How To Strike Up A Conversation On The First Date

How To Strike Up A Conversation On The First Date

Meeting people for the first time can be an enjoyable experience, especially if you understand all about other people and how they like to communicate talk about and first of all listen. Here is how to strike up a conversation on text, on tinder, or on a first date.

“What an idiot! He’s got no idea what to say … I’ll make something up and leave.” Is this what you think she’s thinking about you? I’m sure there were times when you ran out of lines and felt like an idiot, because “I have kept silent for over 5minutes now”.

My first tip for you, is not to put yourself under pressure to talk, and repeat to yourself: “What should I talk about? What shall I say? I will make a complete fool out of myself”. So, don’t start thinking about what you’ll say, by repeating the ME, ME, Me in your head. By doing this, you will not focus on getting to know the other person, because you are thinking about YOU, YOU, YOU! This is not the way to start communicating.

You will just take turns talking. So, here’s what to do:

Become An Expert Listener

This means that the other person is doing most of the talking. Listen, ask a lot of questions and remember to form new questions around their answers. You’ll see that your worries will go away. And here is how you get the other to tell you about them:

“What are YOU currently doing??” “Do YOU enjoy it?” “Tell me about this…..” “I hear YOU have been doing this…” “I love YOUR job description, what’s the best thing YOU love about your work?”; “I love YOUR jacket, where did you get it from? Ask question to get to know them and then ask some more questions, and then some more! He or she will love you for it!

Great subjects include work, siblings, travel, food hobbies etc.

How To Strike Up A Conversation

Ask For Their Own Opinions

When looking to strike up a conversation ask these questions and your first date could go on for hours on end:

“What do you think of…?” “What is your opinion on…? Have you heard about what happened to…? Isn’t he/she…?” Respect their opinions, without getting into an argument.Wait until they ask about you and then be brief and make them ask more questions this means they have too, been listening and are indeed interested in what more you have to say. Make connections to what the other person has said about them- this will show you remember what they told you.

Topics to avoid

Their past – Never ask about past lovers on a first date unless they bring it up. You never know things ended and your date may still feel hurt from a past relationship and it would only put tension on your date.

Their parents – Asking about their parents could turn out against you, especially if their parents are divorced or separated when they were very young.

Politics and religion – These are hot topics and when used in a first date, can be a real turn off.

If your date and you enjoy being together all will run smoothly, and once you get some laughter, you know it’s been a success.

This article has been contributed by Aishwarya Vohra from Offshore Ally. She is one of the many talented SEO link builders and virtual assistant of the company. She likes to read and write on the subject of human psychology, food and music. Connect with her via Twitter.

5 Great and Inexpensive First Date Ideas

If you’re nervous about your next date or simply out of ideas, you should be. Women have been on tens of dinner dates and want something more in a man. Online dating site shares 5 great and inexpensive first date ideas that will impress her without stretching your budget.

Candlelit dinner at home

Set the scene with a romantic candlelit dinner at yours. And if dinner requires too much preparation, try light and sensual desserts instead. Strawberries dipped in cream or chocolate fondants topped with vanilla ice cream are always a winner. The key is to keep things simple and subtle: dim the lights, light a few candles and play soft tunes in the background. The rule is to keep things simple. Don’t go overboard with a candle trail leading to your bedroom or a line-up of 100 blazing candles.

Have a cocktail face-off

Drinking cocktails is fun, but making them is even better. Entertain her with a cocktail making competition at home, or take her on a night out to a bar school. Ask her what her favourite drink is beforehand, buy the ingredients in advance and get a bucket of ice cubes – it’s as simple as that. You’ll be surprised how different yours and her cocktails will taste – seemingly small differences in ingredients and doses can trigger big differences in taste. And if making cocktails isn’t your strong point, the chance is neither of you will even notice after you’ve had a couple of drinks!

Picnic in the park

The outdoors doesn’t have to be boring. There’s so much you can do when the sun is out, whether you live in the city or the countryside. Take your date for a romantic picnic and let the surroundings win her over. Choose a place with breathtaking views, water views or running water if you can. Fountains, lakes and rivers convey a sense of tranquillity.

Spruce up your picnic with small romantic touches: go for a chequered red and white tablecloth, make sandwiches yourself or surprise her with a bottle of wine in a cooler bag. It’s the little details that will show her how much you really care.

Go where the fun is

A great way to entertain your date is to take her to a fun-filled place. Street performers, from toss jugglers to musicians and mimes, are great fun to watch and don’t cost a cent. You’ll often find them in public spaces, parks and shopping malls. And if you live close to a fairground, why not rock her heart on the bumpy cars or take her on a ride round the Ferris wheel?

