Want to keep the excitement alive? Here are some tips to guarantee many more years on the journey of love.
Crack open the Songs of Solomon!
Song of Solomon 1:2
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth— for your love is more delightful than wine.”
There is no better example of the power of love than this often over-looked book of the bible. Rich in romantic scripture and sincere sentiment, the Songs of Solomon is a written expression of how much Christ loves us, the church. Reading the scriptures out loud while snuggling with your loved one, or including a favorite passage in a handwritten letter can remind even the most unmindful to appreciate the unequaled gift of true love.
Find a quiet place to reconnect.
We all remember a special space, at one time or another, where we enjoyed a sense of peace and protection. Whether it was a secluded spot in the woods, or underneath the covers with a flashlight and favorite novel, many of these times still prove to be some of the most memorable. Maybe you can think back to a place that was meaningful to you, or better yet- to both of you. Suggest taking a walk with your loved one, or venturing on a day trip to a location you both remember from earlier days. It might sound sickeningly cliche, but the benefits of enjoying time away from everyday distractions should never be underestimated.
Never stay satisfied with mediocrity.
Nehemiah 2:2
“Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart?”
Just as God pushed Nehemiah to repair the walls of Jerusalem, he too stirs our heart to stay strong and begin the process of rebuilding. All of us experience great sadness and face challenges at some point in our lifetime. It is easy to fall into the trap of self-pity during tough times. However, the duty to fight for your marriage or relationship should always be of prime importance. Allow hurt emotions to heal, forgive and then forgive again. Through self-exploration strive to compare your shortcomings with those of your loved one. If you desire to revitalize your relationship, you will do so. This encouragement and insight will not go unnoticed by your partner.
The Power of a Compliment.
Mark Twain
“I can live for two months on a good compliment.”
The desire for sincere compliments surfaces many times throughout one’s personal life – especially when coming from those who matter most. In the stressful world of work, kids, and commitments, giving a compliment can be the last thing on one’s mind. However, the power of a compliment has been attributed to longer marriages, better self esteem, and even longer life expectancy. Just as children strive to make their parents proud, adults too look for the approval of their partner. So take a second to make someone else feel good. You never know the positive repercussions that might surface as a result.
Who said working on a relationship required money or long periods of time? It could just take a moment to remember what’s important in life. Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment. Sounds like a lasting recipe to me.
Frank Anderson is a family and frugality writer. He also works with virtual web hosting technologies.
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