How To Woo And Seduce A Woman

How to seduce a woman? It can be quite a challenge, considering women are complicated creatures. However, by following the right steps (and paying close attention to her responses), you won’t have to rely on good looks alone to interest the female gender. Though it helps!

The first thing you must have is confidence. If you cannot see your attractive traits, why would she? Women like confident men who are unafraid and can deal with rejection. It is a common belief that women are attracted to “bad boys” over good guys, but this is not completely true. Women are attracted to the confidence most of those bad boys exude.

Next, talk with her. Appeal to her intellect while helping her enjoy the conversation, as well. Making a woman laugh is key to seduction. However, do not insult her, or anything she enjoys or defends. This will be an instant turn-off. Find out what she is interested in, and try to steer the conversation towards that.

Another crucial step is complimenting her. Every woman enjoys being complimented, but be sincere in your compliments. If you are phony or false in any of your compliments, she will know, and will not respond well. Find something unique about her, and tell her how much you love it. It could be her eyes, her hair, her lips, or pretty much anything. She will see you are being sincere, and she will be flattered and feel appreciated.

Physical contact is also important. Just holding her hand or placing your hand on the small of her back will trigger her passion. When done correctly, physically touching a woman lets her know you’re interested in her for more than a casual friendship.
It does not take anything learn how to seduce a woman. Just follow the guidelines stated above, and you will have appealed to both her mind and body.

Men and Dating: How to Make the First Move

The pressure felt when dating can be daunting for any man, whether he’s a regular at a singles bar or he’s fresh out of a committed relationship and new on the market. This pressure comes from the way we feel we must present ourselves, to the way we talk to and how to treat our female counterparts during courting. Here are a few examples on what to do (and what not to do) when making the first move.

The Pick Up- For a woman you have just met or would like to meet.

Body language is a large part of how singles interact with each other, even before they have spoken. As men, once we learn to decode these signals and how to give our own, we can know more about how a woman views us. Direct eye contact, touching her face or a man and leaning in toward a man are ways that women show they are interested. Once you’ve made eye contact with a woman, hold it there to show that you are also interested. When speaking, face a woman directly and pay close attention to her body language. She’ll let you know when she is ready to let you get close. Becoming a pick up artist isn’t just luck or natural talent. It involves learning to be aware of the signals and practice.

The Move In- For a woman that you already know, and would like to know better.

Setting up a date with this woman that allows you to converse in a casual atmosphere will allow you to show your interest, without putting the added pressure of a typical ‘let’s impress each other’ first date. When putting the moves on this girl, timing is crucial. After all, there is probably a reason, like a previous boyfriend or work conflict, which kept you from approaching her in this way before. Choose your moment carefully. The art of seduction requires timing, training, and practice to be consistently successful. Part of picking the right moment is also about learning how to go for what you want, and stop hesitating.

The Next Level- For a woman you already know quite well.

This next scenario can go one of three ways. If all goes in your favor, she will come running into your arms. However, it is possible that she could be flattered but not want to jeopardize your friendship or reject the idea completely and feel uncomfortable around you. To avoid awkwardness, start by being open and honest about your feelings. It may sound silly, but she will still respect you, even if the feelings aren’t mutual. If she is open to exploring a relationship, take your time when making the first move to ensure that the transition from friends to something more meaningful is smooth for both sides.

Once you have assessed the situation and made the first move, things get a little easier. The key to making that first move is not to rush blindly into any situation. If you look before you jump you’ll both have a better idea of what you’re getting into, and you’ll be more at ease with one another in the long run.

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Using the “Option Limitation” to Maximize you’re Dating Success

Using the “Option Limitation” to Maximize you’re Dating Success

When you are trying to attract women, make sure that you understand what she wants, because most men think that it is all about their look and the content of their wallet. If you happen to ask the girl that you like what she wants, your chances of seducing her will be really small. Furthermore, every woman in the world wants to have a more confident man by her side, so you have to become one. For that reason you will have to learn how to be more attractive and confident, but without becoming arrogant or desperate.

