This Guy Should Avoid Serial Daters

The Online Dating Serial Dater: don’t fall prey, Avoid Serial Daters.

A 35-year old man talked about how he met a 26-year-old woman online, and he went on to discuss how he went on to have four dates with her, but they didn’t have sex because she told him that she was on her period. He went on to say that she takes days to reply to his texts, and if he wants to go on a date with her, then he needs to give her a week’s advance. His concern is that she may be trying to disappear on him, or is dropping a hint for him to leave her alone.

Let’s address the above Serial Daters.

First of all, the man above read the woman’s profile and it said that they were looking for “easy and fun”, which means that they do not want anything serious. Also, on the profile, it said how she was looking for something potentially meaningful, which means that they just don’t want people to assume that they want some free meals, dates or just sex.

Serial Dater
Serial Daters aka Ted

Another word that people should heed is “independent,” as this just means that the man or woman just wants to do what they want, and they have no interest in being tied down. What they are really saying is they don’t need you. There are other clues you should look for, such as:

  • They say that they work a lot or that they have an insane schedule they have to follow.
  • They said that they want to take things slow or just seeing what is out there.
  • If they say they are brand new in town or that they want someone who takes good care of themselves.
  • That they are giving things another shot, or that they are not looking for hook-ups.

If you want to save yourself a lot of grief, then make sure to skip profiles that sound like the above.

As for the man in question, he got duped. He should have hooked up with her in some way by the fourth date. She simply was not interested in the guy, and this was the case from the beginning. She just wanted a free date.

The guy should simply move on and avoid such a serial dater in the future.

The Benefits Of A Single Holiday

ACT is Adventure Culinary Arts & Tourism (Photo credit: Thompson Rivers)

The Benefits Of A Single Holiday

Many single people dream about traveling the world.  Unfortunately, some of them put off this dream hoping that a friend will decide to come with them in the future.  As people have busy lives, this rarely happens.  People in this situation should consider taking a single holiday.

Singles holidays are holidays designed for a group of single people.  These tours are filled with single people of all ages.  For this reason, the holidaymakers on singles holidays make numerous friends on their trip.

In the past, singles holidays were very expensive.  This has now changed as companies like no longer charge singles supplements.  Unlike tours designed for backpackers, Just You tours give all guests a room of their own.

People who have taken these tours in the past have come back feeling more confident and independent.  Many people have also made friends that they keep in touch with after the tour.

Taking a single holiday is something that all people should do if they are given the chance.  This type of holiday allows people to visit the countries they want on their own terms.  Singles will not have to wait for others when it comes to making their travel dreams come true.

Ladies: Is Love Really All You Need To Get Hitched?

Come on, I know what you’re thinking. Most romantics would agree with the title. All you need is love. A lot of women believe this is the only reason to get married. It’s so easy to say, but when it comes down to it, is it really true? After all, times are different now. Back then marriage was about stability, a promised future, and certain social status. Today, you can marry any man you want and all you need is two witnesses and to be happy with his, um, assets. Before you make the plunge, consider the following points:

• The first thing we have to check out is how the two of you interact during a problem or crisis. Can the two of you really handle one another or do you find someone pulling more weight than the other? I’ve seen couples go both ways, but no matter what reactions they had there was a hidden balance. Balance being they were able to work with each other, not against one another. A husband should be like a secretary, if you call in for a week they should be able to take over right away and pick up your slack with ease. Teamwork is important. You can’t be a one woman team, if you want to be, go ahead and enjoy being single until you’re ready.

• A lot of people don’t admit it, but having security really is a huge part in a couple’s relationship. You might be finishing up a college degree while he stays at home and plays Call of Duty on his Xbox. Don’t get me wrong, a man having gaming habits is a nice way to receive some space, but if this is all he does, is it worth it? A man has to have a job or some kind of dream of becoming more. You know the women that stay with the starving and struggling artist, it’s because they truly believe he will make it big someday, no matter how long it takes. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is. Bottom line, ensure there is ambition within him or else you’ll be wondering why you never questioned it sooner.

• The biggest and most common question is the trust you hold within each other. You can love someone till the end of time, but if you’re torturing yourself day after day wondering if he’s seeing someone on the side based on his past, it’s not going to work. I say this because I care. Women are sympathetic, they want to be the ones to change their ways, but we have to accept the fact that sometimes it is not an option. Do not, I repeat, do not torture yourself if you question his intentions. You do not want to waste your time with someone who doesn’t care about you. By the time it’s over, you could have been happily married to some other guy for years. Don’t do it. Follow and trust your instincts on this.

