How to Make a Good Online Dating Profile

If you’re looking for love online, you want to make sure you put your best foot forward. Don’t worry, you won’t need to hire the best web design Philadelphia has to offer to make you a custom website; there are plenty of online dating services available to you. All you need to do is set up a profile.

There are a few tricks and tips for making the most of your online dating profile. Follow them, and you can be confident your profile shows your best side.

Photographs are Essential

It’s important to let your prospective dates know what you look like. After all, physical attraction is an important part of a romantic relationship.

While it can be tempting to choose your very best photographs, a more natural approach can often be better at showing the real you. A photograph from 5 years ago can lead to unrealistic expectations!

Include at least one photograph of your face and one full-body shot. Pick photos that reflect your personality and interests. Think about it: wouldn’t you prefer for your prospective dates to be up-front and honest about their appearance?

Make it Clear What You are Looking for

Online dating sites are used by all kinds of people looking for all kinds of things, from friendship to a causal one-night stand to a long-term relationship. Being clear about your expectations and desires will save wasted time on both your part and that of prospective dates. If you have any deal-breakers or must-haves, such as religion, location or age, you should be up-front about those requirements.

Talk about Yourself, But Not Too Much

Your prospective dates will want to know about your personality, your values and your views on life. It’s important to give a taste of these parts of your personality in your profile, perhaps by listing hobbies, interests and so on.

However, going into graphic detail on any aspect of your life can make you seem a bit of a one-trick pony or can turn people off due to “too much information”. The internet can break down inhibitions, but if you wouldn’t say it on a first date, then don’t say it on your profile.

Don’t be self-deprecating, but don’t be overly boastful either. You might be awful at math, but is that really relevant? Similarly, you might be the state champion math problem solver, but going on and on about it will make you seem like you have a big head.

Pay Attention to the Details

Before you save your profile, take a few minutes to read over it. Spelling and grammar errors are a simple thing to fix, so if you don’t bother, it can give a bad impression.

This is a guest post by blogger Mary who blogs on everything from online dating to finding the best web design Philadelphia offers.