Tiger Woods Scandal Creates Caution for Married Date Seekers


Tiger Woods Scandal Creates Caution for Married Date Seekers

Married people seeking new dating experiences through online dating sites have declined quite a bit since the Tiger Woods scandal broke shortly after Thanksgiving. According to an online dating site called BeNaughty.com, cheating men decreased their use of the site by almost 48% within the past month. Cheating woman also reduced their use of online dating sites almost 20%.

This is the first time that the site has seen such a sharp reduction in married people seeking out extra dates. This might be the one good thing to come of the scandal that could very well end Tiger Wood’s marriage and delay his golf career. Expectations are for the numbers to return once the attention has gone away for the story in the popular media outlets.

How to Meet Single Christians Online for Dating

How to Meet Single Christians Online for Dating

With the mass appeal of online dating there have been numerous niche dating sites that focus on one type of single and hope to provide better matches than sites that provide more general profiles. Christian dating sites are one of these types of niches. Even within the Christian dating area there are many ways to break down the profiles even further between different Christian beliefs.

Match Methods

Internet Dating Sites use different methods to match singles and you may prefer one method to another. There is the traditional method of profile posting and then advanced search options. The compatibility test was made popular by eHarmony had has been used by a number of different Christian dating sites. Browsing profile photos is a popular initial way to find someone you are attracted to.

It is more convenient to search or be matched with singles in your immediate area. But some of the more popular Christian Singles Sites offer nationwide searches and international searches too. With low cost phone service, email, and chat options built into dating sites, getting to know someone is necessarily geographically dependent.


Christian Singles should determine if they want to join a service that is specific to their denomination and the region. Or if they want to join a larger site and then narrow down to their specific match based on the matching and search options available. Different sites also have different service fees. Knowing the fees upfront can save time and money when selecting a site to join.

Use common sense when meeting people online and in person. Joining a Christian dating site does not eliminate entirely all the bad apples looking to take advantage of people online. Do a background check or a reference check, meet in a public place, and don’t provide too much personal information that could be used to track down your work location or residence.

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