Dating Tips for the Unlucky in Love

If you have been searching for that perfect partner for some time now but to no avail, you may be feeling frustrated by the single life. Whilst many people embrace the freedom of being without a significant other, some simply want to share their life with their perfect match; with this in mind the following tips have been created to help you tackle your love life with a fresh and positive approach.

Tip One: Assess your Unsuccessful Dates

There is a fine line between understanding the reasons why your date wasn’t so great and over analyzing every little detail of your time in their company. Whether it was you that put a stop to a second date or them, have a think about why you might not have been suited, such as different interests or beliefs and try to steer away from those sounding similar in character the next time around.

Tip Two: Keep it Casual

A formal setting for a date instantly sets both of you on edge and creates an uncomfortable environment. Most dating experts normally advise you to avoid a lavish dinner on the first couple of dates and it isn’t hard to see why; panicking about what fork to use, getting food stuck in your teeth and worrying about slopping dinner down yourself are just a few reasons why you won’t be able to relax! Organising a coffee date at a café is a much nicer way of getting to know a person  as you can sit in comfy chairs and just have a chat without the waiters intruding and a stiflingly formal atmosphere.

Tip Three: Research Star Signs

Those who are intrigued by astrology may be interested to learn that certain star signs are believed to be better matches than others. Understanding your star sign and theirs could give you an idea of how compatible you will be together, although this is of course not conclusive evidence of whether you are a good match or not! Take a little time to understand what star signs are often best suited to yours and if you are part of a dating community perhaps take this into consideration when arranging another date.

Remain positive by taking a fresh approach to dating through using these top tips and you could be enjoying the company of someone special during those summer events and beyond. Finding love can seem like a daunting task so take each day as it comes and enjoy your freedom in the mean time!

Sophie has written numerous articles on the subject of dating and firmly believes that reading horoscopes together with understanding star signs and taking stock of unsuccessful dates is a place to start when searching for a meaningful relationship.

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Dating in a Foreign Country

Traveling abroad is a unique opportunity to get completely immersed in an entirely new culture.  You have the chance to learn about history, taste traditional foods and beverages, explore city landmarks, and possibly practice a second language.  Why not share this amazing experience with a stud muffin from the area?

Dating abroad can be refreshing and incredibly fun!  That being said, many people are skeptical of foreign flirtation, so I’ve created the following convincing argument:

Why date abroad?

1.  Because the men in your city just aren’t cutting it.  Surrounded by elderly gents?  Military men?  Gangsters?  Move it or lose it, sister!  Get out of town and explore what else the world has to offer.  There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet.  The problem is they’re not all conveniently located within a 60-mile radius.  That would be absolutely terrifying.  Time to set your sights on a new land and a new man!
2.  Visit a foreign city’s hidden gems.  Blend in with the locals at the best pubs, restaurants, stores, and city hot spots that tourists don’t know about.  Yes, you’re probably using your date to be hipster cool in a foreign city, but he’s probably using you to look popular…sooo whatever.
3.  Opportunity to learn and practice a foreign language.  Si, oui, da…that’s what you’ll say when the cute guy asks you out.  In all honesty, dating someone who speaks in a foreign tongue can be the best way to learn a new language.  You pick up on vocabulary quickly, and you begin to perfect the accent.  One of the perks: If you mess up, you don’t get reprimanded; you get kissed.
4.  Learn from the movie thriller Taken.  Without a doubt, there are dangerous, manipulative men everywhere, and they target innocent, female tourists.  Don’t be naïve.  It’s incredibly important to be hyper aware of your surroundings.  Avoid travelling places alone and always let a friend know where you’ll be going.  It is probably a smart idea to meet in a crowded place for your first dinner date.  Good luck.
5.  What’s the worst that could happen?  Chances are you’re in this new place for a limited amount of time.  If you somehow manage to make a disaster out of your date, you can avoid run-ins with the guy for a very, very long time.  Takes a lot of the pressure off!
6.  Great storytelling!  Your friends back home will undoubtedly want juicy details from your travels.  They will absolutely love hearing about your date, and you will enjoy re-living the romance, humor, or drama.
7.  Dating is a great way to meet people anywhere.  No matter the place, you can always enjoy time spent with someone new, interesting, and exciting.  Every date teaches you something—about the place, the person, and/or yourself!
Convinced?  I sure hope so!  Start planning your next adventure abroad and be open-minded about the foreign dating game. You might fall in love with the place or the man…or both.  You can definitely find reasonable flights on travel sights, such as  Don’t forget to use a promo code for Travelocity to save!

Erin Prickett is a dating enthusiast and an experienced traveler.  She spent a summer in Mexico and four months exploring several parts of Europe.  Prickett recommends that you use a promo code for Travelocity to save on your next romantic adventure.

Easy Steps in Using Online Dating Site for Free

Online free dating websites are in abundance but you don’t know how to use them. You would like so much to try their services to meet the girl or boy of your dreams, but you are afraid to start. You may be wary because you might not know how to use the online dating site for free. Here is a step by step process by which you can become a member. These steps may be modified by the online dating site for free. Generally though, these are the major steps for almost all online free dating websites.

Step #1 – Go to Google or Yahoo search engine and type online free dating websites
The search engine will reveal all of the sites. There are paid rankings and there are organic results (unpaid) that would appear according to their popularity. If the online dating site for free is popular it would appear in the first pages. The search engine may indicate if the link is paid or not. Select the organic search engine results because they truly reflect the most popular online free dating websites. Browsing the next pages for other online free dating websites would be a good idea. You may find a wealth of websites there.

Step #2 – Browse as many as you can to know about the online dating site for free features
By browsing each online dating site for free, you can choose correctly the best online dating site for free that would respond to your needs. Search for customers’ reviews to help you in your selecting the best for you. You still have to decide for yourself. You can also look at the track record of the online dating site for free.