The main thing that you have to do is to make sure that you learn all the psychological tactics and rules, because they are the essential part of the whole seduction game. Furthermore, you will be able to plan the whole seduction game and turn the odds in your favor. One of the best psychological techniques that you will be able to use for that purpose is called option limitation and I can assure you that when you are using it, you will increase the chances of getting any girl that you like by more than 50 percent.

The basics of that procedure is that  you present the girl that you like with more than 1 option, which will cause her to choose the option that is suitable for you. For example if you present the girl with only one option, she is likely to choose something that is quite opposite and you will not be happy at all, but if you present her with 2-3 choices, she is more likely to choose one. Those are the main principals of the human nature and I can assure you that they will work for any girl without exception. It is very important to carefully choose the phrases that you will be using, because if you do not, you will decrease your chances of seducing the girl.

I would like to point out one example of how you will be able to use the “Option Limitation”. Most of the men say “Can I get your number?” which is the perfect way to finish a conversation with a girl. However the option limitation will work, when you say “I would like to get your number and I can call you to have dinner or a coffee tomorrow”. The first example will present the girl with only one option and in most cases, she will reject it. However using the second example you will present her with a choice between good and better, which in most of the cases will allow you to get both the number and set the next date. Make sure that you will use the “Option Limitation” in every possible situation, because it will have an effect for sure. Furthermore, make sure that you will use “or” to separate the choices that you are presenting the girl with, because that way she will subconsciously recognize that you are giving her the freedom to choose.

If you are willing to learn all the tricks that women use, make sure to read GuyGetsGirl, because it is probably the best guide available on the market. Furthermore, with that guide you will learn what some of the best techniques are that you can use to attract and seduce women, without these there is only your looks and financial status. I can assure you that all the techniques that are mentioned in that guide work and you will have a lot better dating experience for sure.

How do you pick up a Beautiful Woman?

How do you pick up a Beautiful Woman?

To ensure you are be able to get the most attractive among all the woman that you notice, it is very important to spend some time working on your self confidence, because that is the essential part of a successful dating experience. The main thing that might happen to you is having self-limiting beliefs, which will decrease your chances of dating a beautiful woman. Some of the most common among all of them are:

  1. “She is too good looking and she will not be interested in me.”
  2. “Women are able to sense inexperience and they will not be happy to spend some time with a guy like me.”
  3. “Girls are always looking to have sex only with those who have a lot of money and a good job.”
  4. “That beautiful woman is very popular and she is rejecting all the guys that are approaching her. This will happen to me for sure.”

The main thing about those limiting beliefs is that they are limiting you, and that is the main reasons you should avoid them. Furthermore, the only thing that you will miss is that you will not be able to date very good looking and attractive women. On the internet I found 3 simple rules that you will be able to use to get rid of those limitations and start dating some of the most beautiful girls that you find.

  • Rule 1. Remember you must concentrate on the present and stop thinking about the past or the future. Furthermore, make sure you do not think about all the things that can go wrong when you approach the girl and start talking to her. Make sure that you do not waste time and approach the girl immediately after you see her.
  • Rule 2. Do not let all the other men around you to change your perception. Every man has a different way to seduce women and you must have some of your own, try not to copy the other men around you. If you manage to behave and talk well, you will be more attractive than the men that are around you.
  • Rule 3. Have a lot more confidence in you. Remember that all the common limitations that I have mentioned above, do not have any place in your mind and you will have to avoid them. Each one of the people is unique and if you can show that you are, you will have better dating experiences. Make sure that you never pretend to be someone else, just expresses your true character.

On the internet there is a very interesting guide written by W. Wilcox and it is called HypnoDate. There you will find all the information that you need to start seducing women easily. If you read this manual, you will have a lot better dating experiences and will learn how to have more confidence in all the things that you do, which will have positive results in your life.

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How to handle the physical contact when you are trying to attract a woman?

How to handle the physical contact when you are trying to attract a woman?

One of the main components of seduction is physical contact. Simply, it is not possible to get a girl if you do not put out a certain amount of touching. However, make sure that you do not make the girl feel uncomfortable, because you will ruin your chances of a successful date. Furthermore, that is one of the main problems for most, they do not know how to establish physical contact with the girl, without scaring her away.

