The Right Way To Celebrate Valentine’s Day [InfoGraphic]

The Right Way To Celebrate Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is often seen as a day only for couples who want to celebrate their love and affection for each other. However, Valentine’s Day can also be a great way to celebrate many different types of love within relationships with family or friends. It is a day that is tempting to ignore or even get depressed about, but we feel that it’s actually the perfect opportunity to celebrate and just have a good time. To help you towards your ideal 14th of February we have provided this helpful flowchart, following it should give you at least a couple of ideas that really appeal to you and fit your situation perfectly.

Valentine’s Day is not just about making yourself feel good, it’s a fantastic opportunity to make other people feel great about themselves as well. We hope you can use our suggestions to make yourself and a loved one smile and, by doing so, have a great Valentine’s Day!

Infographic produced by Basekit

Call the Nanny, It’s Time to Start Dating Again

Call the Nanny, It’s Time to Start Dating Again

Dating is hard at any age. When you’re a teen, it’s awkward and uncomfortable; when you’re in college, it might too often consist of loud parties, overindulging and regrets; and when you’re an adult, it often feels desperate and hopeless. Many single parents are reluctant to reenter the world of dating. Single parents must be sure they feel emotionally ready before they begin looking for ways to squeeze dating into an already packed schedule. With a little pep talk and some smart strategies, single parents might be pleasantly surprised at what they find when they call the nanny in to finally get out and start dating again.

Give Yourself a Pep Talk

You might be feeling a little insecure about yourself, given the negative feelings no doubt lingering after your previous relationship. Remind yourself of all the good qualities that make you a great parent as well as a great person. Make a list of all the reasons anyone would be lucky to have you, and believe them. Speak positively to yourself, and avoid put-downs and other negative self-talk. The best way to attract a confident and likeable date is to exhibit these traits yourself.

Spill the Beans Immediately

When you find someone you would like to date, be honest and up-front about your children. Best to avoid gushing or spending the entire date talking about them, but make sure your date knows that you have kids and that you are crazy about them. As the relationship progresses, you can begin to let him or her know more about your precious offspring, if he turns out worthy to share your most precious assets with.

Be Honest with the Kids

Avoid lying to your children about the dates you are going on. However, don’t give them every detail. Tell your kids you are feeling lonely and want to meet new people and that it’s important to spend time with your adult friends every once in a while. Do not introduce your kids to any date unless you are certain it will be a lasting relationship. They don’t need the emotional roller coaster that finding a good romantic relationship can be.

When things get serious and you have found yourself a keeper, gradually introduce your special friend into your children’s lives by inviting him or her on an outing you’d all enjoy or to your home for a pizza party. Keep it gradual and slow, inviting him or her more often over time. It may be hard, especially if you are crazy about your new found love, but it’s best if your kids get to know how fabulous your new friend is slowly. It’s a shock to them when you suddenly have a new companion with you all the time.

Getting out into the dating world means you’ll need more help with the kids than you did before. If you don’t have friends or family to help, finding good people to fill nanny jobs is the next step. Find the right nanny for your needs at

Top Date Ideas for Foodies

Looking for something to impress that amazing someone who loves a good meal? Finding the perfect date for foodies requires a little extra planning and thinking to make it the perfect night out. A lifetime of memories start with that perfect date that impresses that special someone with their unique interests.

Take a Cooking Class

Taking a cooking class as a couple is not only a great date idea; it will actually result in long-lasting memories that carry forward for years to come. A cooking class might only last for one day or it might have classes for a few days. Either way, working as a team to create that delicious gourmet meal will result in food related enjoyment that is longer than simply eating in a restaurant.

Classic Picnic

Packing a picnic lunch is a sweet, fun and romantic date idea. For a new twist, take time browsing in a local organic farmer’s market or organic store to buy fresh produce like strawberries or any other favourite fruit that is then added to the picnic basket. It will not only result in a fun afternoon spent enjoying conversation under the open sky; it is a healthy alternative to many restaurants.

Cook at Home

Spend the evening cooking a meal at home with the freshest ingredients available from the local farmer’s market. A meal created at home is not only romantic, it is more economical and shows off those cooking skills for the ultimate impression made on a foodie who enjoys a great dinner.

