This Guy Should Avoid Serial Daters

The Online Dating Serial Dater: don’t fall prey, Avoid Serial Daters.

A 35-year old man talked about how he met a 26-year-old woman online, and he went on to discuss how he went on to have four dates with her, but they didn’t have sex because she told him that she was on her period. He went on to say that she takes days to reply to his texts, and if he wants to go on a date with her, then he needs to give her a week’s advance. His concern is that she may be trying to disappear on him, or is dropping a hint for him to leave her alone.

Let’s address the above Serial Daters.

First of all, the man above read the woman’s profile and it said that they were looking for “easy and fun”, which means that they do not want anything serious. Also, on the profile, it said how she was looking for something potentially meaningful, which means that they just don’t want people to assume that they want some free meals, dates or just sex.

Serial Dater
Serial Daters aka Ted

Another word that people should heed is “independent,” as this just means that the man or woman just wants to do what they want, and they have no interest in being tied down. What they are really saying is they don’t need you. There are other clues you should look for, such as:

  • They say that they work a lot or that they have an insane schedule they have to follow.
  • They said that they want to take things slow or just seeing what is out there.
  • If they say they are brand new in town or that they want someone who takes good care of themselves.
  • That they are giving things another shot, or that they are not looking for hook-ups.

If you want to save yourself a lot of grief, then make sure to skip profiles that sound like the above.

As for the man in question, he got duped. He should have hooked up with her in some way by the fourth date. She simply was not interested in the guy, and this was the case from the beginning. She just wanted a free date.

The guy should simply move on and avoid such a serial dater in the future.

Get Help Finding a Date From Online Dating Coaches

In a bid to find a companion through the Internet, Michelle has met many phonies, frauds and several disappointments. Take this cop for instance she found with Single Online Dating. While chatting online, the cop claimed that he was on disability leave. However, he let slip during the first date that he was actually suspended for beating up his ex-girlfriend. There are many other people who put up fake profiles with photos of models obtained from the Internet. Imagine the shocker when you finally get to meet in person.

Michelle’s experience is not unique to her, many others have faced the same problems. A disappointing fact is that many married men and women also take to these single online dating sites to find companions. This has forced some individuals to lose hope of finding a suitable mate because dating sites was their last resort.

Single Online Dating
Dating a Police Officer

The reasons mentioned above may explain why virtual dating coaches have sprung up as a cottage industry. Another reason is that online dating has generally become an acceptable way of finding a mate. According to Pew Research Center, the number of Americans who have tried out online dating has risen by 300% over the last half decade. Nearly 25% of online daters have admitted to asking their friends to create or review their online dating profiles, and it is only a matter of time before these friends start commercializing their services.

This is what happened to Michelle. She worked with a coach, Ms. Davis, the CEO and founder of eFlirt Expert, an online dating consultancy firm. Ms. Davis has also authored a book with the title Love at First Click. After establishing her consultancy firm in 2009, she has helped more than a thousand people to create online dating profiles. The firm has since grown, and it currently has five members of staff. If you are single online dating coaches can help you find a suitable companion through the Internet.

Finding Your Perfect Match: Guide to Online Dating

A lot of individuals find online dating to be a convenient and comfortable way to find the person they will love for the rest of their lives. If you intend to find your luck and fate and you wish to try online dating, then you need to consider these important guidelines.

Identify the type of assistance that you want

Normally, there are five online dating services offered, and all you need to do is to pick the one that will work best for your purpose. The online services you want are as follows: Online Dating Services, Relationship Services, Facebook Services, Specialized Dating Services and Merging Online Dating Services. By choosing the most appropriate service for your needs, you will definitely have a good and quick time in searching your match.

Follow the Online Dating Security measures

As soon as you have registered for a specific service, it is vital to take safety into consideration. You need to study the safety guidelines found on the websites or within various dating magazines in order to know the things you need to know during the online dating process. Use common sense: you don’t need to provide your date with potentially sensitive personal details like phone numbers. Remember, you need to trust your gut instinct or intuition when judging character in cases like this.

Formulate a winning profile

Your profile must be positive, enjoyable and vibrant. This will help you attract various individuals and potential dates. If you have no idea how to do this, study other profiles and take notes on ones that capture your attention so you can do the same for yours.

Post good photos

While doing research, the first thing that you tend to look for is the photos. This is quite common for many individuals. You do need to impress with your natural looks. Post decent and neat photos in order to establish a good first impression and attract decent individuals. When taking photos, remember to match a good outfit with the right hairstyle and look.

Be communication-efficient

Online dating entails good communication skills. You might have the perfect looks, but if you can’t say anything substantial or interesting whenever you open your mouth, that will definitely count against you. Knowing what to say and how to say it and at the right time is important. Remember, you need to set the mood and atmosphere and gain your date’s interests. Talk about some interesting yet reasonable topics; common interests are always a good place to start.

Be sincere all the time.

When giving out details to your date, remember to always be honest and sincere. Avoid exaggerating or stating things that never happened to you as you are trying to build up the trust. After all, if a connection develops into a deep and meaningful relationship, you don’t want to jeopardize it with your indiscretions.

Consider these guidelines so that you can have a great time dating online.

The Pros and Cons of Online Dating

You’ve probably heard it a couples of times in the past: a friend was able to meet the man of her dreams via the internet, or another acquaintance just can’t have enough of this charming cutie who is apparently living in another continent. Yes, this is indeed the modern age and virtually everything is already possible given the power of the internet. Are you looking for a romantic, personal or even sexual relationship? For some people, online dating websites are the answer.

