Using Rejection to have Better Success When Seducing a Woman

Using Rejection to have Better Success When Seducing a Woman

There are many men, who do not have all the skills that are required to seduce women, because of one main reason. That reason is that they do not know how to deal with the rejection, which is a possible outcome of the seduction game.  There are many men, who are not capable to seduce good looking women, because of the fear of rejection. However there are some really good techniques that you will be able to use to deal with that fear and turn it into your favor.

The first thing that you will have to do is to learn some of the basic forms of rejection, because that is the best way to later learn how to deal with it. Some of the most common forms of rejection are:

  1. When you are talking to a girl and you ask her to meet again. Then suddenly she freezes and shuts you out.
  2. You try to talk to a girl, but she gives you minimal chances to make a good conversation.
  3. You have been into a couple of dates with a girl but when you try to make the relationship progress to the next level she becomes distant.

No matter what kind of rejection you will experience, make sure that you will try to do something for it, because if you fear of rejection you do not have good chances to have successful dates. The main thing that you will have to do is to change the way that you feel about rejection. Here are some of the main things that will help you to do that properly:

  1. If a girl rejects you when you are first inducing yourself to her, make sure that you will not take that as something about you and they way that you look for example. Just make sure that you will rethink your seduction strategy and see what you will be able to change.
  2. Do not take the whole seduction game personally, because that is the best way to avoid some negative effects. Remember that all the people are reacting differently, because of a lot of things that are happening to them and you should consider everything possible to be above those things. Make sure that you will leave good first impression for sure, because that way you will decrease the chances of rejection.

Those are the main concepts that you will be able to use to over come the fear of rejection and have a lot more confidence in yourself. When you learn to stop taking all the rejections personally, you will have a lot better chances to have positive dating experience, so make sure that you will do that. Furthermore concentrate on more important things related to the seduction game, because there are a lot of things that you will have to take care of.

Last but not least make sure that you will read the manual of W. Wilcox that is called HypnoDate , because there you will be able to find a lot of information about how to have more confidence in all the things that you do during the seduction game. Furthermore, there you will be able to learn all the things that you need to be more attractive to women, which are not related to money and cool cars. This manual is available all over the internet, so make sure that you will spend some time and read it.

How do you pick up a Beautiful Woman?

How do you pick up a Beautiful Woman?

To ensure you are be able to get the most attractive among all the woman that you notice, it is very important to spend some time working on your self confidence, because that is the essential part of a successful dating experience. The main thing that might happen to you is having self-limiting beliefs, which will decrease your chances of dating a beautiful woman. Some of the most common among all of them are:

  1. “She is too good looking and she will not be interested in me.”
  2. “Women are able to sense inexperience and they will not be happy to spend some time with a guy like me.”
  3. “Girls are always looking to have sex only with those who have a lot of money and a good job.”
  4. “That beautiful woman is very popular and she is rejecting all the guys that are approaching her. This will happen to me for sure.”

The main thing about those limiting beliefs is that they are limiting you, and that is the main reasons you should avoid them. Furthermore, the only thing that you will miss is that you will not be able to date very good looking and attractive women. On the internet I found 3 simple rules that you will be able to use to get rid of those limitations and start dating some of the most beautiful girls that you find.

  • Rule 1. Remember you must concentrate on the present and stop thinking about the past or the future. Furthermore, make sure you do not think about all the things that can go wrong when you approach the girl and start talking to her. Make sure that you do not waste time and approach the girl immediately after you see her.
  • Rule 2. Do not let all the other men around you to change your perception. Every man has a different way to seduce women and you must have some of your own, try not to copy the other men around you. If you manage to behave and talk well, you will be more attractive than the men that are around you.
  • Rule 3. Have a lot more confidence in you. Remember that all the common limitations that I have mentioned above, do not have any place in your mind and you will have to avoid them. Each one of the people is unique and if you can show that you are, you will have better dating experiences. Make sure that you never pretend to be someone else, just expresses your true character.

On the internet there is a very interesting guide written by W. Wilcox and it is called HypnoDate. There you will find all the information that you need to start seducing women easily. If you read this manual, you will have a lot better dating experiences and will learn how to have more confidence in all the things that you do, which will have positive results in your life.

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