Step #3 – Select at least 5 good sites and sign up
Select the 5 excellent online dating sites for free and sign up with them. Reveal as little information of yourself as much as possible. You can supply all information about your hobbies and interests to this online free dating websites but supply minimal information about your complete name, address, cell phone number. Place of work, bank account and similar data. This is to protect you from ill-meaning people.

Step #4 – Start browsing the members area for prospective members
Search and browse as many members as you can of the online free dating websites. Initiate a conversation to get to know them better. Most online free dating websites provide a chat feature where you can talk online to a prospective friend or soul mate.

Step #5 – Follow up on members who spark your interest
Based on your initial conversation or encounter with the online dating site for free, you can then choose whom you would be promoting to a higher level of getting to know each other. You can maximize the use of the online dating site for free and learn more about your prospective partner. You can then go from there and develop friendships or romantic relationships in these online free dating websites.
After you followed the above-mentioned steps, you can then decide to meet in person to take our relationship to a whole new level. Knowing what exactly to do in these online free dating websites will facilitate your endeavor to find a perfect partner in life.

Online Dating Won’t Do’s

Some people expect online dating to be so amazingly surprising. This is where disappointment has often become a product of unreasonable expectations. Well, if you expect online dating to answer all your problems, you surely will be disappointed.

So here are some of things that you shouldn’t expect online dating to do for you:

  1. Alter your bad dating experiences

If you have this habit of dating people who are bad and inappropriate for you, most likely, you’ll find them on the Internet too. Well, the best thing to do is to beat that pattern. Self development, self help and therapy, healing, whatever it is that you’ll need to choose your own method, go ahead! Changing the way you meet people is not in itself perfect to effect psychological changes in you or even the truth behind your previous dating pattern. Simple as how do you know if you have plateau effect, your bad dating experiences needs its own data why. Break out from it by doing new and more personal development.

  1. Be a better person

Don’t expect the mere act of dating online to give you that confidence you’ve always desired. Allow you to be your real self for the first time. Help you get over personal problems you may have. Self improvement is a process and meeting, dating and socializing with different people. Dating needs its own fitness regime. Allow you to meet more people around and learn from them. You’ll need to work on these separately together with you working on your dating experiences.

  1. Lie for long

It’s easier to lie online than in the real world. Unless you’re content and okay speaking to people online that you’ll need to meet your date sooner or later and all those little lies will come out and maybe disappoint you more. Well, they always do! If you’re shorter, older, heavier or, well, more married than you’d been claiming to be, people will find out and they will get angry, scared and even ridicule you.

The Best Places to Flirt at Work

A decade ago you weren’t supposed to have an office romance but today, some companies encourage them, saying that office relationships increase company loyalty and business productivity. As a result, you might see more than just the birds and bees coupling this spring. Instead, you’ll start to notice a few office romances starting to bloom.

However, even though office romances are gaining more acceptance, you still need to act professional. That doesn’t mean that you need to hide your relationship but rather there is a time and place to sneak a minute or two of flirtation.

Here are five great places to flirt with your “colleague” that won’t get you into trouble:

The Kitchen

Food is the way to anyone’s heart – especially your coworkers in the middle of a long day. Consider bringing in a healthy sweet treat on a random day, and then send an email to let your coworkers know there are delicacies in the kitchen. Before you know it, everyone will jump up and gather in the kitchen, giving you an opportune time to chat with your crush.

Remember when you were in high school and a simple “hello” from the captain of the swim team made your day? Same rule still applies; a quick chat could be the pick-me-up you needed to finish up the report you’ve been working on all week.

The Office Copiers

You probably didn’t even realize it but you make your way to the office copiers 10 times a day. Whether you are sending a fax, scanning a document or printing out a report, your business’ copier is a well-visited machine.

As a result, use this machine to your advantage; next time you know you need to print something out, send a quick email to your office crush and tell him or her to print something out too. That way, you have some company as you wait for your documents to print.

Tip: color documents tend to print slower.

The Water Cooler or Coffee Machine

The water cooler and coffee machine save professionals daily. It’s crucial that workers stay hydrated and it’s important that professionals stay awake. So the next time you need a cup of either, wink at your office interest to follow you over to the coffee machine. This will give you an opportunity to catch up on how their day is going.

Likewise, take a break by the water cooler. The most important thing to remember, however, is don’t take too long of a break and don’t put your other responsibilities on the back burner.

Outside the Bathroom

Depending on where your bathroom is located, your walk to the bathroom is a chance to meet up with your office fling. Although not the most romantic idea, it is subtle – the key trait to have in an office romance.

Places NOT to flirt at work

It’s neither professional nor wise to parade your relationship around the office. Yes, everyone might already know about it but that doesn’t mean you should steal kisses in the middle of the lunchroom. In addition, sneaking in a few minutes of flirtation here and there is what makes the relationship exciting.

The two places you should not flirt at work include:

Your Cubicle: You know how distracting it can be to have your coworker on the phone with someone for long periods of time. In the same respect, it’s not the best idea to flirt with someone in front of your neighboring cubicles. It’s distracting as well as unprofessional.

The Lunchroom: You might think that lunchtime is the perfect time to sit down and have a break with your office romance, but in reality, it isn’t. Lunch is the time when you should be socializing with many of your coworkers, not just one. The one thing you don’t want to do at work is seclude yourself from the overall work environment.

You shouldn’t feel guilty about having an office romance but always keep it professional. These five places are good to have a quick chat and won’t take too much time away from your work responsibilities.


Sylvia Rosen is an online writer with a background in newspaper journalism. She enjoys writing about dating, relationships and healthy lifestyles.