The Perfect Blind Date – How To Plan For Success

So many people are very cautious about going on a blind date. Maybe it is because of how dangerous the world can be or maybe people are just too scared to live a little. Some people think that some people only go on blind dates because they are unattractive or cannot get a date otherwise.

If you do not know what a blind date is, it is a date where either party is unaware of what the person looks like and they do not know another about the other person. Sometimes you might not even know what the persons name is if they used fake names online or something. This could have been setup in multiple ways. Some which include dating agencies or by friend or family members.

There are many locations you can choose to have a blind date. Most often it would be setup as a dinner date because it is mostly all about getting to know the person in a setting where there is not much distraction and it is not dark so you can see one another.

You could go on a date completely blind however it would be best if the two people have at least spoken on the phone or maybe messaged each other online. This is fairly important so you can at least get all the dumb questions out of the way first and you have an idea of what this person likes. This is when you would want to agree on the place to go and find out what type of food the person likes so you can agree on a venue that both seem to like. You could arrange the meeting time or maybe even pick her up for the date. It is never a good idea to show up late on a blind date. The person is going to immediately feel like they were stood up. While you were talking to them the first time it would have been a good idea to come to an agreement that you would are both going to dress semi-casual so that you can still dress nice but not too flashy as to out do the other person. Dress well enough to impress but not too formal. No one wants to be seen with a slob…unless you are a slob of course.

When you finally do meet you should greet each other. I think a hug is appropriate however, just a light hug, and pay her some nice compliment. If you decided to pick her up in your vehicle you can still give her a light hug but do hold the door for her. Give her a compliment after you get in the car. Chivalry is not dead! Of course some women do not like men holding doors but 90% of the time it is a good idea to do it and find out. Ask questions about each other and let her go first. Be sure to listen at the same time and don’t forget to let yourself laugh and have fun. Fun and laughter are the key ingredients to having a perfect date. Two people can really hit it off even though they just met.

Ending the date can be tricky sometimes. You never want to overstep your boundaries however if you have a good time and seemed to click then you should offer her a ride home, tell her how much fun you had on the way and then walk her to her door. It’s not hard to tel if you should go for that goodnight kiss.

If you follow these steps then you will have a good time and hopefully he or she will want to see you again on another date. Maybe a movie this time in a darker setting! Good luck!

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Online Dating Overview – General Dating Advice

Every aspect of human life typically evolves at some point and the realm of dating is no different. We have seen many things change when it comes to dating. The world of social media and the age of internet have changed the means by which we have to reach a different mass of people than we typically could. What this does is open an entirely new and exciting set of possibilities for what you are looking for or what you can find. This adds many beneficial abilities to the ones who may have suffered in other forms of dating for one way or another. Some traits are less important and some flaws less noticeable when everything is done via email, or IM.

That’s not to say that this new era hasn’t come with its own set of obstacles. This onslaught of social media has brought forth its own depression: the “Social Media Depression.” This is brought on typically by the days and days of no profile traffic or perhaps a low friend count. The key to remember is everyone is different and that’s a fact of life. Believe me, you should have no envy because someone has more virtual friends than you; there are many things to be envious for, but this just simply isn’t one. The advantages of online dating however are far greater than the disadvantages as long as you set your expectations at a correct level. What we are here to help provide whether its general dating advice or something more deeper that you need.

Many people have asked me, how do I succeed at online dating? The answer to this question is very similar to the one of general dating. Woman still find the same things attractive as do men. The way you deliver these things has changed, however. Instead having a great line prepared when at the club, all the introductions are provided by your user profile. This basically sums up all of your good points, and maybe the bad ones, and puts it into an easy to determine sample. The key to online dating is properly managing the opportunity of your profile.

Your profile can be your single greatest strength or weakness, if you so choose it to be. This is the first thing that someone sees when they view you in the listings. Some people just throw a profile together to get one on the site. This often leads to absolute failure in an online dating community. The way to think about it is if you were car shopping and seen nothing but busted up cars, would you begin to look deeper? The answer is more than likely not. Potential daters are no different. If they don’t like what they see on the profile they are not likely to take you serious or dig deeper. This is why the profile is so important. It is your single greatest chance to make a unique impression to someone and scream “I AM who you are looking for.”

The first thing you should begin to ponder when creating an online dating profile is what you are looking for in a person. Do want something long or short term? What’s more important to you: physical or emotional traits? Which traits within those categories are most important to you and why? What are things that your potential match must have before you could be fully satisfied in the selection you made? Write these things down as these will be the most important things when building your profile. After this, begin to work on your own traits. What makes you unique, your hobbies, or your own character should all be deciding factors of what your side of the profile will appear as.

