Holiday Survival Tips for the Single Guy

Whether you are a bachelor by choice or by circumstances, holidays can prove to be a difficult occasion when you are single. In fact, a lot of men have been known to experience cases of depression during these normally festive celebrations. In order to usher in more happiness and good fortune during this season, we have put together some tips created for the single guy.

Reward Yourself

Who says you have to wait for others to buy you the things you’ve always wanted when you can buy them yourself. Since you don’t have any plus one’s to worry about, you won’t feel guilty about spoiling yourself rotten. Now is the best time to reward yourself with that new LED TV that you have been eyeing for or pamper yourself and book a first class flight to spend a holiday in Cyprus in a singles resort.

Flex Those Muscles

Holidays usually mean lots of extra time which you can spend to muscling up. You can hit the gym or participate in competitive sports. This is actually a good way to kill time and at the same time get a killer body that the ladies will love.

Slim Down

While most fathers are binging out during the holidays, why not do the exact opposite and slim down. There is absolutely no need to add being fat to a list of resentments this holiday season. Instead, go on a healthy diet and start shedding those extra pounds.

Get Extra Money

Since you are single and have some extra time on your hands, you might as well try to get a few extra dollars from this occasion. Take this opportunity to do extra work and get over time pay.

Do Something Worthwhile

As this is the season for giving, might as well get with the program and do some volunteer work at your nearest shelters, nursing home or charitable organizations. Doing volunteer work might actually do you a lot of good and make your holidays a memorable experience.

Organize Your Life

This season may actually be the best time to put those organization skills to good use. You can do it two ways, one is by cleaning your room, house or office cubicle, get rid of things that just accumulate dust and make room for new things. Second, is to do some thinking, write down a bucket list with both the achievable and a few far out there goals you want to shoot for.

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