How To Woo And Seduce A Woman

How to seduce a woman? It can be quite a challenge, considering women are complicated creatures. However, by following the right steps (and paying close attention to her responses), you won’t have to rely on good looks alone to interest the female gender. Though it helps!

The first thing you must have is confidence. If you cannot see your attractive traits, why would she? Women like confident men who are unafraid and can deal with rejection. It is a common belief that women are attracted to “bad boys” over good guys, but this is not completely true. Women are attracted to the confidence most of those bad boys exude.

Next, talk with her. Appeal to her intellect while helping her enjoy the conversation, as well. Making a woman laugh is key to seduction. However, do not insult her, or anything she enjoys or defends. This will be an instant turn-off. Find out what she is interested in, and try to steer the conversation towards that.

Another crucial step is complimenting her. Every woman enjoys being complimented, but be sincere in your compliments. If you are phony or false in any of your compliments, she will know, and will not respond well. Find something unique about her, and tell her how much you love it. It could be her eyes, her hair, her lips, or pretty much anything. She will see you are being sincere, and she will be flattered and feel appreciated.

Physical contact is also important. Just holding her hand or placing your hand on the small of her back will trigger her passion. When done correctly, physically touching a woman lets her know you’re interested in her for more than a casual friendship.
It does not take anything learn how to seduce a woman. Just follow the guidelines stated above, and you will have appealed to both her mind and body.

Ten Sure-Fire Ways To Keep Your Guy Happy

When you find that seemingly perfect boyfriend, and potential husband, you want to make sure that you don’t do anything that could put your relationship in jeopardy. It is very important to have fun in a relationship and enjoy each other. You must also make sure that you are friends, as well as girlfriend and boyfriend. Some of the most successful couples will tell you that their significant other is also their best friend. All these things are essential and there are various ways to make sure it happens. Here are ten tips to keep your man happy.

1) His stomach should never be forgotten. It’s been said a million times, and that’s because it’s true! The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Feed him regularly with tasty meals and you will always be on his good side.

2) Let him cook once in a while. It’s true that men love to have great home cooked meals made for them, but they also love to grill. Take him out to the backyard and give him the opportunity to show you that he can also make some very impressive food every once in a while. Also, make sure you compliment him on his food. This will give him a huge ego boost.

3) Support his sports addiction. For some unknown reason all men love sports. Some women may not be able to understand it but it is tradition to watch the big game every Sunday. Your man will love it if you watch the game with him. It would be even better if you show how much you care by rooting along with him and trying to understand what is going on. Ask questions about it. Men love talking about sports and they will enjoy explaining to you why the other team deserved a foul on that last play.

4) Don’t be afraid to dress up, or even dress down for him. If you are going somewhere with him make sure you look your best. He will appreciate it and feel like spending time together is a special occasion to you, instead of just another day. Also, don’t hesitate to put on your sexiest lingerie when the time is right.

5) Talk to your man. Your boyfriend is not playing dumb when he acts like he doesn’t know how you feel. Men legitimately do not understand woman. Tell him how you are feeling if you want him to know. Explain it in a way he can relate to it.

6) Watch out for PDA. You do not want to be too lovey dovey in public. Holding hands is usually fine, but any more can sometimes cause problems. It’s not because he doesn’t want to be close to you, but because men think they need to “look tough in front of the guys.”

7) Kiss him when you can. Men do love to be kissed by their girl, just not in front of his friends. Surprise him by kissing him all over whenever you get the chance. You can even get scientific on this one. Kissing causes endorphins to be released. More endorphins make men want to get to know you better, so if you’re in the mood to talk, you can start by kissing.

8.) Hold him. Men are supposed to hold their women and keep them safe, but sometimes he may want to be held too. Holding your man is a way of telling him that you are hanging on to him and do not want to let go. It makes him feel important and very loved.

9) Live your own life. Men do not want you to depend on them completely. They want a woman who can survive on her own. So, keep your friends, explore your interests, participate in activities, basically just have fun. Men will appreciate an independent woman.