Teach her something new

You’ll definitely strike a chord if you teach a woman something she’s always wanted to do – teach her to surf, throw a kick, juggle or even change a wheel. Ask her, it’s as simple as that. It’s likely to be something she’s seen in you and is attracted to. You can be sure she’ll remember from day one and perhaps even forever.

This article was written by, Australia’s only online dating service inspired by women. Visit today for fun, love or friendship, or visit the Mr Right Blog for more dating tips.

Why You May Want to Consider Elite Dating

The internet dating scene can be something of a minefield and choosing the right dating website is the first important decision you will have to make. For wealthy and professional people in particular, selecting the correct site for your dating searches is vital.

The big focus with dating sites is with finding like-minded people who fit your profile and match your likes and dislikes. It therefore has to make sense for professional people to join an elite dating website in order to find someone more likely to fit your own demographic.

Elite dating websites vet all their members to ensure that the person you meet is who they really say they are. It’s almost an unspoken fear of the wealthy professional that there may be some unscrupulous people out there but with Elite Dating, you can trust the vetting process to filter through the applications to make sure that this doesn’t happen.

With a like-minded and well matched partner, you are likely to enjoy dating much more. You will have experience of similar events and occasions and there will be no embarrassing or awkward situations when it comes to cost.

If all of this sounds snobbish, it isn’t meant to be: It is simply far more logical for wealthy and professional people to meet partners and dates who share their interests just the same as it is for anybody in any walk of life. You will match much better from the largest to the smallest detail and it means that you’re more likely to find that perfect long-term partner.

The choice of venue for that all important first date is vital too and if you have two people who share similar tastes and similar life experiences, then it will be easier to choose a location and more comfortable for both parties when the day arrives. Again, you don’t need to worry about going somewhere too expensive – taking them to an expensive restaurant for example is not so likely to look over the top if your partner is used to doing the same anyway.

If you are a wealthy professional and serious about finding a life partner then you will obviously want someone who shares the same ideals, goals and interests as you. For this reason above all else, it makes more sense for you to use an elite dating site.

This article was written by Megan Hughes from Elite Dating – for more of her writing please visit the WeLoveDates blog.

How To Solve Relationship Problems And Restore Love

To get from where you are to where you want to be, you need a plan. The same goes with marriage and relationships. Often, you need a plan to solve your relationship problems.

You know that love can take many different shapes and it’s not always a breeze to keep your partner happy and content. The first years of marriage can be amazing but after some time, you may start to feel squabbles coming your way. It is the sign that the partnership between you two is actually made of two distinct parts that need to be harmoniously balanced. When you overcome your problems your love gets more profound.

Unfortunately, intuition plays a huge role in most couples’ efforts to solve their problems. Instead of solving their conflicts by coming up with a plan, what they do is return to their primal instincts – demands and anger – in an attempt to fix things. These instincts do not just fail in making things right, but they also burn down whatever’s left from their love.

Restoring Love Or Solving Problems

I know there is no marriage free of struggle. Conflicts do not necessarily mean trouble or the end of the road. Every now and then, arguments enable the partners to express their differences in opinions and find solutions or come to terms and compromise.

Squabbles and fights come up because the two partners bring into the relationships two different worlds, different experiences, predispositions and expectations. This is why conflicts arise all the time, be in money, jobs, sex and a lot more. In most cases, couples believe that if they manage to solve their conflicts, they’d be happy again. But I’ve found that marriages can be amazing, in spite conflicts, which sometimes remain never fully resolved.

The difference between partners who stay in everlasting joyous relationships and those who regret the day they met is not in whether or not they fight all the time. It’s in finding their way back to each other and be able to restore their love. Restoring love is the most important thing in a marriage and having a solid relationship even after the fight is even greater.

The Love Bank

Here is a metaphor to help you understand how love arises and fades. Imagine that all of us have our own Love Bank and all the people in our lives have a separate account at our bank. Think of it as a way to track how others treat us.

When a person treats us bad, Love Units are withdrawn from their account; however, if someone treats us well, we link those good feelings to their account and add Love Units to that. When the balance is up, we get fond of that person and when it’s down, we feel the opposite.

So, love can be with you forever, if you just know how to add (and not withdraw) units from the Love Bank and keep depositing them. It’s that easy. All you really need to do is to keep the Love Bank levels above the romantic love threshold.


This article has been contributed by Aishwarya Vohra from Offshore Ally. She is one of the many talented SEO link builders and virtual assistant of the company. She is a nature lover who likes to read and write on the subject of human psychology, food and music. Connect with her via Twitter.

The Best Places to Flirt at Work

A decade ago you weren’t supposed to have an office romance but today, some companies encourage them, saying that office relationships increase company loyalty and business productivity. As a result, you might see more than just the birds and bees coupling this spring. Instead, you’ll start to notice a few office romances starting to bloom.

