OK, I know how it is. You’re single and want a partner. All you can think about every night is how you can get a boyfriend fast, and the thought simply won’t shake. Being single certainly does have it’s benefits. You don’t have to answer to any one other then yourself, you can do what you want when you want, and you have the opportunity to talk to a whole heap of other men. But there comes a point in every girl’s life where it’s just best to get in a relationship. We as humans are made to want affection after all.
Some women however don’t know where to meet guys, so I thought I’d let you in on my top three places to meet a guy. Counting down from three to one, they are:
Number Three: At Speed Dating
Speed dating, this has to be one of the most fun ways to meet guys. You’re in a room with say about thirty guys, and you get to meet them all for about a minuet or two. At the end, you let the host know who you like, and if tyhey also selected they liked you then you can swap numbers or any other communication method you so choose. Speed dating can be great fun when you go with a single friend or two, the only reason why this wasn’t higher up on the list is because speed dating events aren’t on all the time. If you go once you’re probably waiting another month till you can go again.
Number Two: Online
Online dating is great because you can meet loads of guys every day. What more could you ask for? My personal favorite dating website is eHarmony. It’s unlike other dating sites as instead of going through everyone’s profile yourself and choosing based on what they write, you’re giving a questionnaire which learns the real you (And the other people) and they make picks for you based on what you said in your answers. This means you’re more likely to meet someone you really get along with. Nice…
Number One: At A Bar
And the best place to meet guys, the good old fashioned bar. This wins over online dating because you get to instantly meet these people face to face so you get a better idea of what they’re about. Sometimes you just can’t beat the original ways.
Now you know, good luck in finding your man.
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