Call the Nanny, It’s Time to Start Dating Again

Call the Nanny, It’s Time to Start Dating Again

Dating is hard at any age. When you’re a teen, it’s awkward and uncomfortable; when you’re in college, it might too often consist of loud parties, overindulging and regrets; and when you’re an adult, it often feels desperate and hopeless. Many single parents are reluctant to reenter the world of dating. Single parents must be sure they feel emotionally ready before they begin looking for ways to squeeze dating into an already packed schedule. With a little pep talk and some smart strategies, single parents might be pleasantly surprised at what they find when they call the nanny in to finally get out and start dating again.

Give Yourself a Pep Talk

You might be feeling a little insecure about yourself, given the negative feelings no doubt lingering after your previous relationship. Remind yourself of all the good qualities that make you a great parent as well as a great person. Make a list of all the reasons anyone would be lucky to have you, and believe them. Speak positively to yourself, and avoid put-downs and other negative self-talk. The best way to attract a confident and likeable date is to exhibit these traits yourself.

Spill the Beans Immediately

When you find someone you would like to date, be honest and up-front about your children. Best to avoid gushing or spending the entire date talking about them, but make sure your date knows that you have kids and that you are crazy about them. As the relationship progresses, you can begin to let him or her know more about your precious offspring, if he turns out worthy to share your most precious assets with.

Be Honest with the Kids

Avoid lying to your children about the dates you are going on. However, don’t give them every detail. Tell your kids you are feeling lonely and want to meet new people and that it’s important to spend time with your adult friends every once in a while. Do not introduce your kids to any date unless you are certain it will be a lasting relationship. They don’t need the emotional roller coaster that finding a good romantic relationship can be.

When things get serious and you have found yourself a keeper, gradually introduce your special friend into your children’s lives by inviting him or her on an outing you’d all enjoy or to your home for a pizza party. Keep it gradual and slow, inviting him or her more often over time. It may be hard, especially if you are crazy about your new found love, but it’s best if your kids get to know how fabulous your new friend is slowly. It’s a shock to them when you suddenly have a new companion with you all the time.

Getting out into the dating world means you’ll need more help with the kids than you did before. If you don’t have friends or family to help, finding good people to fill nanny jobs is the next step. Find the right nanny for your needs at

Office Relationship Do’s and Don’ts

Laughing couple.
Image via Wikipedia

There was a time when one’s work place was just that, a place to work. You would return home after a hard day to your wife/husband, your kids, your flat-mate or even your dog, take off that suit or skirt and blazer and transform back into you (or at least, the home version of you).  Your co-workers were people you talked to about business, went to meetings with or occasionally had a drink with after a long day at the office. And your wife/husband, kids, flat-mate and your dog were those you were intimate with, those who knew you on a personal level, those who would snuggle up next to you on the couch during a good movie. However, now more than ever the lines between work and home are becoming blurred as long hours and close quarters are spurring office liaisons.

Most advise to stay far away from involving in the sticky inter-office dating, and many companies often have a policy directly against the whole idea, but hasn’t it always been human nature to give into temptation (for more reading on the subject, please refer to the first few chapters of The Bible)?

So before biting into that apple, the following the guidelines should stand you in good stead and ensure your blossoming office romance doesn’t jeopardize your professional reputation.


-DO exercise caution when making the first move. Instead of emailing, make a quick phone call suggesting a drink after work. If they say no, let it be. If they yes, chose a place far away from work where you won’t be seen.

-DO brush up on your company’s policy on relationships between co-workers. The last thing you need to do is get fired for making sultry-eyes at your gorgeous cube-mate!

-DO examine your potential mate before diving into a relationship. If you don’t like the way they act at work, you probably won’t like the way they act outside of the office.

-DO make sure it’s not just a fling: office relationships can be messy, especially if they end badly. Make sure you are both serious about starting the relationship for the right reasons and are not just looking for an outlet to relieve your boring day by going at it in the copy room.

-DO tell your boss first if your relationship becomes serious. Before gossiping to a fellow co-worker, make an appointment with your boss to tell her/him about the relationship so she/he doesn’t end up hearing about it through the office rumor mill.

-DO keep your co-workers in mind. It might make for an awkward work dynamic if your co-workers know you’re engaging in out-of-work activities with one of their kind.

-DO maintain personal relationships with friends and family outside of the office. If your relationship ends or you get fired, you will need support from outsiders.

-DO be prepared to resign. If your relationship is discovered and does not sit favorably with your boss and/or colleagues, or if it reaches a very serious level (i.e. you decided to tie the knot), be prepared to look for another job so others don’t accuse you of playing favorites.


-DONT only think about the present. Remember that office break-ups don’t often end well. Whether or not your break-up ends amicably, you still have to see the person almost every day.

-DONT rush things. Remember you get to see each other almost every day and can casually get to know each other at work. Don’t feel you have to hop right in bed with each other.

-DONT bring the bedroom into the office, needless to say especially if your relationship is undercover. Remember that someone could always be watching (and could rat you out) whether it be a jealous co-worker or the cleaning lady.

-DONT spend company functions and business trips flirting or showing PDA. Although those events may seem more relaxed than a regular day in the office, acting like a couple could affect your potential for getting a raise, promotion, etc.

-DONT start arguments at work. As said above, keep your home-life and work-life separate (this includes bringing the fight you had over dinner last night into the office).

-DONT slack in your work ethic. Continue to work as hard as you did before your relationship started – you don’t want to have to make a choice between your co-worker or your career if you can at all help it.

­-DONT send emails during work.  Before sending that sexy email to your partner, remember that emails can potentially be read by anyone, including your boss! It’s very easy to slip up here, especially with Outlook having that ‘handy’ auto address selector.

-DONT ever date your boss or your assistant. Not only will it be a constant power struggle, but there are very few chances of it ending well.

Written by Tom Finnigan, an office worker and sadly single guy from the online recliner sofas experts.

Online dating background screening

With today’s Internet age, anyone can have access to vital information about an individual. Employers can check on the background of job candidates, landlords on their potential tenants, and business entities on their vendors, suppliers, and business partners. Believe it or not, you can even make a background check also on a date you’ve been seeing before you decide on going further than plain dating.

More and more people are getting themselves into online dating to find a potential mate, partner or spouse. This essentially holds true to the busiest cities where most employees are on the go and allotting even a few minutes of their time to spend with a new acquaintance may become unsuccessful. Some people are more confident in making reports at home, for example, while waiting for a reply on the chat room. Also, there are instances when a new acquaintance at a party begins sending you e-mails almost every day showing you that he or she has interest in you. If you have mutual feelings, some type of background screening service is beneficial. Take note that when you have n enough knowledge of a new acquaintance, you may be opening yourself up to potential stalkers, thieves, sexual predators, and ex-convicts out to catch his next victim.

Don’t be fooled right away by a date’s flowering words and impressive remarks. Do your own research. There are plenty of background screening agencies that mastered the art of checking people on online dating sites. It would be best for you to check him or her out before doing moves other than dinner or movie dates.

You can find out who he or she really is by getting access of the person’s civil records, bankruptcies, tax liens, small claims judgments, previous addresses, property ownership, business ownership, aliases, relatives, neighbors, vehicle registrations, professional licenses and many more. You may find some screening companies that claim to provide you with all the information you need. This may not be the case though. There are some data that cannot be accessed though especially when they are not updated. Focus on the data you need the most. Your conversations with your date should be your basis. Whatever he or she tells you, like occupation and name, can be verified through an online dating background screening company.

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