Most men are simply rushing the physical contact, which is surely a guarantee that you will scare the girl away. Another common mistake that most men do is simply not taking any actions at all. Although that this will not make the girl feel uncomfortable, it will send the message that you are not interested in the girl at all.

There are some really simple things that you will be bale to do and I can assure you that this way you will send the right message, but will not scare away the girl. Furthermore, those steps are the main part of the whole successful dating process.

  1. First of all make sure you will not understand touching the girl first time you see her as a taboo, because that is the main event where you will have to show the girl that you really want to attract her. However this do not means that you should start kissing her or something like that, but simply touch the outside of her hand, when you are verbally expressing something. This way you will giver her clear sign that you are interested in her, so make sure that you will not be scared to try.
  2. Remember that when you are talking with a girl it is very important to keep up the physical contact, because that way you will keep the bond that you have created and also to extend it into future sexual attraction. In most of the books there are some techniques that you will be able to use to establish a physical contact with the women in a disguised way. This means for example if you want to show her the way to the bathroom, you simply put your hands on her shoulders and show her hoe to find the way. That is the best way to establish a physical contact with the woman if you are shy, because you will get all the benefits and in most of the cases she will not notice.
  3. Last, but not least make sure that you will use physical contact to close your meeting with the girl. This means that you must gently giver her kiss on the cheek or a hug and a kiss. That way you will be sure that she will want to meet with you again as soon as possible.

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The Reason Why I Began Dating Younger Women

The Reason Why I Began Dating Younger Women

Most mature single guys are looking girls who are attractive, sexy, and YOUNGER. If you’re one of those men, here’s what you should always keep in mind: Women LIKE guys are who are considerably older than them.

In the past two centuries, the American government managed to take statistics of married couples in this country. A close look at the statistical trends on marriages in the United States during the last 200 years suggests that men have a wide age gap with the women they marry. That’s correct — woman prefer older guys…it’s a timeless classic. The underlying reason behind this can be understood by studying evolution.

Women are psychologically inclined to search for security, safety, and other things in between. She does so because it’s embedded in her DNA and human nature to provide an environment conducive to raising a child. An older man can provide security and safety because of his rich personal experiences, well developed personal skills, and knowledge of the real world.

Social norms usually project men as desperate and hopeless romantics, who must do all they can to get a life partner as soon as possible. That may be true in some cases, but in majority of cases, young women are deeply inclined to seek out older guys.

The next thing that you should keep in mind is this:

If you devote yourself to learning art of pickup and dating, in approximately two years or less, you will be a skilled pro in dating women and enjoy a fulfilled sex life than  you ever thought possible.

Do you know that the typical guy only gets involved sexually with an average of 4 to 7 women in his entire lifespan? The media and social norms don’t accept this picture, it’s true according to statistics.

This means that it doesn’t matter how old you are, or even if you’re fifty-year-old virgin. If you have the courage and decision to overcome your personal fears, change your mindset, learn new ideas, and take firm action…your life will change and you will have more fulfillment with women.

What you should do is to start the learning process IMMEDIATELY, and dump all the excuses you might be making up in your head right now.

The next few months will be an opportunity for you to practice new practical dating techniques, and it will be a remarkable experience. It is never too late to make a change. If you’ve failed a thousand times with women in the past, there is still plenty of time to start from scratch and revolutionize your dating skills.

Always think and believe that you are not desperate. Lose the idea that you’re "running out of time". The sooner you get rid of that thought, the sooner you’ll experience success with women.

Being anxious and desperate only makes you appear cheap. Acting as if you NEED a girlfriend right now is an attitude that will turn off most women.

Techniques To Start With

  1. Project A Youthful Image

The way you project your age is what counts the most, not the actual number of your years. By projecting a youtful image, I mean you should be happy, see the lighter side of things, and enjoy life to the fullest. Consider loosening up and possibly get back to wearing your jeans again. (Not a bad idea).

I suggest that you go to a clothing store this week and buy a new pair of jeans this week. Lots of older guys keep wearing old, worn-out jeans, and they’re signal to the entire world how old and outdated the are.