Try Eating a Sample Platter

When taking a foodie to restaurants, opt for that sample platter instead of buying a full course meal. The sample platter will give a range of different tastes and is the perfect solution when trying something new like a restaurant from a different country. It makes the meal less of a risk while also giving an idea of what to order the next time.

Go to a Food Festival

Foodies can rejoice at the fun environment of a food festival while still getting a taste of great meals. The food festivals often come around annually and are a great way to celebrate food and try something new while staying close to home.

Planning a date around that foodie in your life is about more than a night at a local restaurant. It can mean cooking a meal together, taking cooking classes or even enjoying that great food festival coming up in the area. Regardless of the plan, foodie date ideas are a great way to impress and build new memories together.

Article provided by Parship UK, One of the top 10 UK dating site providing a serious dating alternative for British professionals.

7 Ways to Start a Conversation with the Cutie You’ve Been Eying

Ok gals. There is probably a guy that you are thinking about right now. He’s probably super cute, and awesome, but you haven’t had the nerve to talk to him. It’s ok, we all get like that with cute guys! If you want to talk to the cute guy and you want to get to know him better, here are some tips to start a conversation with him.

  1. Ask him for directions. If you find that he is an expert when it comes to directions, ask him how to get somewhere. If you are very daring, call him when you get “lost”. It’s a great idea to strike up a conversation with him.
  2. Ask about the train/bus/school schedule. If you spot your cutie on a bus, don’t be afraid to ask him about the schedule. It is a great idea to start a conversation.
  3. Ask him what he likes to order. If you frequently see your cutie in a coffee shop, or a bakery, ask him what he likes to order. If he’s the cashier, this is a great way to strike up a great conversation. You might find that you have a lot of things in common.
  4. Ask about what he is reading. See what he is reading. It’s a good idea to comment on it if it is something that you would be interested in! You can have a great connection.
  5. Ask about the game. Ask him about the sports game that he is watching. Show him that you are interesting in sports. Guys love girls that are into sports.
  6. Send him a drink. If you see him at a bar, don’t be afraid to send him a drink. It will show that you are interested. And, if he’s not interested, he won’t take the drink. But don’t worry, there are plenty of other guys out there.

  7. Ask your guy about the technology he likes. Lot’s of guys love technology. If the guy that you are crushing on has some cool gadgets, ask him about them. He will love to talk about the latest gadgets that he has.

Good luck when it comes to talking to the cutie that you have been eying. These are some great ways to start a conversation. If the cutie doesn’t take notice, don’t fret. There are plenty of other guys out there. Don’t be afraid to give him some space, you don’t want to scare the guy!


About the Author
Tammi Jenkins is a writer for My Colleges and Careers is a service that will help you find online schools that are best for you.

9 Ways To Avoid Ruining A First Date

There’s a lot of pressure on a first date. First impressions aren’t always make or break, but they certainly count for a lot. Listed below are some of the dangers that must be avoided if you want to reach date number two. Follow this list of don’ts, and everything should be fine.

Don’t get drunk

If the date isn’t going well don’t think that turning to drink will get it back on track. Sure a little bit of alcohol will help you relax and be yourself, but misjudge this and things will only end horribly.

Don’t take a friend along for “moral support”

You might be feeling more nervous than you ever have before, but it’s probably best to go on your own. Even if your date is the most understanding person in the world, it’s unlikely that they’ll be happy for you to pull up an extra chair.

Don’t order the most expensive thing and then ask them to pay

This applies to both men and women. Obviously it’s traditional for the man to pay on the first date and if he offers that’s great. But if you like him don’t scare him off by demanding his money, especially if you’ve ordered lobster with caviar. If he’s a nice guy he’ll probably offer anyway.

Don’t talk about politics

It’s best to save this for a later date, when the foundations are strong enough for the relationship to survive. At best you’ll establish that you have similar views, and have a pleasant chat about healthcare. At worst it will cause a shouting match that only ends when your date storms out leaving you to foot the bill for their lobster and caviar. Why take the risk?

Don’t talk only about yourself

I don’t care how brilliant you are, nobody wants to listen to three hours of self-promotion.

Don’t be too touchy feely

There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of flirting. Lightly stroking your date’s arm is acceptable. Grabbing them by the face is not!

