Secrets To Attracting Hot, Younger Women Part II
Instead of doing some cheesy admissions, be cool, calm, and act as if you don’t give care too much.
Think yourself as a bullet train that runs forward at full speed.
Act as if she only has two options:
First, she can choose to ride the train and experience the ride of her life. Or, second, she can MISS the train and deny herself the chance of a lifetime. Either way, you’re not affected, because you’re already good on your own even without her.
By doing this tough approach, you will be able to know early on if she likes you on a sexual level.
You won’t have to play guessing games anymore, or wonder if she’ll sue you if you ever dare to touch her.
All you have to do is to follow a specific progression of stages and steps. Move from the initial contact, to conversation, then proceed to physical touching and so on. When you know the correct sequence, you’ll never have to guess whether she likes you or not.
You’ll be aware of how to read a woman’s body language signals. Your words, techniques, and moves will gradually lead her to say “Yes”, instead of her finding EXCUSES to not get involved with you.
Negate the physical barriers between the two of you and try to make body contact with the woman. The perfect time to do this is when you’re both bursting in laughter.
When she least expects it, give her knee a soft tap or touch. When you do a high-five, wrap your fingers around her for a split second. Usually, she will get confused with that signal, and she will experience an emotional spark. Just when she thought you are interested in her, you move your hands away from her and act as if you don’t care and nothing happened.
Continues Tomorrow…