10) Make him feel important. Boost his ego. One way to do this was already discussed, complimenting him on his cooking, but there are many ways to make him feel like the special man he is. Laugh at his jokes. He’s a typical man so he will probably make a lot of them. Laugh at them even if their dumb because it makes him feel like he made you happy. If he is “the one” than he will love making you happy, so give him the benefit of the doubt.

Now that you have found the right man, and you have read and studied these ten tips, it’s time to go make your man happy. All you have to do is follow this list and you will have a successful and fun relationship.

Kaitlyn Jovanovski is a professional matchmaker and the owner of Instant Checkmate Dating. She has been in the matchmaking business for over five years and has successfully matched hundreds of couples. Learn more about Kaitlyn’s Instant Checkmate Dating service on her website

Looking For Love? Fix Up, Look Smart!

If you’re looking for love there are a few separate methods you could use to go about it. You can go and hang out in bars every weekend looking for members of the opposite (or the same, it’s all the same to me) sex, you can go to evening classes, speed dating and dating websites. They all have their pros and cons, going to bars means you might meet drunk potential partners, your first meeting is a shouted conversation in the middle of a dance floor and in the morning you can’t remember their name. If you go meeting people at classes you have a common interest but not every-one’s there looking for love and relationships, some are there because they genuinely want to learn so you might put many of your best moves onto some-one who’s happily married with 4 perfect children, a perfect house and job and not even slightly interested in some-one who’s still hungover from going out on the pull the night before.

Dating websites are an interesting blend of the two; people are there because they are interested in making a connection but they’re not drunk, being chased by a herd of other people, deafened by the music or dashing off to the toilet every five minutes.

If you’re savvy in your selection you can find a great deal of people who you might want to meet up with but of course dating sites, just like any other means of meeting new partners, has its drawbacks and pitfalls.

There are the people who use very old photos of themselves, twenty years younger and as many pounds lighter. When they arrive at the date you think they’ve sent their parent in advance to size you up.

Then there are the people who say what they think people want to hear, the caring sensitive guys who have had one previous partner, have their own three bedroom house, a job which pays them several hundred thousand a year along with three holidays. When you meet them they’ve divorced from the only woman who’d ever have had them, they now live back with their mum and they’re regarded as being the dull one in their accountancy firm.

The problem is that when you’re meeting anyone in whatever scenario it’s necessary to invest a little trust in a stranger. You’ve got to increase the karma by being as transparent in your own dating profile as you can and hope that other people will be too. You can, of course, do a little research to make sure your prospective date is on the up and up though. There’s nothing wrong with Facebook stalking. Well there is but in this instance, where you’re simply finding out a little more about them any information that they’ve made public is fair game.

Some people worry about fraud and theft when it comes to dating websites too, although they really shouldn’t; fortunately for the Honest Joe on the internet the fraud on dating websites and other forms of social media is so transparent it’s laughable. Some people are so gullible as to be taken in by these scams but they’re the same people who still stare in awe at aeroplanes and shout at the full moon. If you haven’t ever seen one of their messages, they say a whole bunch of things that are irrelevant to your description of yourself and yet come over as very emotional, offering love and commitment very early on. Unfortunately for these poor lovelorn mites they live in a far-away land so if they’re going to come over and fall into your arms and the perfect domestic idyll you’re going to have to send them some money, oh, and their poor silver haired mother needs hospital treatment and of course that’s very expensive… If you’re still not sure they’ll also ask you to reply to a different address to the one they’re writing from. This is because they’ll have hacked a real person’s address in order to avoid detection. If you see anything like this report it to the site’s webmaster, they won’t want to risk getting a reputation for carrying such material.

If you do find some-one lovely, don’t waste time emailing them for week after week, you’re there to date, not find a pen-pal!

Dan Cash has had some patchy experiences with online dating. there are a few UK dating websites he’d use, and some he’d never touch again!

Attitudes That Will Attract Women

When women get together and have a chit-chat that they call “girls’ talk”, most of their topics are about boys. Their current flings, how their day ended with their boyfriends, how much their guys are different from others and most especially how they wanted their guys to be. Just like guys who have criteria in choosing their dates, women have also their criteria called “ideal man”. But boys do not panic because their standards are simple and attainable. So to help you out, here are lists of what attracts a women to a man.