Don’t go on about your crazy ex

This is a big mistake that a lot of people fail to avoid. Talking about your axe wielding ex-boyfriend who owns a Rottweiler, or an ex-girlfriend who’s been stalking you the last 15 years, and is sat at the next table, might just scare them off.

Don’t take their picture

You might be doing it with the best intentions, but it’s not cool. It’s just going to make you look weird and creepy.

Don’t forget to go

I know you’ve got a lot of things to remember, but make sure you don’t forget to go! Although if you’re planning to do too many of the above then maybe it is better for everyone if you just stay at home.

Despite her occasionally tongue-in-cheek tone, Alison Carmichael is really a romantic soul who gives expression to her feelings through blogging about Valentine’s Day and – just in case they are subsequently required – about all things wedding gift related!

How to Date on a Budget Without Looking Cheap

Ferris Wheel LoversWhen you fancy someone, money might be the last thing on your mind, but losing both your mind and your money over your crush is a terrifying scenario. Well, if you have already lost your mind, this article won’t help, but if you still have your money, keep reading!

Dating on a budget isn’t a “mission impossible”. All you have to do is plan in advance and stick to your plan. The choice of activities for a date on a budget depends on whether it is your first date or not, your location (if you live in the mountains then a walk on the beach is hardly a cheap date idea, because the nearest beach might be hundreds or thousands of miles away), and the likes and dislikes of you and your date.

There are really a lot of ways to date on a budget and impress your date, but there are also tricky areas where you can end up looking cheap rather than savvy. For instance, to ask for a refund because you didn’t like the meal (though you actually ate it) is certainly a no-no. Using a coupon could also be regarded as cheap by some people. To most it is perfectly acceptable, but if you are not sure how your date will react, you might want to avoid coupons on a first date.

Now let’s look at some of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to date on a budget.

1. Go the Exotic, but Cheaper, Way

Trendy restaurants are very expensive and the food they serve isn’t always top-notch. However, if both of you like Chinese, Thai, Indian, Mexican, or other ethnic food, an ethnic restaurant is the way to go. Local ethnic restaurants are typically less expensive but more exotic, so the experience will be really memorable.

2. Dine at Home

Dining at home definitely beats any restaurant. However, you need to spend time preparing the food. Of course, you can order food online, but this might be as expensive as dining out.

Additionally, if you are in the beginning of your relationship and you are still not 100% comfortable with each other, inviting your date home for dinner could be considered as a prelude to a “sleepover”, and many people of either gender will back off at such an idea this early in a relationship.

3. Go on a Picnic

If both of you love open-air activities and the weather permits, you can consider going on a picnic. You can take light food and some drinks, and that (plus your date) is all it takes to make a great picnic!

4. Parks and Beaches Are Excellent Date Locations

If a picnic sounds too time-consuming, you can always go for a walk in the park or on the beach. This is definitely a very romantic idea and chances are you will be able to remain just the two of you for a while.

5. Look for Free Events

Free events, such as art shows, wine tasting, sporting events, book promotions, etc. are a few more opportunities to explore. Usually metropolitan areas are rich in such events but even small towns do offer such attractions. The trick here is to find an event both of you like – otherwise one or both of you will be bored, and this might spoil the date.

6. Do Community Work Together

Community work helps to build not only communities, but couples as well. It’s also good for your happiness and confidence levels – giving to others really does make you feel good.

7. Honour the Happy Hour

While most of the ideas on this list are completely free, a happy hour isn’t. But it is traditionally one of the easiest choices. One of the disadvantages of happy hours is that it might be crowded and if you want a quiet evening with your date, this will hardly happen.

Dating on a budget can be fun. They say that money can’t buy you happiness, and it’s true – you might spend tons of money on a date just to see it go in a disastrous direction. If you and your date are soulmates, then these cheap date ideas will be very suitable for you. If your date laughs at your suggestions because he or she dreams of something fancier, then this could be a signal that you aren’t soulmates after all…


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This article is by Ada, a personal finance blogger who remembers only too well how frugal living doesn’t always go down great with a date! Right nor she’s obsessed with home insurance comparison and trying to make sure everyone knows how to find a policy that works for them.