5 Unusual Celebrity First Dates

It must be hard for a celebrity to organise a great first date. It’s got to be stylish and a bit different, but at the same time low-key and a little bit secretive. While most settle for a table in a quiet corner of a fancy restaurant there are a select few who have taken a bit of a gamble, with varying degrees of success. Here are five of the best.

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore

For his first date with Demi Moore Ashton Kuthcer decided to treat his future wife to the delights of In-N-Out Burger, a regional fast food restaurant chain across Western America. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with a good burger but you’d think a Hollywood movie star might go for something a bit more upmarket.

He’s since explained that the date was deliberately low key in order to try and keep it hidden from the press. Whatever the reasoning the burger tactic obviously worked, and the couple were married for six years until there recent separation.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

This one is undoubtedly the flashiest entry on our list. Back is 2005 Hollywood’s most famous action-man treated Katie Holmes to some sushi, which might not sound all that unusual. However, it was served on Cruise’s very own private jet! Not many of us can claim to have ever done the same.

I guess Cruise was essentially showing off, but he obviously impressed his date as they were engaged to be married in just two months.

Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham

Mark Wahlberg took Rhea Durham (who is now his wife) to a catholic church for their first date, which is pretty unusual in itself. But what made the date even more extraordinary was the fact that Durham wasn’t even a catholic, which must have meant the whole experience was pretty intimidating.

Durham has now converted to Catholicism, and the pair were married in a traditional ceremony in 2009.

Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush

So far all of our unusual first dates have grown in to marriage, but Reggie Bush’s first date with Kim Kardashian is evidence that going off-piste isn’t always successful. Reggie began his first date by asking America’s premiere socialite to pick him up from the car wash. He then took her to Chipolete for a burrito, which I can’t imagine is somewhere the Kardashians regularly frequent. In defence of the NFL star though, they are good burritos!

Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift

This is another whirlwind romance that started with something a bit different. Jake Gylenhaal took Talyor Swift for a spot of apple picking on their first date in the Autumn of 2010, which actually sounds really romantic. Apparently he even did the gentlemanly thing and paid for all the apples they picked (which cost him about three dollars if you’re interested). What a brilliantly different idea for a first date. It’s just a shame the relationship didn’t last.

Johnny Anderson often writes about celebrity and relationship gossip. When he’s not doing this he spends his time researching and writing about Valentine’s gifts for the online gift retailer Find Me A Gift.

3 Important Factors For Attracting Younger Women

3 Important Factors For Attracting Younger Women

Dating and getting younger women does not depend on your age, or how wide the age difference you have with the girl. The principles of attraction works for any woman of any age. It’s just a matter adjusting your tactics a little bit if you want to date someone younger.

Success in dating women really boils down to three major factors:

  1. The image that you project to others
    2. Your mindset, values system, or thinking habits
    3. Your criteria for selecting women

The three things mentioned above remains the same for any man in any age bracket. There are only slight variations when dealing with specific interests related to a particular age group, but those factors remain the same.

Face this truth. Girls will be girls. Their psychological and emotional "code" won’t change regardless of age. Only their priorities and life situations change.

1. The Image You Project To Others

When we say the word "image", this is not totally limited to the way you handle yourself and dress up (although those things are part of your image) The bigger idea about the word "image" is the way a woman forms an overall opinion of you as a person, based on physical appearance, your status in the world, your personality and manner, what you say, and how other people regard you.

Ideally, you’d like her to form a favorable idea of who you are as a total person. You see, attractive women have a knack for finding out who you really are inside.

You can impress her with your looks, status, and moves. But at the back of her head she’s constantly thinking: "I want to know the kind of person he really is on the INSIDE".

You must be able to give her an overall idea of your personality that removes all her resistance regarding your age, physical imperfections, weight, and anything else which might be considered a negative trait on your part.

Generally, women choose men who possess the qualities that she WANTS.

That’s really what it boils down to: Do you have what she wants?

While it’s true that most women dream of having a Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, but in real life they’re willing to go beyond good looks if you have personality traits that they’re looking for.

There are some many advantages that come with age: Experience, social status, maturity, security, financial stability…and many other things that make a woman comfortable.

If you want to succeed in attracting younger females, do not capitalize on the negative aspects of getting older. Instead, capitalize on the positive aspects and realize that you deserve to have a wonderful, attractive woman.

When it comes to life experience, you can’t brag about it. Don’t just come over to a younger woman and say "I have experience and I can give you the security you want". That’s just stupid. Instead, let your actions speak for you. Your experience and maturity will be evident in how you handle situations, and how you carry yourself.

Why not take an honest look at yourself and ask this question: "What positive traits do I possess that makes me attractive to the opposite sex?"

Put yourself in a woman’s shoes. If you were her, would you consider dating a guy like yourself?

I’m 100% sure that whatever your background is, or how "ugly" you think you might be, there are at least some physical and personal traits that makes you attractive to others.

