Online Dating Tips and Advice

There are so many great online dating tips that will improve your success rate of meeting people online. That’s mainly because it can be an overwhelming and complicated process, especially if you are new to it. Profile writing, sending messages, choosing a picture, and carrying conversation are important aspects of online dating.

Choosing the right site is important to your success. If you are very busy and don’t have the time to put into finding potential dates and matches, you may be interested in choosing one of the algorithm-based dating sites such as eHarmony. If you are adventurous and have the time you can opt for a free site, such as Plentyoffish.

Now that you have your site chosen, here are a number of online dating tips. Firstly, the golden rule of online dating is to make contact. If you don’t introduce yourself to people you’ll never get to go on a date.  Although challenging, over coming your fear of making that initial contact will bring you a long way in the world of online dating. Another great tip is in choosing the right profile picture. You don’t want anything inappropriate but at the same time you want to make sure that you are identifiable and someone can see it. Also, keep conversation short. After your initial contact, you may send a couple messages back and forth to ask questions and build interest but don’t keep it lingering. Once you have decided that the person you’re talking to is a potential date, try to seal the deal. This is usually done by either asking for a date or asking for a phone number. You can make up an excuse saying you are busy and won’t be on and ask for their number. Remember throughout your entire online dating experience – always be respectful of everyone you speak with.

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Online Dating Services Now a Billion Dollar Industry


Online Dating Services Now a Billion Dollar Industry


Online dating services now have a subscriber population estimated to be over 1 billion. That’s an industry of over $1 billion USD per year with growth rates steady at 10% per year. North America alone has over 1,400 online dating sites, where they are the third largest industry.


PACCAR Financial - Online Services
PACCAR Financial – Online Services (Photo credit: TruckPR)


Yet the online dating phenomenon is not restricted to the Americas or Europe, as Asians have embraced this love technology wholeheartedly. Japan has 1,600 online dating sites, even more than the US. India has 15 million subscribers, and that figure is expected to grow despite the economic crisis.


Perhaps the most significant growth factor has to do with the fact that more and more elderly people are dating online. 60 percent of women over the age of 65 and 30 percent of men of the same age group are expected to find dates on the web this year.