1. Guys should be confident
You should be confident and believe yourself that you can do or handle whatever it is that you want to do or doing. You should be confident in all aspects, in life, in work, in relationship and of course with yourself. Confidence shows women that you know what you are doing and thus they will trust and admire you. Most women are looking for a man who has the characteristics of an alpha whom they can lean on in times of confusion and hardships.

2. Guys should act as protectors
Do you wonder why most women are attracted to buff guys? This is because muscularity provides women a sense of security. Although women are competitive and intelligent, most of them are unable to defend themselves in case of danger. That is why they need to know that their guy will be there for them whenever they need them.

3. Guys should have sense of humor
Most women fall in love with those persons who know how to crack a joke because making them laugh lets them feel more comfortable and tells them that you are an approachable type of person. By the time they head home, all they can remember is how happy they had been with you and thus wishes to have your company the next time around.

4. Guys should know how to touch
Touch is another way of conveying feelings. It is a silent way of telling your lady how you feel for her and how much you want her to make yours. But be careful and be sensitive if you do not want to be charged with harassment. Just do light touches first and see if she responds by touching you too. And if she feels okay when your bodies are close together, then try touching her face and if she does not flinch or move away, then you will know that she wants you to touch her.

See, what women want are just simple – simply enough to make them feel complete and important. Practice these attitudes and definitely you can make lots of women turn their heads into your direction just like playboys do. How to attract a woman would no longer be a problem, but keep in mind to take care of your lady and always respect them if you want them to stay with you.

Christian Singles Online Advice

If you are a Christian looking for a significant other with whom you can share your life, you might want to try online dating. There are many Christian singles online, looking for love and companionship. In the past when couples said they met online, they were questioned and their story was unique. With today’s technology, it is becoming more acceptable and much easier to find love online.

Christian singles online may want to go to dating websites that are designed just for Christians. These websites try to line couples up that not only have similar hobbies or personalities, but also have similar beliefs. If your faith is important to you, you will want someone who shares your morals.

Many of these dating websites offer free trials. You can join for free and test things out. If you do not like what you see as you browse around the site and try it out, you can cancel before you are charged. Some of the sites say that if you do not like your matches, you will get your money back. There are plenty of options for Christian singles online.

If you do not want to have to pay to find love, you can join some of the other dating sites. As long as you mention that you are a Christian, and are looking for another Christian, you should be able to find people with your values. You may get some strange comments on occasion, but if you are not easily offended, you can find people with your morals just about anywhere on the internet.

With any kind of blind dating, you will want to proceed with care. Talk with the person you meet over email for awhile before you exchange any information. If you decide to meet in person, take someone along with you or meet in a public location. You can never know for sure who you are talking to when you chat on the computer.

Some Tips to Meet the Woman of Your Dreams

Too many guys stress out over meeting women when it should be a fun and enjoyable experience. This stress stems from the fact that they really have no idea where to start or where to maximize their chances of meeting someone they can really connect with. Indeed, self improvement books and tapes can help a guy improve his inner game, but if he doesn’t have the opportunity to interact with women, what’s the use? Here are some meet single woman tips that will help you meet someone special:

1) Be clear on your expectations. What kind of relationship are you looking for? This will affect your tactics and goals. If you just want a pickup, for instance, you’ll go to different places and do different things than if you want a long term relationship.

2) Know your own interests, and go to places where women with similar interests hang out. This will help you in two ways. In the short term, it will give you conversation starters, something you two share in common and that can help you form a bond. In the long term, if things work out, you’ll be with someone who shares some of your interests.

3) Know your values, and look for a woman who shares them. You don’t want to find someone who believes the total opposite of you in money, politics, children, religion, etc. While it may be stimulating to have arguments at first with your girl, it will eventually get old.

4) The more time you spend interacting with women, the more likely you are to pick up dates and meetings. Think about it as a numbers game. If 10% of women out there are interested in going out with you, you need to meet 10 just to have that chance of meeting that one. Thus, sitting in your home all day won’t get the job done – get yourself out there.

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