How To Know If You Are Ready For Match Dating After A Break Up

It’s but normal for someone who had just been from a failed relationship to feel lost. After all, having a broken heart may be true to the word itself, you will feel shattered inside with a very minimal hope of recovering again. Then you learn that you can still find someone who can help you feel whole again through match dating. But how will you be sure that you are ready to accept a new partner again?

Here’s a checklist that will help you assess yourself:

Are you ready to restore your self again?

You may be successful in deciding that to be back on your feet again but doing it is another thing. As always, thinking something is different from doing it. Start off by asking yourself if you can change the way you look – a new hair do, a new color of nails, a new cap. If you can answer yes right away, then you can put your feet forward for a new relationship.

Are you really ready to meet the world again?

A man or a woman who had just broken up tends to isolate themselves from the world. Are you excited to go out and meet a whole new group of people again? Remember, even if you will be dating one person initially, you’ll have to embrace the people behind your partner in the end. You will need to assess yourself if you are already ready for those future encounters and if you are looking forward to it. If yes, then it’s another clue that it may be the right time for you to date again.

Have you let go of the excess baggage?

Of course it’s not easy to forgive your ex-partner but before you enter a new relationship or head out into one, make sure that you have made some actions to at least forgive yourself or your ex-partner to some degree. Looking at what they call the “silver lining” of the breakup may help you think of even a tiny space to let the face of your ex-partner stop haunting you. Leaving that excess baggage of a bad memory of someone will make it easier for you to load new and more beautiful memories of a new partner.

If you can answer yes to these questions then it is time to get back to dating and why not try Match Dating Online, give it a try!

Three Myths About Astrology and Compatibility

Astrology is most sought-after for insights into compatibility than any other topic. Unfortunately this is also where it is most misunderstood. Common misconceptions about astrology involve sun sign compatibility, the fate of relationships and the concept of “soul mate.”  Doing away with these myths will save you from much confusion and disillusionment when studying astrology.

Your sun sign tells you which sign you are compatible with.

False. There are only twelve sun signs roughly the same as the twelve months of the year. With so many people born in the same sign, it is impossible for that one sign to describe them all to any depth. Sun signs are types of people, not individuals. So your sun sign alone can describe your relationship needs and capabilities only in a very general way.

To really find compatibility between two persons, you will need the exact date, place and time of birth of each party. This information is then used to draw up an astrological birth chart of each person. A single birth chart has hundreds of influences to it. An astrology compatibility report by an astrologer compares and weighs all these factors before compatibility can be determined.

Compatibility means two people stay together while incompatibility makes them break up.

Not always. Human nature and motivation are far too complex to be predicted by astrology birth chart compatibility alone. While a horoscope compatibility chart can show problem areas in a relationship, they cannot predict with certainty if a couple will stay together or break up. You could be in a totally mismatched relationship  and stay in it, due to social factors, personal beliefs and so on.

In fact, it is not unfair to say that astrology is not here to judge if two people ought to be together or not. People marry for their own reasons, not according to a set standard. Therefore compatibility has a very subjective meaning for them. All that modern astrology can now tell us about compatibility is how two people get along, not whether they should marry or not.

Astrology can help you find your soul mate.

False. There is no reference anywhere of what a soul mate is or if it exists. Even if you have one, nothing guarantees they are in the same lifetime as you are in now. Astrology – real astrology – does not promise the meeting of the soul mate. In addition there is no such thing as a perfectly compatible couple.  All relationships have their share of negative and positive influences.  The notion of a perfect soul mate relationship is hard to imagine in astrological terms.

How Do I Know If My Partner and I Are Compatible in Astrology?

Determining love compatibility is one of astrology’s best uses for the modern man or woman. But judging how good of a pair you and your partner are is not as simple as you probably want it to be.

There are many rules to horoscope and compatibility.  An astrologer can read your birth horoscope and your partner’s and make an analysis based on these rules. But if you are fairly well-acquainted with your birth chart and do not want to spend money on a reading, you can do it yourself.

A basic guide would be as follows:

First, memorize the compatible zodiac signs.  Compatible signs are divided into two groups:

  • Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
  • Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

Second, check for overall compatibility. Look to the Sun sign, Moon sign and Ascendant sign (or the sign of the first house in each partner’s chart).  Most people know their Sun sign, which is your ego or self. The Moon sign shows your subconscious and the Ascendant your exterior personality.  Compare the Sun, Moon and Ascendant between your chart and your partner’s. An example of compatibility would be one partner’s Sun in Pisces and the other partner’s Sun in Scorpio. Or one partner’s Moon in the same sign as the other partner’s Sun.

Next check for romantic compatibility. The above-mentioned signs are vital here too. But for sex and romance, Venus and Mars are especially important. Your Venus sign shows how you love and give of your “feminine” side, while Mars’ sign shows your passion and sex drive, your “masculine” side.

Third, look for commitment. Saturn is key here. Look for compatibility between this planet and the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Venus. A strong Saturn brings stability and long-lasting bonds. It could also mean one of you is much older than the other or acts almost like a parent.

Finally, look for intellectual and social compatibility. Here compare the signs of Mercury, Jupiter, Sun and Venus. When these are in compatible signs, you have two people who share a lot of interests in common. You love to talk to each other and do things together. Even if you weren’t lovers, you would be good friends.

Just like the human beings they describe, astrology charts are complex. They demand a lot of study before revealing their secrets. You can learn more through free astrology compatibility resources online or at the local library.2