Don’t get me wrong, loving someone is half the battle, but it cannot be the only thing you contemplate before making a life-long commitment. If you’ve honestly considered all of these ideas and still have some positive thoughts about your man, you have my personal blessing to get hitched. If later down the road you realize you’d made a horrible mistake, no big deal. You can always get your ring appraised and find out how much your diamond worth is and resell it.

Fran Delaney writes on love, relationships and marriage from her hometown of Los Angeles, CA.

What To Wear on The First Date

What you want on the first date is to be subtle while also keeping in mind that first impressions count a lot. Going for something sassy and stylish is always good for a hot first date. Outfits you can wear include a sexy skirt and well fitted cashmere sweater, a nice dress with an agora wrap or even the ever classic white shirt and jeans. Just be sure not to overdo the make-up or perfume.

You need to realize that men also like using their imagination so leave them something to fantasize about. Showing too much will just take the fun away and being sexy is more than just about what you are showing off, no matter how hot you look. Don’t try too hard and just be natural.

Skip on the sleaze

Even if you are tempted to grab his attention fast by dressing naughty, you won’t keep it for long after he sees everything as early as the first date. Try dressing peekaboo style using items such as slit skirts, crocheted sweaters or sheer tops over a tank, these leave something for the imagination as well.

The reason behind this is that men just adore soft fabrics like angora and cashmere. So protect yourself from cold weather while pleasing your guy too by wearing a cashmere throw or angora shrug. Any outfit that subtly shows your curves is a winner, like a white shirt or a pencil skirt that gently hugs your behind.

Choose something that expresses who you are

No matter what you wear it should enhance the way you look and never make you look worse. Whether it’s the latest trend or something really funky you’re in the mood to wear, only wear it if you’re sure you can pull it off. If it doesn’t make you look any better just don’t wear it. A perfect example would be hipsters, while they might be in the trends if you have ample hips you really don’t need any more attention drawn to them. Instead try a dress or a top that doesn’t cling to your hips.

When it comes to accessories you need to choose something that will really make you stand out, like a groovy pin or your lucky charm bracelet, make sure your accessories reveal more about who you really are. Here’s some advice on choosing the right ones:

  • Choose some that are your favorite color, colors tell a lot about a personality
  • Try wearing a piece of jewelry that has sentimental value
  • Try a familiar style of dressing and improve upon it a little

Don’t show too much flesh

Research shows that the perfect percentage of flesh to expose is around 40%, as women who showed off this amount were found to be the most attractive to men. The study carried out by Leeds University in the United Kingdom reveals a few simple rules, for example showing skin up top means it’s best to cover it up in the bottom half. A good choice for staying in the 40% rule would be a short mini dress with long sleeves.

When all else fails simplicity is the answer. The classic little black dress will make any figure look good and picking the right accessories can enhance that even further. Throw in some mid-height heels and you are ready for an exciting first date.

This article has been contributed by Aishwarya Vohra from Offshore Ally. She is one of the many talented virtual assistant and link builders of the company. She has various interests ranging from fitness to music. Connect with her via Twitter.

How To Strike Up A Conversation On The First Date

How To Strike Up A Conversation On The First Date

Meeting people for the first time can be an enjoyable experience, especially if you understand all about other people and how they like to communicate talk about and first of all listen. Here is how to strike up a conversation on text, on tinder, or on a first date.

“What an idiot! He’s got no idea what to say … I’ll make something up and leave.” Is this what you think she’s thinking about you? I’m sure there were times when you ran out of lines and felt like an idiot, because “I have kept silent for over 5minutes now”.

My first tip for you, is not to put yourself under pressure to talk, and repeat to yourself: “What should I talk about? What shall I say? I will make a complete fool out of myself”. So, don’t start thinking about what you’ll say, by repeating the ME, ME, Me in your head. By doing this, you will not focus on getting to know the other person, because you are thinking about YOU, YOU, YOU! This is not the way to start communicating.

You will just take turns talking. So, here’s what to do:

Become An Expert Listener

This means that the other person is doing most of the talking. Listen, ask a lot of questions and remember to form new questions around their answers. You’ll see that your worries will go away. And here is how you get the other to tell you about them:

“What are YOU currently doing??” “Do YOU enjoy it?” “Tell me about this…..” “I hear YOU have been doing this…” “I love YOUR job description, what’s the best thing YOU love about your work?”; “I love YOUR jacket, where did you get it from? Ask question to get to know them and then ask some more questions, and then some more! He or she will love you for it!