Many people make the mistake of adding too many personal describing adjectives such as I’m very outgoing, I’m very understanding, and I’m down to earth. While these may be great, over using them will appear as if you are trying to sell yourself on words alone and not actual character. Someone can say they are down to earth, but what makes them that way? This is the challenge of creating a profile that will grab a reader’s attention and hold it firm. To do this, you must prioritize your greatest traits and spin them into a form that is going to grasp attention. So, instead of just describing yourself with these adjectives, list things and situations that make you a very outgoing or very understanding person. The general concept is to spot things you must avoid while dating online and stay away,

Another common mistake people make is during the listing of hobbies. The key is you want to set yourself apart from others. Do this by viewing your competition and doing some research. If you’re 24 and you find that almost all 24 year old women like to ride four-wheelers, it generally isn’t a good idea to make that your highlight hobby. You will appear as if you are just like every else in your “group.” After you have done your research, think of things that you enjoy doing that may be more interesting than what the competition is selling. For example a girl that is very into playing Xbox online I find as unique in her particular category. While not everyone sees that as unique, I find it very intriguing for the simple fact that through the life of online dating, I find very few females who openly put that out as a hobby and promote it.

Photo selection in the online dating community is a lot more critical than what most people consider it. One of the most common questions asked from my female counterparts is “Why do I only attract scum or perverts?” Yet when I view their profile photo, it seems as an open invitation to these types of people. In general even if you have it to show off, do not put so much cleavage in your photo as if to say “Insert pervert card here!” You want to appear generally happy and full of energy while remaining professional. The way you carry yourself in a photo says heaps about whom you are and what is important to you. A professional photo says that you are accomplished as a person and you care about yourself and your future.

Once you have your profile, how do you increase traffic to it? One of the easiest ways is simply playing the numbers game. Send out a message to every single person that matches your criteria in a person. The more people you reach out to the odds of getting traffic back is much higher. Look at it this way: when launching a marketing campaign, is a firm going to target only a few people? No, they are going to target as many as they can and only if a portion come to the surface they still win because of the large group they targeted. When you do get messages try your best to respond as this will increase your overall visibility on the site and make you seem much more like an active member in the community. Sometimes it is ok to venture outside of what you are interested in for the simple fact that everyone stumbles when writing an online profile. The person you are messaging is no different; maybe they have greater qualities they just couldn’t put into words for their profile.

As with any new goal you try to tackle, ensure yourself that you are setting reasonable expectations. Never create a profile and expect in the first week to go on 3 dates; it just doesn’t happen that way. What your expectations are of online dating will greatly dictate whether you succeed or fail. If your expectations are in the mediocre range then you are much more likely to see the results you want in a given time frame. If you set your goals to high however more than likely it will take them longer to develop, therefore leading you to become more and more frustrated when it doesn’t happen fast. We are a nation of wanting immediate results and it’s evident in everyday life and marketing campaigns. Do not let this kind of mindset drift over into your mindset of online dating. Keep in mind that this is a marathon and not a sprint. Set reasonable expectations and stay dedicated to what you decided on as it will benefit you greatly in the long run.

After you have established what you feel to believe a sound profile and correct expectations if you are still not getting any traffic, it may be time to either revaluate your traffic methods or your profile in general. Perhaps you can try different things to get traffic to your profile but if still no success, it is time to dig deeper into your profile. At some point you will most likely have to reevaluate your expectations and perhaps change them. For instance, if the one thing I have to have in a potential dater is a very modest attitude but simply no one in the community has one, maybe I need to adjust that some to better meet what is in the community. Never be afraid to change what you expect out of something simply due to the fact that your mindset changes, typically, on a daily basis. Now, I’m not saying change your profile every day. You should give what you have enough time to develop and attract people. If you don’t, you will find yourself in a never ending cycle of trying to recreate a profile when you don’t even know what the starting products potential was because you didn’t let it develop.

Even though online dating presents many new and unique challenges it can still be a great experience for someone who hasn’t attempted it yet. Online dating isn’t for everyone. Some people still prefer to do it the old fashion way and there is nothing wrong with that. If you are struggling, focus on your profile and how it looks to someone who may be interested in you. When you do these things effectively, it can increase your chances of success exponentially.

Call the Nanny, It’s Time to Start Dating Again

Call the Nanny, It’s Time to Start Dating Again

Dating is hard at any age. When you’re a teen, it’s awkward and uncomfortable; when you’re in college, it might too often consist of loud parties, overindulging and regrets; and when you’re an adult, it often feels desperate and hopeless. Many single parents are reluctant to reenter the world of dating. Single parents must be sure they feel emotionally ready before they begin looking for ways to squeeze dating into an already packed schedule. With a little pep talk and some smart strategies, single parents might be pleasantly surprised at what they find when they call the nanny in to finally get out and start dating again.

