Astrology is most sought-after for insights into compatibility than any other topic. Unfortunately this is also where it is most misunderstood. Common misconceptions about astrology involve sun sign compatibility, the fate of relationships and the concept of “soul mate.” Doing away with these myths will save you from much confusion and disillusionment when studying astrology.
Your sun sign tells you which sign you are compatible with.
False. There are only twelve sun signs roughly the same as the twelve months of the year. With so many people born in the same sign, it is impossible for that one sign to describe them all to any depth. Sun signs are types of people, not individuals. So your sun sign alone can describe your relationship needs and capabilities only in a very general way.
To really find compatibility between two persons, you will need the exact date, place and time of birth of each party. This information is then used to draw up an astrological birth chart of each person. A single birth chart has hundreds of influences to it. An astrology compatibility report by an astrologer compares and weighs all these factors before compatibility can be determined.
Compatibility means two people stay together while incompatibility makes them break up.
Not always. Human nature and motivation are far too complex to be predicted by astrology birth chart compatibility alone. While a horoscope compatibility chart can show problem areas in a relationship, they cannot predict with certainty if a couple will stay together or break up. You could be in a totally mismatched relationship and stay in it, due to social factors, personal beliefs and so on.
In fact, it is not unfair to say that astrology is not here to judge if two people ought to be together or not. People marry for their own reasons, not according to a set standard. Therefore compatibility has a very subjective meaning for them. All that modern astrology can now tell us about compatibility is how two people get along, not whether they should marry or not.
Astrology can help you find your soul mate.
False. There is no reference anywhere of what a soul mate is or if it exists. Even if you have one, nothing guarantees they are in the same lifetime as you are in now. Astrology – real astrology – does not promise the meeting of the soul mate. In addition there is no such thing as a perfectly compatible couple. All relationships have their share of negative and positive influences. The notion of a perfect soul mate relationship is hard to imagine in astrological terms.
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