The Online Dating Serial Dater: don’t fall prey, Avoid Serial Daters.
A 35-year old man talked about how he met a 26-year-old woman online, and he went on to discuss how he went on to have four dates with her, but they didn’t have sex because she told him that she was on her period. He went on to say that she takes days to reply to his texts, and if he wants to go on a date with her, then he needs to give her a week’s advance. His concern is that she may be trying to disappear on him, or is dropping a hint for him to leave her alone.
Let’s address the above Serial Daters.
First of all, the man above read the woman’s profile and it said that they were looking for “easy and fun”, which means that they do not want anything serious. Also, on the profile, it said how she was looking for something potentially meaningful, which means that they just don’t want people to assume that they want some free meals, dates or just sex.

Another word that people should heed is “independent,” as this just means that the man or woman just wants to do what they want, and they have no interest in being tied down. What they are really saying is they don’t need you. There are other clues you should look for, such as:
- They say that they work a lot or that they have an insane schedule they have to follow.
- They said that they want to take things slow or just seeing what is out there.
- If they say they are brand new in town or that they want someone who takes good care of themselves.
- That they are giving things another shot, or that they are not looking for hook-ups.
If you want to save yourself a lot of grief, then make sure to skip profiles that sound like the above.
As for the man in question, he got duped. He should have hooked up with her in some way by the fourth date. She simply was not interested in the guy, and this was the case from the beginning. She just wanted a free date.
The guy should simply move on and avoid such a serial dater in the future.