Give Yourself a Pep Talk

You might be feeling a little insecure about yourself, given the negative feelings no doubt lingering after your previous relationship. Remind yourself of all the good qualities that make you a great parent as well as a great person. Make a list of all the reasons anyone would be lucky to have you, and believe them. Speak positively to yourself, and avoid put-downs and other negative self-talk. The best way to attract a confident and likeable date is to exhibit these traits yourself.

Spill the Beans Immediately

When you find someone you would like to date, be honest and up-front about your children. Best to avoid gushing or spending the entire date talking about them, but make sure your date knows that you have kids and that you are crazy about them. As the relationship progresses, you can begin to let him or her know more about your precious offspring, if he turns out worthy to share your most precious assets with.

Be Honest with the Kids

Avoid lying to your children about the dates you are going on. However, don’t give them every detail. Tell your kids you are feeling lonely and want to meet new people and that it’s important to spend time with your adult friends every once in a while. Do not introduce your kids to any date unless you are certain it will be a lasting relationship. They don’t need the emotional roller coaster that finding a good romantic relationship can be.

When things get serious and you have found yourself a keeper, gradually introduce your special friend into your children’s lives by inviting him or her on an outing you’d all enjoy or to your home for a pizza party. Keep it gradual and slow, inviting him or her more often over time. It may be hard, especially if you are crazy about your new found love, but it’s best if your kids get to know how fabulous your new friend is slowly. It’s a shock to them when you suddenly have a new companion with you all the time.

Getting out into the dating world means you’ll need more help with the kids than you did before. If you don’t have friends or family to help, finding good people to fill nanny jobs is the next step. Find the right nanny for your needs at

How to Be Romantic

Raising kids and holding down a job can put a damper on anyone’s love life, but these tips on how to be romantic are designed as simple suggestions for rekindling a bit of the old passion. And even if you’re not married with children, you’ll find the ideas listed below worth trying out.

Five Suggestions for Being Romantic

Give Flowers – Guys will usually do this for Valentine’s Day, but giving flowers for no reason is even more romantic. There are a number of services that specialize in delivering roses, but bringing them yourself can be even more meaningful.

Frequent Eye Contact – Try staring into the eyes of your partner without saying a word. This simple gesture can speak volumes.

Doing Chores – While it may not be sexy, helping out around the house can be a romantic gesture in its own right.

Saying “I Love You” – When your partner least expects it, lean over and whisper “I love you.” When it comes to being romantic, there’s nothing more powerful than those three little words.

Candlelight – Atmosphere and romance often go hand in hand, so turn off the lights and fire up some candles.

More Tips for Increasing the Romance in Your Life

Poetry – Writing your partner a heartfelt love poem is a great way to express your emotions. If you run into too many problems, you can always recite works from the masters. I suggest Lord Byron and Shakespeare.

Unexpected Kisses – Getting kissed is popular with either gender, so surprise your partner with a kiss on the neck or mouth. One short kiss could lead to many more.

Holding Hands – We all held hands with our date when we were teenagers, but who says you have to stop when you’re an adult?

Steamy Movies – If there are no kids around, curl up on the sofa and pop in a steamy DVD to set the mood. I suggest films such as Body Heat and Wild Things.

The Power of Music – Have you ever put together a compilation of romantic songs for your significant other? Try it again and see what happens. Nostalgia can be a powerful tool.

Everyone has an idea of how to be romantic, but they often forget to follow through. I hope the tips in this article can serve as a gentle reminder of how easy it can be. The next time you’re alone with your significant other, give one or more of these a try. You may be surprised, and delighted, by what happens next.

Violet Van Cleef writes for the Deliver Roses website. Many of her articles are geared towards people who want to become a florist.

Surviving a Long Distance Relationship with Communication and Understanding

Long Distance Relationship / คิดถึงคนที่อยู่ไกล
Image by AmpamukA via Flickr

Perhaps you have found yourself stuck in a long distance relationship due to your significant other working in a different state, having to go away on a temporary working assignment, leaving temporarily for school, or for other reasons. The fact of the matter is that long distance relationships can be difficult. Relationships are built on communication and understanding, but what happens when you can only communicate via the phone? Skype may be an option but the reality is that nothing compares to spending quality time with one another in the flesh.

Unfortunately if you are not a phone or Skype person you have to work extra hard to keep the love alive. You have to learn how to not take comments personally and instead letting things roll off your back. Having the option of kissing and making up is not an option in a long distance relationship. If you argue you have to work it out by talking verses taking a drive and holding one another’s hand, assuring one another everything is alright. Long distance relationships can be challenging, but here is a list of ideas that will hopefully make your relationship go smoother and long lasting.

