A Great Date And He Was Cute, Too

Sometimes a great date isn’t about the guy. Not to say that this is always the case, because it isn’t- I love a cute guy just as much as the next girl. But I can appreciate a great date even if they guy isn’t my type.  Take for example this date I went on just last week. It was amazing and I think it would have been great with anyone, but as an added bonus he was adorable. All I can say is that I keep waiting for the phone to ring again.

He picked me up and was actually on time which is always a plus. Then we went out to the new Italian restaurant for dinner. I had some of the best spaghetti that I have eaten and their garlic bread was to die for. As dinner was wrapping up I suggested that we split a dessert, but he said that he had something else planned for after so we didn’t. He paid the bill and we left.

Then he took me down to the park. It wasn’t that late and there were tons of people out enjoying the beautiful night, so it wasn’t creepy at all. He built a fire in this little fire pit and pulled all the makings for smores out of a bag that he had brought along. We just sat there roasting marshmallows and talking. The melted chocolate-y goodness of that delicious dessert was just what I needed. I probably ate way more than I should have and was a little embarrassed when we easily ate the entire bag of marshmallows.  Then he took me home and said goodbye.

I know that smores sound a little unconventional on a date, but if he can plan that for a first date, I can’t wait to see what he comes up with for the second.