A Fiasco-Proof Way For Single Parents to Find Dates

Single people often complain about not finding enough quality men or women on the planet. You can just imagine how single parents must be feeling. Single parents often have all sorts of fears and hang-ups — bad experience with the ex, age and weight issues, awkwardness in intimate situations, feeling overwhelmed with motherhood/fatherhood.

If you are guilty of these self-sabotaging thoughts, it’s about time you changed your mantra if you hope to attract good people and situations to you. These nagging fears can become a chip on your shoulder, or as some call it, emotional baggage — a real turn off for potential dates. So, toss your fears into the garbage bin,  dust off your low self-esteem, and get into the dating scene.

But where do you start? First, you may want to enlist the help of cyberspace. There are a lot of single people on the Internet looking for love. Joining social networking and dating sites are just some of the ways you can meet new people. Social platforms such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, even YouTube have become an integral way of life, almost second nature for modern singles – just ask any young single guy or girl!

Mobile dating sites are also turning to be a popular vehicle among the lovelorn to find their soul mates. You may also join online communities or support groups for singles.  The idea is to market yourself (not really as bad as it sounds) on the Web as a single, attractive male or female looking for fun romance or a committed relationship.

Don’t limit yourself to the web and mobile dating avenues, however, also make yourself available in the real world. Who knows, the next person you will swap “I dos” with is just two blocks away from where you are now. Join clubs, attend parties and group dates, try to get to know as many people as you can.

No matter how lonely or desperate you get in finding someone to share your life (and household bills) with, don’t neglect your kids. Don’t miss school activities or events just so you can be with your date. It would be better to discuss these boundaries with your date from the get-go.

With all the psychos prowling around, make sure your date will not be a threat to your child’s safety before you take him home. Try to get to know him or her first in a public situation, and only bring your date home with you after he/she has passed this initial stage.

As the two of you become more involved with each other, your date might also want to develop a closer relationship with your kids.  Gradually ease your date into your family by letting him or her join family-oriented activities. A person who is comfortable around your kids definitely earns more brownie points.


Hi, and thanks for stopping by our single parent dating article. About the author. Matt Fuller works within various free dating sites and singles chat platforms providing matchmaking alternatives for singles who know how to have fun.

This is How to Get a Girl to Like You

It is not very easy to be attractive especially if you are not born to have such attributes. There are just some lucky guys and gals out there that are naturally charismatic and attractive since birth that even if they don’t have to do anything to catch somebody’s attention, people tend to appreciate them with just about anything they do and they exude.

One of the dilemmas of teenage boys is getting a girl to like them. Indeed making a girl like you is something that is very much hard to achieve especially when you tend to forget everything that you wanted to say or do when the girl is already in front of you. The typical advice for how to get a girl to like you is to be confident and exude an approachable aura.

When you are confident, it shows. Girls like confident boys since confidence signals knowledge, charisma, and guts. With confidence, you will also be able to convey to the girl that you like her and eventually express to her how you feel about her. This way the girl will know your feelings and who knows, she will respond to that gesture in a positive way too. Panicking is never a good way for an introduction so it is also deemed important to stay natural and stay calm. Furthermore you will never impress somebody if you tend to stammer due to such frenzy. Be reminded also that first impressions last so make sure that during your very first time to approach the girl that you like, you should be perfect with your gestures and approach since this will inject an image of first-class in her mind. Indeed getting a girl to like you is not an easy process if you can never master the first and foremost step in approaching a girl which is being confident.

A few Online Dating Tips

The internet has become one of the most influential and the most sought after medium of entertainment in the globe. The internet can either make or break your day. In fact the internet can certainly lead you to long distances even in love. With online dating tips, you can now find soul mates and probable dates without having to spend a penny to go to wherever that person is. All you have to do is log in to your dating account and you can now find a number of probable online dates that can become your lover for life.

However, it is not easy to find a good date and to be a good date also because you can not see the other person personally and you cannot be able to check one way or another if the person on the other line is real with what they have been telling on the net. On the other hand, online dating tips are a must to be considered to become a good date and to make a good impression to get a good date too. Show that you are an optimistic person by not typing anything negative in your account. Instead of saying something that you don’t like, why not say something that you like instead. This way, you will be able to make online seekers feel that you are an energetic and a happy person. Also this will exude positive aura of you. In other words, always make positive first impressions. You can also add sugary words to your profile to make it more appealing. It also advisable to use informative and direct lines rather than blunt words as these can lose interest to whoever will read your profile. Furthermore changing or updating your photo from time to time can tickle a seeker’s interest since this will show the other side of you and the other looks that online daters might find attractive. Such tip can also fire intrigues inside a dater’s mind.

Online Dating Tips: How to Create the Best Online Dating Profile

When it comes to online dating tips, your personal profile is the one that matters most. This will be your “cyber self” because your profile will contain all the personal information about you – and what you write in your profile will either make or break the chances of you finding that potential partner. This article will give you tips on how to create the perfect online profile for online dating websites that you will be participating in. But before anything else, be sure that no matter how perfect your profile is, if everything is just based on pretend, and you are not who you project yourself to be, and then this profile is meaningless. The key is to be yourself – and how to present yourself in such a way that will pick the interest of your potential partner.

  1. Upload your most recent photo. No one wants to get to know someone hiding behind a childhood photo. Let’s face it – face value is important in online dating. So upload a recent photo (and make sure that it’s decent too).
  2. Describe yourself in an assertive and positive manner. Make it fun and truthful – because people will know if it’s too perfect and almost too good to be true. But on the other hand, don’t make it boring. You can do this implicit with your profile picture. If you use a picture of you wearing cycling glasses, you can show that you’re a passionate cyclist without having to brag about it.
  3. Be honest when listing your interests, because future partners often look for common interests that they share with you. So if you’re not into sports, don’t go writing about how big of a sports fan that you are.
  4. Be clear on what you are looking for. Specify directly what are you looking for in a potential partner (i.e. sports fan, someone who shares the same interest in literature, movie fan, etc). These descriptions matter, so make sure that you give the specifics and be clear on them. The last thing you want is for other people to be confused.

Free Friend Finder

Free Friend Finder

When you are looking for someone to date you can give FriendFinder.com a try. The website has over 3 million members. You can browse for members by location. There are members in many countries and the website is available in several languages. FreindFinder.com is one of the internets most successful dating website. There are many reasons people use FriendFinder.com. They may be looking for friends, dates, romance or even love.

You can join the site for free. This allows you to browse other members and explore the site. If you want to contact a member you will need to upgrade to a silver or gold membership. This is unless the person they are trying to contact has upgraded their membership to include the ability to receive messages from free members. There is an online magazine that gives dating advice and a blog feature. The blog feature allows members to keep an online diary. The website is geared towards mature users looking for serious relationships.