Things to Do After the Breakup

Christian Singles

Breakups are generally considered to be challenging for anybody, because you have to cope with a change to your routine.  Your significant other is now out of the picture, so you must do several things flying solo. You are forced to readjust to it being just you and that may mean that you ought to begin going out with your friends and family more often and begin to make new associations. In the meantime, you should reconcile yourself to this change of circumstance, and that might mean spending some time remembering the things you like and getting in touch with all the good things that make you who you are. Do some things for yourself, or better yet, do something for someone else.

One of the most productive things you can do for yourself is getting into shape. If you weren’t the one to break things off, maybe your self confidence isn’t as healthy as it might be. Becoming more fit is bound to help you feel better about yourself and give you more energy and a brighter outlook on life. This will make you feel more attractive, and that will attract others to you. Plus, who doesn’t want their ‘after the breakup’ look to be an improvement on the ‘before the breakup?’. But if you are not up for a new relationship just focus on making yourself feel and look better.

You can also increase your poise and spunk is to update your appearance. Change your hairstyle or hair color; get a manicure or pedicure, or rethink your wardrobe or makeup then that can be a fantastic thing. Sometimes what we need is a little change. Plus, you never know how you will look until you make the change, it is just possible that you’ll look even better.

Now if you don’t feel up to making any changes to yourself, another option is to go on vacation. It can be healing to get away from old haunts and old memories for awhile, as you learn about a new place. You can see and experience new things and do anything that you want. So get out of your house and city, and go somewhere exotic where you are far away from your ex and you can see new sights. You will most likely come back to the states with a different outlook on life. You will be more aware of exactly how you need your life to change and ultimately improve. One way to take care of yourself is by taking care of others. Maybe you will forget your own temporary troubles as you see how you can help those around you. Doing something nice for someone who is going through something much tougher than you are facing can help you count your blessings and see how much you still have to be grateful for in life.

Another way to get over your sorrow is by staying busy. Eventually you will need to get over any issues, but that will take time. Try getting over your ex by spending more time with your friends, doing nice things for them, trying out a new hobby or skill, and making new friends. You don’t need to feel like you must jump into a relationship, but going out is good for you. Because it’s hard to be depressed or lonely when you’re with people, so get out there and live the life that you want to live.

About the Author

Diane Johnson earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Utah. She likes to write about the news, politics, Online Schools, online education, and the college experience.