have a good and quick time in searching your match.

Follow the Online Dating Security measures

As soon as you have registered for a specific service, it is vital to take safety into consideration. You need to study the safety guidelines found on the websites or within various dating magazines in order to know the things you need to know during the online dating process. Use common sense: you don’t need to provide your date with potentially sensitive personal details like phone numbers. Remember, you need to trust your gut instinct or intuition when judging character in cases like this.

Formulate a winning profile

Your profile must be positive, enjoyable and vibrant. This will help you attract various individuals and potential dates. If you have no idea how to do this, study other profiles and take notes on ones that capture your attention so you can do the same for yours.

Post good photos

While doing research, the first thing that you tend to look for is the photos. This is quite common for many individuals. You do need to impress with your natural looks. Post decent and neat photos in order to establish a good first impression and attract decent individuals. When taking photos, remember to match a good outfit with the right hairstyle and look.

Be communication-efficient

Online dating entails good communication skills. You might have the perfect looks, but if you can’t say anything substantial or interesting whenever you open your mouth, that will definitely count against you. Knowing what to say and how to say it and at the right time is important. Remember, you need to set the mood and atmosphere and gain your date’s interests. Talk about some interesting yet reasonable topics; common interests are always a good place to start.

Be sincere all the time.

When giving out details to your date, remember to always be honest and sincere. Avoid exaggerating or stating things that never happened to you as you are trying to build up the trust. After all, if a connection develops into a deep and meaningful relationship, you don’t want to jeopardize it with your indiscretions.

Consider these guidelines so that you can have a great time dating online.

College Girls: Don’t Fall for a Player!

When you are in college, you are probably faced with the decision to date someone. Dating is something that can be pretty hard. Once you’ve met someone that you like though, it can be very easy to get caught up in the moment and want to be with someone for the long haul. He might be perfect in every way, he knows what to say, what to wear, and you want him all to yourself. But, you need to be wary of a guy like that, how do you know that he isn’t just a player, looking to “get some”? Sure, it might a damper on your romantic thoughts, but you don’t want to be crushed by a guy because he is a player. Here are some signs that the guy you might be crushing on is a player.

  1. He has a lot of girl friends. It’s fine for a guy to have girls that are friends. Don’t you have guy friends? But, when he’s got so many girl friends that they seem to completely overshadow your relationship with him, you need to take a step back and evaluate.
  2. He’s different with his friends. Sure, everyone acts differently when they are with their friends, but if your guy is completely opposite, you need to understand why.
  3. He’s very cocky. It’s fine for a guy to be comfortable with who he is, but many players are extremely confident, it’s sign he’s a player.
  4. He doesn’t ask you about your life. Many players don’t seem to care about anyone other than themselves. If your guy isn’t asking about you, but is more interested in making out―you’ve got a problem.

  5. He texts you at all hours of the night. Sure, it might be cute to get a morning text from him, but if you are getting texts at 3 or 4 in the morning, chances are he’s out doing something. Ask him why he needs to text you at those crazy hours in the night.

If the guy that you like has these qualities, drop him like he’s hot! It’s better to get out of a relationship now rather than “waiting it out”. It’s only going to break your heart when he decides that he’s on to something new. Arm yourself with this knowledge and find a guy that isn’t a player and is a great guy.


About the Author
Neltje Anny is a writer for My Colleges and Careers is a great site for you if you are interested in getting enrolled in one of the many online MBA programs.