A couple on their first date have an infinite number of questions running through their heads: Does he like me? Am I making a good impression on her? Does he find me attractive? Although couples can’t read each others’ minds, they can take hints from their date’s body language.
Raised Eyebrows – If your date raises their eyebrows, it’s a sign they find you engaging. People raise their eyebrows as a subconscious attempt to take in as much as possible of what’s right before them. This expression is often a quick reflex.
Licking Lips – People commonly lick their lips when they see something they desire. If your date is licking their lips while staring at you, it’s a good possibility that you’re at the top of their craving list.
Palms Faceup – Extending your hands palms-up shows that you desire a closer connection to the person you are talking to. A person who extends their hands to you with palms faceup is feeling open and submissive.
Tight-Lipped Smile – When a person smiles at you with their upper lip tight and their teeth barely peeking through, this shows that, though they may enjoy your company, there is no romantic interest.
Half Smile or Sneer – A person who is half smiling at you, or even flat-out sneering, is not being sincere with you. They may only expect one thing from the first date, and you can expect to never hear from them again after they get what they want.
Toes Pointed Inward – If your date is standing or sitting with their toes pointed inward, this indicates they are interested but feeling shy and insecure. Make sure your body language is open but not overbearing, showing that you are mutually interested but won’t overpower them.
Head Titled – A tilt of the head signals your date that you want them to come closer, literally and figuratively.
Crossed Arms – Although some people do this when feeling awkward or insecure, this can also be a sign that a person is uninterested and trying to close themselves off from their date. They may feel you are coming on too strong.
Intense Eye Contact – Eye contact is usually a good thing, but if your date won’t break eye contact and stares intensely, they may be attempting to seduce you.
Face Touch – If your date touches their face, it’s a sign you have their attention. They are trying to listen to you and wish they could be touching your face as well.
Hand Gestures – A person who talks with their hands is usually a good communicator. The larger the gestures, the more they are attempting to signal their interest in you.
Legs Apart – Sitting or standing with your legs apart is a primal instinct showing that you are hot for someone. This is a complicated signal, as some people do this while genuinely interested, and others when they have an over-inflated ego.
Remember that body language is a subconscious language. Some people may unintentionally stand, sit, or gesture in a negative way. Use body language as a way of taking hints, but don’t give up completely if you receive both positive and negative vibes from your date. They may simply need to feel more secure before they open up with their body language.
This was a guest post by John from Body Language training program the Body Language Guide. Download our latest series of videos to learn more about attraction body langauge to help with your dating!
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