Take an honest, close scrutiny at your hairstyle, appearance, and wardrobe. consider updating your style a little bit.

If you’re enjoying life, having fun, and projecting a carefree attitude, younger women are bound to notice you. Balance your proper mindset with an updated wardrobe and appearance and you can be really successful in dating younger women.

  1. Be Fun loving

I often give advice to mature guys are too serious with themselves.

Imagine there are four hot women in a club. they’re relaxing, enjoying themselves, and taking some time off to unwind. The suddenly a guy enters the scene and starts talking about serious topics like politics, literature, work related issues..etc. Do you think those girls will like it? Of course not. It doesn’t fit in the situation!

Women expect older guys to be mature, but there is certainly a proper time and place to get serious. For this reason, when you’re out with a hot younger woman, loosen up and act relaxed, calm, and always on the lighter side.

The laidback, relaxed energy you project is the type of "atmosphere" that attracts women when you interact with them.

If you think loosening up and having fun when conversing with a woman is difficult, I suggest that you take an honest look at yourself and your personal issues.

Having a reality that is full of work, serious stuff, and no time for play can truly take its toll on your ability to enjoy life. Problem is, this affects your ability to land a long term relationship with an attractive woman. As the song goes, "Girls just want to have fun". So if they can’t have fun with you, they’ll choose someone else to have fun with.

More often, serious guys are the ones who love watching serious films and TV shows. They are primarily interested in politics, intellectually stimulating documentaries, and even appreciate music from many centuries ago.

A good idea would be to balance your intellectual appetite with films and TV shows which bring out the lighter side in you. Watch movies that are simple, funny, and relaxing. Appreciate TV shows with good clean fun, and learn to make way for humor in your personality.

If you only read Time magazine or stock market magazines, try adding some entertaining readings to your collection. Listen to some music that are "cool" and recently popular.

Being "updated" gives you a string of initial topics to use when conversing with women. I did not say that you should totally screw all that stuff about politics, stock market, work, books, etc…but you can save it for later, when you’re already intimate with a woman.

For the meantime, while you’re still dating and flirting, stick to easier topics and fun conversations.

This also gives you fun conversational topics to talk to women about. That hot 25-year-old babe at the bar might know a surprising amount about politics, but that doesn’t mean she wants to talk about it when she’s unwinding with a few drinks.

Practice and incorporate a cheerful, fun loving attitude into your personality.

Try it first on your friends. When you’re talking them, try to stay clear from any topics that are too serious. Get into the habit of inserting cool humor in your conversations, and it will naturally come out when you’re out with women you particularly like.

  1. Be Outgoing!

As men age, their social connections dwindle down. College buddies start to marry and start a family. Other social connections tend to be busy with work and all that stuff.

Perhaps you’re one of those people who just moved in to a new town and you haven’t developed new acquaintances yet. Or maybe you just don’t lie going out anymore, feeling like a fossil to hang around in local bars like before.

This is common sense, but I feel the need to say it: You should definitely go out once again.

Start by wrapping your socializing efforts with a hobby that you love to do.

A good idea is to start attending personal development events and recreational activities in your area. If you have already sunk to being shy and introverted, shake yourself up and get a renewed confidence. Talk to two or more people each day and engage in fun, fulfilling and meaningful conversations. This will help you strike a friendly chord with new friends.

Staying in your shell won’t do you good. better get out there.

Issues Related To Age:

Do you find your age embarrassing, and feel the need to lie about it?

Of course, it is best to tell the truth. However, you are not obliged to reveal your age to a woman when you meet her.

A woman will press you early on for information regarding age, educational background, line of work..etc., but as I said, you are in no obligation to reveal all that in the early stages of meeting her

Stimulate her curiosity, by not telling it all to her at once. Instead, reveal yourself gradually, as time progresses. This way, she will always look forward to hanging with you again, because she always learns something new about you that she has never been aware of before.

Most guys make a stupid mistake by bragging about all their accomplishments, stating all their achievements, and showing the girl how important he is in society. It just won’t work. Doing that will leave the girl with no excitement to talk to you again.

Let women ask the personal questions. Then answer in such a way that you will escalate the suspense, making her want to know more.