However, even though office romances are gaining more acceptance, you still need to act professional. That doesn’t mean that you need to hide your relationship but rather there is a time and place to sneak a minute or two of flirtation.

Here are five great places to flirt with your “colleague” that won’t get you into trouble:

The Kitchen

Food is the way to anyone’s heart – especially your coworkers in the middle of a long day. Consider bringing in a healthy sweet treat on a random day, and then send an email to let your coworkers know there are delicacies in the kitchen. Before you know it, everyone will jump up and gather in the kitchen, giving you an opportune time to chat with your crush.

Remember when you were in high school and a simple “hello” from the captain of the swim team made your day? Same rule still applies; a quick chat could be the pick-me-up you needed to finish up the report you’ve been working on all week.

The Office Copiers

You probably didn’t even realize it but you make your way to the office copiers 10 times a day. Whether you are sending a fax, scanning a document or printing out a report, your business’ copier is a well-visited machine.

As a result, use this machine to your advantage; next time you know you need to print something out, send a quick email to your office crush and tell him or her to print something out too. That way, you have some company as you wait for your documents to print.

Tip: color documents tend to print slower.

The Water Cooler or Coffee Machine

The water cooler and coffee machine save professionals daily. It’s crucial that workers stay hydrated and it’s important that professionals stay awake. So the next time you need a cup of either, wink at your office interest to follow you over to the coffee machine. This will give you an opportunity to catch up on how their day is going.

Likewise, take a break by the water cooler. The most important thing to remember, however, is don’t take too long of a break and don’t put your other responsibilities on the back burner.

Outside the Bathroom

Depending on where your bathroom is located, your walk to the bathroom is a chance to meet up with your office fling. Although not the most romantic idea, it is subtle – the key trait to have in an office romance.

Places NOT to flirt at work

It’s neither professional nor wise to parade your relationship around the office. Yes, everyone might already know about it but that doesn’t mean you should steal kisses in the middle of the lunchroom. In addition, sneaking in a few minutes of flirtation here and there is what makes the relationship exciting.

The two places you should not flirt at work include:

Your Cubicle: You know how distracting it can be to have your coworker on the phone with someone for long periods of time. In the same respect, it’s not the best idea to flirt with someone in front of your neighboring cubicles. It’s distracting as well as unprofessional.

The Lunchroom: You might think that lunchtime is the perfect time to sit down and have a break with your office romance, but in reality, it isn’t. Lunch is the time when you should be socializing with many of your coworkers, not just one. The one thing you don’t want to do at work is seclude yourself from the overall work environment.

You shouldn’t feel guilty about having an office romance but always keep it professional. These five places are good to have a quick chat and won’t take too much time away from your work responsibilities.


Sylvia Rosen is an online writer with a background in newspaper journalism. She enjoys writing about dating, relationships and healthy lifestyles.

Should You Try Online Dating?

No longer seen as something desperate singles do, online dating has become a popular way to meet other people who are looking for dates or mates. It is now as normal as online shopping or buying vibrators to look for other singles through the Internet. In fact, I would bet that almost everybody could name someone who has either used a service or who has met his or her partner by online dating.

There are more than enough reasons to try online dating, but following is a list of the top 7 reasons.

1) You don’t have to waste time talking with people you would rather not have a conversation with. No more do you have to even talk with those annoying people who are just out for a pick up. With online dating you get to choose who it is you want to start up a conversation with before having to meet them. You are in charge of who and how you will contact.

2) One of the biggest benefits of shopping online is that you have a larger selection of products since the stores you can shop at are numerous. This is the same with online dating! You have more choices to give you a better chance at finding the right person.

3) You can actually take charge of your own destiny by using these types of services. Sitting at home, or worse hanging out in bars, hoping the perfect match will show up is probably going to find you old and alone. By signing up, you can meet so many interesting people and broaden your chances of spending old age with a mate.

4) One of the best reasons to try online dating has to be that you get to know something of the other person before you even meet face to face. You can’t read about or talk to that person whose approached you in a bar beforehand. But with online dating, you have the opportunity to talk, chat, and email or have phone conversations long before you meet if you choose.

5) Finding that perfect match is not confined by time constraints of work or other obligations. With the online services you can search from prospective matches 24 hours a day, no matter if it’s midnight or 5 am you can hunt down you next date or mate.

6) You can join sites that are specific to your needs to narrow your search. Some sites cater to single parents or people looking for high-income matches. Or maybe you are older and want to search only seniors’ sites, those are out there too!

7) You’ve got to be tired of your friends trying to fix you up. They mean well, but don’t have a clue as to what you really want. Plus, everyone in your current circle is not going to be a match or will even know of a match; so online dating is your best option.

Go ahead and give online dating a try! It’s a definite way to get a fresh start and if nothing else, you will meet some exciting new people along the way!

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