Find those traits and qualities, then capitalize on them. Chances are, if you find some things about yourself that are attractive and then accentuate them, some women will take notice and like you for those traits as well.

Don’t forget this: A woman’s mindset towards attraction never changes regardless of her age. Only their priorities change, but they are still attracted to guys the same way they were attracted to boys during grade school days.

So with your actions, demonstrate to everyone that you’re "Mr. Right", and project the image of a person who is inside every woman’s dream.

The ideal image of a man in the mind of a woman is someone who is young, masculine, and strong (both physically and emotionally). You cannot prevent your age, but you can always act and speak in a youthful way. Being masculine involves doing things in a manly way, such as making firm decisions, solving conflicts, showing that you are in charge..etc. And being strong, physically and emotionally, means you should maintain your body with proper exercise and have a positive outlook in life.

Project the image of a capable man who knows how to take charge, and she will see you in a positive light despite of your age. In fact, age is totally irrelevant when it comes to attraction.

2. Your Mindset Values System, And Thinking Habits

The outward image that you portray directly stems from your thought patterns and beliefs at this very moment. What’s your belief and opinion about yourself?

What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?

I’ll ask you a straight question. Do you feel confident that you can pick up a hot, insanely attractive 25 year old without much effort? Or do you believe that you can no longer do that because of your age?

I’ve heard all kinds of excuses that men make each time they are asked those same questions. In fact, there is almost an equally amount of 25 year old guys who believe that they CAN’T pick up an attractive 25 year old girl..even if they tried! So this fear of rejection is embedded in the emotions of most men, and it needs to be overcome in order to be successful with women.

Age is not really the problem. It’s your negative beliefs and feelings that prevent you from having fulfilling relationships with attractive women. In fact, age is a plus factor, not a liability.

Some men have more difficulty changing their beliefs than others. This is because our thought feelings are in fact patterns and habits of behavior that are hard to break.

However, if you are persisted and have commitment to improve yourself, you can free yourself from negative thinking patterns and false, unfounded beliefs.

You’ll be surprised at how many romantic opportunities will open up to you when you start believing in yourself.

The key is to develop GENUINE confidence and positive self-esteem. Jerks and overly cocky people are not confident, they are insecure. But if you have real confidence in your abilities, you will not be scared to approach and date any woman you like.

You must look like you’re extremely comfortable with dating situations and is not intimidated with pretty girls. When women notice that you seem like "you’ve done it before", they will not think twice about giving you a fair try.

Remember, but acting it out, it has to come from a genuine belief that you have. Believe that you dating is not difficult. Imagine yourself relaxed and having fun with an attractive woman, and she is enjoying herself with you as well. Then go out there and make this mental picture real.

3. Your criteria for selecting women

I have a friend in his mid-50’s who resides in India. He visits a karaoke bar every Monday sings a couple or more songs. his voice isn’t exceptional, but is definitely powerful worth hearing. 

After finishing his first song, he buys free drinks for people around him. In just a matter of weeks since he started visiting that bar, he became extremely well known there.

Even though he lived in India, a place which has conservative values when it comes to dating, my friend was able to date lots of women in their twenties just in that bar alone.

The reason? He exudes confidence and makes a powerful statement whenever present. We can say that he has a very high social status in that karaoke bar. He has successfully rose above the ranks and reached the very top of the pecking order. He did this by changing his mindset, and his renewed confidence emanated to the world around him. This allowed him to attract more women…mostly younger than him.

Whether you like it or not, women are searching for some real world demonstration of the pecking order. She’s looking for a guy who’s on top of the "food chain" of society. Because you’re older, girls naturally feel that you would be far more superior to younger guys in terms of experience and social status. But still, you have to demonstrate that social status. It doesn’t necessarily follow that you should pay for everything, but you should display some sort of authority and influence in the real world.

No matter who you select, she’s looking for some type of demonstration of the pecking order. You’re expected to be at the top because you’re older. Those at the top take care of the ones underneath him. Don’t mistake this to mean you pay for everything. It’s not like you have to pay for her college tuition.

Think of ways on how to "demonstrate" your authority, influence and social status to the particular age group of women that you’re targeting. Remember that each age group has varying definitions of the pecking order.

It is helpful for you to go to places where you can regularly meet and hook up with different women from various age groups. This way, you know how to deal with any women, regardless of the circumstances.

When the times comes that you’re totally confident in your ability to pickup attractive women anytime, anywhere, your age and her age stops being a barrier. But for the sake of practicing your skill, go to places where you can feel comfortable socializing and where you can gradually work your way up in the pecking order.

Some good places are karaoke bars, gym clubs, yoga classes, self development seminars..and many others.

The important thing is to go where women are going. I mean, you can’t expect hot, pretty girls to pop out in the middle a graveyard, right? Go where the action is, then grab every opportunity to practice your skills.

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