Simply put, online dating is a way for individuals to be able to connect to others regardless of the distance. Thanks to a computer, a stable internet connection and an attractive dating profile, you are only a connection away from meeting someone with similar interests and desires.

Despite its great promise though, online dating does have its dark side; the media has done a thorough job of featuring a lot of stories which show various scenarios of online dating gone wrong. Also, despite the growing acceptance of online dating, a small amount of stigma still exists—some individuals still harbor the(mistaken) impression that online dating is for the desperate. This article attempts to examine the various pros and cons of online dating.

The Benefits

There is always a room for the hopeful and hopeless romantics. There are always going to be some people out there who are betting that luck and a little perseverance is the key to meeting their perfect match online. While people may be cynical about the concept of virtual dating, a lot of people do attest to finding love via the net.

It’s free to start—if you don’t like what you are getting, simply cancel your subscription and walk away. You need not pay anything if you wish to test the waters. There are free dating sites to keep you started and as for those which need you to be subscribed, there are trial versions.

A user has the privilege to dish out what he wants. In case you don’t want some personal information to show up in your profile, you are definitely not required to disclose it. These precautions have greatly improved the safety of online dating.

The Downside

Online Dating has been accused of being exploitative. As online dating sites require a membership fee, some construes this as having to pay for the privilege of dating.

There are many gory pictures in the internet that show people (especially women) attacked and brutally killed as a result of some connections made through online dating services. Online predators that stalk or engage in sexual violence and fraud are still fairly common, although several actions have already been made to curb their existence.

Some dating websites have been notoriously reported as under-reporting the actual number of their subscribers, especially with regards to gender distribution. This means that the actual chance of a user to meet someone is sometimes overrated by the said sites.

A sea of white lies is expected in dating sites. Simply, a lot of users do not really tell the truth about their height, age and other basic information. White lies may be fine, but gross misrepresentation is something you do not want to encounter yourself.

As of 2008, statistics showed that in the United States alone, close to $960 million have been generated because of services such as online dating, and the trend continues as the industry is becoming even more profitable. It is then up to the individuals concerned whether they will take advantage of the benefits or sulk at the risks involved. When it comes to dating though, remember that each person is ultimately responsible for exercising good judgment and being discriminating in making connections—whether online or offline.

The author is a freelance writer. He writes about fax comparisons and online faxing services.

The Right Way To Celebrate Valentine’s Day [InfoGraphic]

The Right Way To Celebrate Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is often seen as a day only for couples who want to celebrate their love and affection for each other. However, Valentine’s Day can also be a great way to celebrate many different types of love within relationships with family or friends. It is a day that is tempting to ignore or even get depressed about, but we feel that it’s actually the perfect opportunity to celebrate and just have a good time. To help you towards your ideal 14th of February we have provided this helpful flowchart, following it should give you at least a couple of ideas that really appeal to you and fit your situation perfectly.

Valentine’s Day is not just about making yourself feel good, it’s a fantastic opportunity to make other people feel great about themselves as well. We hope you can use our suggestions to make yourself and a loved one smile and, by doing so, have a great Valentine’s Day!

Infographic produced by Basekit

Meeting THE ONE on Holiday

In the UK and beyond, there are ever increasing numbers of single and divorced people looking to begin a new relationship. However, it’s not always easy to meet similar-minded individuals these days. Dating websites are fine, of course, but they deter some men and women because there is something a little hit and miss about this method.

If you become a member of such a site, you can arrange meetings with potential partners of the future, of course, but that all-important first meeting can be extremely difficult. It can be awkward and stilted because of shyness and uncertainty, which means the lack of a natural start to a relationship can prevent it ever beginning in the first place.

The solution is simple but very difficult to actually arrange. The best way to meet people is to do so in a relaxed setting and amid a comfortable atmosphere, but this can be tricky to arrange. A singles night in a local pub always sounds like a good idea, but it contains a certain whiff of desperation for some people, and it often leads to disappointment.

There is an alternative these days, however, and it’s one which pretty much guarantees an opportunity to meet people when they’re at their most relaxed. A singles holiday to one of Europe’s hot-spots provides the ideal opportunity to get to know men and women when they’re away from the stresses of family and working lives.

One of the most popular holiday destinations in Europe is the island of Cyprus. Located in the eastern Mediterranean, it combines a wonderful climate, some stunning beaches and a whole host of inviting bars, restaurants and clubs. Each of these places gives ultra-relaxed holiday-makers a wonderful opportunity to get to know their fellow travellers in an atmosphere that lends itself perfectly to the possibilities of burgeoning romance.

The European tourist industry has suffered greatly in the wake of the economic downturn in recent years, but the rise in popularity of singles holidays is one of several reasons why those in the know are predicting an imminent improvement. In the next few years, who knows how many established couples will look back on their trip to Cyprus and reminisce about how they first met?

Although some people see a summer holiday as nothing more than an opportunity to soak up the sun and improve the tan, many others like to explore their destination in greater detail. The island of Cyprus is home to many fascinating towns and villages, so hiring a car is always a good idea, and it can be extremely inexpensive, too.

Perhaps the best places on the island in which to get to know other singles are the iconic beachside bars. They provide the perfect location to enjoy a cool drink and a relaxing chat, and all with the stunning backdrop of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. And if the chemistry works well, there are so many pleasant restaurants to choose from. A delicious meal in a top quality eatery can help the conversation to flow naturally; it’s all so much more pleasant than a stuffy singles night in a British pub, and of course far more personal than an Internet dating site.

David Rice is based in the UK and met his current girlfiiend while holidaying in Europe. He knows that when it comes to car hire Cyprus is surprisingly affordable. With the many Cyprus car hire options currently available, he recommends checking prices on the Internet before tavelling.