Great subjects include work, siblings, travel, food hobbies etc.

Ask For Their Own Opinions

When looking to strike up a conversation ask these questions and your first date could go on for hours on end:

“What do you think of…?” “What is your opinion on…? Have you heard about what happened to…? Isn’t he/she…?” Respect their opinions, without getting into an argument.Wait until they ask about you and then be brief and make them ask more questions this means they have too, been listening and are indeed interested in what more you have to say. Make connections to what the other person has said about them- this will show you remember what they told you.

Topics to avoid

Their past – Never ask about past lovers on a first date unless they bring it up. You never know things ended and your date may still feel hurt from a past relationship and it would only put tension on your date.

Their parents – Asking about their parents could turn out against you, especially if their parents are divorced or separated when they were very young.

Politics and religion – These are hot topics and when used in a first date, can be a real turn off.

If your date and you enjoy being together all will run smoothly, and once you get some laughter, you know it’s been a success.

This article has been contributed by Aishwarya Vohra from Offshore Ally. She is one of the many talented SEO link builders and virtual assistant of the company. She likes to read and write on the subject of human psychology, food and music. Connect with her via Twitter.

Looking For Love? Fix Up, Look Smart!

If you’re looking for love there are a few separate methods you could use to go about it. You can go and hang out in bars every weekend looking for members of the opposite (or the same, it’s all the same to me) sex, you can go to evening classes, speed dating and dating websites. They all have their pros and cons, going to bars means you might meet drunk potential partners, your first meeting is a shouted conversation in the middle of a dance floor and in the morning you can’t remember their name. If you go meeting people at classes you have a common interest but not every-one’s there looking for love and relationships, some are there because they genuinely want to learn so you might put many of your best moves onto some-one who’s happily married with 4 perfect children, a perfect house and job and not even slightly interested in some-one who’s still hungover from going out on the pull the night before.

Dating websites are an interesting blend of the two; people are there because they are interested in making a connection but they’re not drunk, being chased by a herd of other people, deafened by the music or dashing off to the toilet every five minutes.

If you’re savvy in your selection you can find a great deal of people who you might want to meet up with but of course dating sites, just like any other means of meeting new partners, has its drawbacks and pitfalls.

There are the people who use very old photos of themselves, twenty years younger and as many pounds lighter. When they arrive at the date you think they’ve sent their parent in advance to size you up.

Then there are the people who say what they think people want to hear, the caring sensitive guys who have had one previous partner, have their own three bedroom house, a job which pays them several hundred thousand a year along with three holidays. When you meet them they’ve divorced from the only woman who’d ever have had them, they now live back with their mum and they’re regarded as being the dull one in their accountancy firm.

The problem is that when you’re meeting anyone in whatever scenario it’s necessary to invest a little trust in a stranger. You’ve got to increase the karma by being as transparent in your own dating profile as you can and hope that other people will be too. You can, of course, do a little research to make sure your prospective date is on the up and up though. There’s nothing wrong with Facebook stalking. Well there is but in this instance, where you’re simply finding out a little more about them any information that they’ve made public is fair game.

Some people worry about fraud and theft when it comes to dating websites too, although they really shouldn’t; fortunately for the Honest Joe on the internet the fraud on dating websites and other forms of social media is so transparent it’s laughable. Some people are so gullible as to be taken in by these scams but they’re the same people who still stare in awe at aeroplanes and shout at the full moon. If you haven’t ever seen one of their messages, they say a whole bunch of things that are irrelevant to your description of yourself and yet come over as very emotional, offering love and commitment very early on. Unfortunately for these poor lovelorn mites they live in a far-away land so if they’re going to come over and fall into your arms and the perfect domestic idyll you’re going to have to send them some money, oh, and their poor silver haired mother needs hospital treatment and of course that’s very expensive… If you’re still not sure they’ll also ask you to reply to a different address to the one they’re writing from. This is because they’ll have hacked a real person’s address in order to avoid detection. If you see anything like this report it to the site’s webmaster, they won’t want to risk getting a reputation for carrying such material.

If you do find some-one lovely, don’t waste time emailing them for week after week, you’re there to date, not find a pen-pal!

Dan Cash has had some patchy experiences with online dating. there are a few UK dating websites he’d use, and some he’d never touch again!

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