Dating in a Foreign Country

Traveling abroad is a unique opportunity to get completely immersed in an entirely new culture.  You have the chance to learn about history, taste traditional foods and beverages, explore city landmarks, and possibly practice a second language.  Why not share this amazing experience with a stud muffin from the area?

Dating abroad can be refreshing and incredibly fun!  That being said, many people are skeptical of foreign flirtation, so I’ve created the following convincing argument:

Why date abroad?

1.  Because the men in your city just aren’t cutting it.  Surrounded by elderly gents?  Military men?  Gangsters?  Move it or lose it, sister!  Get out of town and explore what else the world has to offer.  There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet.  The problem is they’re not all conveniently located within a 60-mile radius.  That would be absolutely terrifying.  Time to set your sights on a new land and a new man!
2.  Visit a foreign city’s hidden gems.  Blend in with the locals at the best pubs, restaurants, stores, and city hot spots that tourists don’t know about.  Yes, you’re probably using your date to be hipster cool in a foreign city, but he’s probably using you to look popular…sooo whatever.
3.  Opportunity to learn and practice a foreign language.  Si, oui, da…that’s what you’ll say when the cute guy asks you out.  In all honesty, dating someone who speaks in a foreign tongue can be the best way to learn a new language.  You pick up on vocabulary quickly, and you begin to perfect the accent.  One of the perks: If you mess up, you don’t get reprimanded; you get kissed.
4.  Learn from the movie thriller Taken.  Without a doubt, there are dangerous, manipulative men everywhere, and they target innocent, female tourists.  Don’t be naïve.  It’s incredibly important to be hyper aware of your surroundings.  Avoid travelling places alone and always let a friend know where you’ll be going.  It is probably a smart idea to meet in a crowded place for your first dinner date.  Good luck.
5.  What’s the worst that could happen?  Chances are you’re in this new place for a limited amount of time.  If you somehow manage to make a disaster out of your date, you can avoid run-ins with the guy for a very, very long time.  Takes a lot of the pressure off!
6.  Great storytelling!  Your friends back home will undoubtedly want juicy details from your travels.  They will absolutely love hearing about your date, and you will enjoy re-living the romance, humor, or drama.
7.  Dating is a great way to meet people anywhere.  No matter the place, you can always enjoy time spent with someone new, interesting, and exciting.  Every date teaches you something—about the place, the person, and/or yourself!
Convinced?  I sure hope so!  Start planning your next adventure abroad and be open-minded about the foreign dating game. You might fall in love with the place or the man…or both.  You can definitely find reasonable flights on travel sights, such as  Don’t forget to use a promo code for Travelocity to save!

Erin Prickett is a dating enthusiast and an experienced traveler.  She spent a summer in Mexico and four months exploring several parts of Europe.  Prickett recommends that you use a promo code for Travelocity to save on your next romantic adventure.