Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Women

Valentines Day can send women into hopeful daydreaming, and because men know this, it can send men into panic mode. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make a woman’s heart flitter and stomach flip-flop (in the most romantic possible way, of course), and they don’t have to cost you a fortune, or a trip to the shopping mall. Need some ideas? Here are some great Valentines Day gifts for women:

A mix tape. You don’t have to find cassette tapes (and a tape recorder, for that matter) to create a mix tape, and a well-considered music compilation might just be the sweetest thing you can do for a woman (or anyone, actually). Need inspiration? Think of all the special, fun, or funny times you had together and include songs from that “soundtrack.” Also, be sure to include any song(s) that make you think of her, or your love for her.

Love Book. Visit the Love Book website to create a custom book all about the special woman in your life. From the easy to navigate interface, you can choose your book cover, title, pages, images, and text. You can even write your own pages, for a special touch. Love Book is a great way to create a keepsake that will make her smile every time she sees it.

Framed photos. In this day and age of digital cameras and smart phone pictures, you can make a great Valentines Day gift by making a custom piece of art out of a real photograph. Choose a special picture that you feel best represents your relationship, or even that depicts a memorable moment or a private joke, and take it to a custom framer to have it matted and framed. To go above and beyond, write a special message, or choose a favorite poem or text, and have it set into the matting.

Pampering. No matter what your woman’s tastes are, you really can’t go wrong with giving her a day of pampering at the spa. Show her how much she means to you by treating her to a massage, a facial, a pedicure and more. Call local spas and ask about their Valentines Day specials. You’ll be amazed at the deals you can find.

As you can see, there are many special things you can do to show your love on Valentines Day, and those things don’t require a lot of money. However, they do involve a lot of thought and consideration . . . which is exactly what she’ll be loving you for all the more the day she opens your gift.

About the Author: Gaylord Buhrman is an EKG technician on a tight budget. He and his wife have been married for 27 years and he knows that a thoughtful gift is far more important than a thoughtless and expensive gift.

7 Tips For Putting Together A Winning Valentine’s Day Card

Have you visited the greeting card section in your local Walmart or food store lately? Chances are if you have, you may have noticed how over whelming it can be to pick out a greeting card. There are so many different genres of cards now ranging from the most outrageous or obscene to the romantic and emotional cards, there’s even cards that sing and record voices!

Well its that time of the year again where roses are red and violets are blue, some poems rhyme others don’t. Don’t be one of those people that says, “I hate this holiday, it just makes me feel that much more single”. This is the holiday where life gives you lemons…an excuse to find that special someone or a reason to ask the girl of your dreams out on a date.

During this time of year, a way to a woman’s heart is romance. I know guys, this can be a word with many meanings but for the next few weeks, its all about flowers and romantic words, oh and chocolate, lots of it! The easy part is the chocolate and flowers, most of us can get away with just those two things however if your looking to go above and beyond this year, tell her how you really feel and make sure to get those reservations to her favorite restaurant.

Romantic cards can be quite a challenge for some people, but the beauty of this holiday is, many of those cards on the shelves know just how you feel! If your significant other means that much to you, try writing your own card full of love. The internet provides you with a large selection of DIY valentines day card templates. If you need a push in the right direction here are some tips to get you started.

  • Use sentimental rubber stamps such as “I Love You” or “Be Mine”. You can find them in any craft store.
  • Write or print a few suitable words on your valentine’s card. These are a great alternative to rubber stamps. (Men leave the hand writing to the women, find a suitable font in Word and go from there, its for the best!)
  • If you going to hand write, use a quality pen.
  • Write slowly and evenly.
  • Write naturally.
  • If your a poet at heart, then you should definitely include some romantic words that rhyme. (women eat that stuff up!)
  • As cheesy as this may sound, use lyrics from a song. Preferably a song your significant other doesn’t know, but if you must, say something like, Michael Buble says it best, “You know your some kind of wonderful…”.

There you have it, a bunch of ways to have a successful and romantic Valentines Day. Indulge yourself in that ridiculously large heart filled with your favorite chocolates. Go make lemonade!

Pat Shebby’s friends often refer to him as the “Love Doctor” because of his expertise and creativity when it comes to matters of the heart. He is also a big fan of custom gifts like a unique printable calendar.