How to Make sure you Have Great Skin for a Big Date

You’ve got a big date coming up and you want to look your absolute best. Or maybe you’re facing a crisis situation of a big pimple on your nose and only a couple of days to get rid of it before an important romantic get-together. No matter what you say about personality, appearances are always going to be an essential part of the dating process, and especially at the beginning. It’s only human nature to want to look great because we all know at the heart of it, people respond better when we make a great first visual impression. It’s important to wear comfortable clothing that is attractive and appropriate for the occasion, and of course you want your face to be as clear as possible. Here are some general tips to make sure that your skin looks great in time for your big first date.

One of the most important factors about dealing with how to get rid of acne is having a preventative approach in mind. It’s important to remember that a pimple that you see on your face actually started developing several weeks ago due to a combination of clogged pores and a bacterial reaction. You want to do everything within your power to act on your skin now to make sure that the same thing doesn’t happen a few weeks down the line. That means regular washing with a gentle cleanser is absolutely essential, and don’t discount the importance of a good moisturizer as well. It’s important to preserve the integrity of your skin by using products that will not be too harsh on your outer layer. If you want to prevent acne from forming then a good topical cream with antibacterial components will also come in handy.

Obviously none of this advice helps if you have a date coming up on the weekend and a huge pimple that has already formed on your face. The most common thing people think of is whether or not they should go ahead and pop that pimple. You have to make a careful decision as to whether or not this is the best route to go, and keep in mind that it could definitely make your skin worse in the long run. Yes, if you pop that zit then it might die down in time for your date, but there is also a good chance it will spread bacterial infection and provoke more production of oil. It might be preferable to either persevere through the evening knowing that you have a visible pimple, or to use a good concealer to hide the redness of the affected area. It might be a rather embarrassing, but at the same time you don’t want to do anything to make it more difficult to go on dates in the future.

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