  1. When a misunderstanding arises, ask for clarification. Instead of assuming that your love is meaning one thing, ask them what you thought they were implying instead of starting an argument. You may be pleasantly surprised that they didn’t mean it the way it came out. Being patient and understanding will make the world of a difference when you are unable to bridge the gap with physical touch or spending time with one another.
  2. Make plans to see one another as often as your schedules allow. Having plans to look forward to make the time go a lot quicker when you are missing your significant other. If you can squeeze in a concert, a restaurant you’ve been dying to try, or a movie you’ve really wanted to see, creating a memory is a great way to make the precious moments last when you do get to spend some time with your significant other.
  3. If you are bad at picking up the phone, schedule a phone date with your boyfriend or girlfriend every night so you can be sure that you are staying up to date with one another. Letting one another know how your day went, what is coming up in the coming days, and what you are excited or frustrated about in the present moment will create a tighter bond and help you grow closer together. Plus your relationship will be stronger than ever because it will be built on communication and not just physical intimacy.
  4. Keep the love and trust alive by staying honest. If you keep things from the person you love, how is the trust and love supposed to stay alive? Being open, honest, and communicating your thoughts is the best way to help a relationship succeed.

These tips should hopefully make the time go by quickly and help you look forward to a wonderful time that you will be hopefully spending with your loved one soon. Being away is no fun, but can you imagine the memories you will create when you are together again? If you have the option to bridge the distance by moving or taking another job, that is the best option, but sometimes a long distance relationship cannot be helped. So take a deep breath, put both feet in, and do your best to communicate and create a long distance relationship worth keeping.

An ocean dreamer at heart and in real life, Sierra Greenman thrives on visiting and living near the beach and could never imagine herself anywhere else. She recently ventured out into the freelance world and now is a Freelance Writer and Social Media Specialist and absolutely loves it. Writing about fashion and style are one of her many passions. You can also find Sierra at her blog Ocean Dreams and follow her on Twitter @oceandreams4u. She also is a featured fashion blogger for and her e-mail is [email protected] if you want to say hello!

What To Wear on The First Date

What you want on the first date is to be subtle while also keeping in mind that first impressions count a lot. Going for something sassy and stylish is always good for a hot first date. Outfits you can wear include a sexy skirt and well fitted cashmere sweater, a nice dress with an agora wrap or even the ever classic white shirt and jeans. Just be sure not to overdo the make-up or perfume.

You need to realize that men also like using their imagination so leave them something to fantasize about. Showing too much will just take the fun away and being sexy is more than just about what you are showing off, no matter how hot you look. Don’t try too hard and just be natural.

Skip on the sleaze

Even if you are tempted to grab his attention fast by dressing naughty, you won’t keep it for long after he sees everything as early as the first date. Try dressing peekaboo style using items such as slit skirts, crocheted sweaters or sheer tops over a tank, these leave something for the imagination as well.

The reason behind this is that men just adore soft fabrics like angora and cashmere. So protect yourself from cold weather while pleasing your guy too by wearing a cashmere throw or angora shrug. Any outfit that subtly shows your curves is a winner, like a white shirt or a pencil skirt that gently hugs your behind.

Choose something that expresses who you are

No matter what you wear it should enhance the way you look and never make you look worse. Whether it’s the latest trend or something really funky you’re in the mood to wear, only wear it if you’re sure you can pull it off. If it doesn’t make you look any better just don’t wear it. A perfect example would be hipsters, while they might be in the trends if you have ample hips you really don’t need any more attention drawn to them. Instead try a dress or a top that doesn’t cling to your hips.

When it comes to accessories you need to choose something that will really make you stand out, like a groovy pin or your lucky charm bracelet, make sure your accessories reveal more about who you really are. Here’s some advice on choosing the right ones:

  • Choose some that are your favorite color, colors tell a lot about a personality
  • Try wearing a piece of jewelry that has sentimental value
  • Try a familiar style of dressing and improve upon it a little

Don’t show too much flesh

Research shows that the perfect percentage of flesh to expose is around 40%, as women who showed off this amount were found to be the most attractive to men. The study carried out by Leeds University in the United Kingdom reveals a few simple rules, for example showing skin up top means it’s best to cover it up in the bottom half. A good choice for staying in the 40% rule would be a short mini dress with long sleeves.

When all else fails simplicity is the answer. The classic little black dress will make any figure look good and picking the right accessories can enhance that even further. Throw in some mid-height heels and you are ready for an exciting first date.

This article has been contributed by Aishwarya Vohra from Offshore Ally. She is one of the many talented virtual assistant and link builders of the company. She has various interests ranging from fitness to music. Connect with her via Twitter.