Surviving a Long Distance Relationship with Communication and Understanding

Long Distance Relationship / คิดถึงคนที่อยู่ไกล
Image by AmpamukA via Flickr

Perhaps you have found yourself stuck in a long distance relationship due to your significant other working in a different state, having to go away on a temporary working assignment, leaving temporarily for school, or for other reasons. The fact of the matter is that long distance relationships can be difficult. Relationships are built on communication and understanding, but what happens when you can only communicate via the phone? Skype may be an option but the reality is that nothing compares to spending quality time with one another in the flesh.

Unfortunately if you are not a phone or Skype person you have to work extra hard to keep the love alive. You have to learn how to not take comments personally and instead letting things roll off your back. Having the option of kissing and making up is not an option in a long distance relationship. If you argue you have to work it out by talking verses taking a drive and holding one another’s hand, assuring one another everything is alright. Long distance relationships can be challenging, but here is a list of ideas that will hopefully make your relationship go smoother and long lasting.

  1. When a misunderstanding arises, ask for clarification. Instead of assuming that your love is meaning one thing, ask them what you thought they were implying instead of starting an argument. You may be pleasantly surprised that they didn’t mean it the way it came out. Being patient and understanding will make the world of a difference when you are unable to bridge the gap with physical touch or spending time with one another.
  2. Make plans to see one another as often as your schedules allow. Having plans to look forward to make the time go a lot quicker when you are missing your significant other. If you can squeeze in a concert, a restaurant you’ve been dying to try, or a movie you’ve really wanted to see, creating a memory is a great way to make the precious moments last when you do get to spend some time with your significant other.
  3. If you are bad at picking up the phone, schedule a phone date with your boyfriend or girlfriend every night so you can be sure that you are staying up to date with one another. Letting one another know how your day went, what is coming up in the coming days, and what you are excited or frustrated about in the present moment will create a tighter bond and help you grow closer together. Plus your relationship will be stronger than ever because it will be built on communication and not just physical intimacy.
  4. Keep the love and trust alive by staying honest. If you keep things from the person you love, how is the trust and love supposed to stay alive? Being open, honest, and communicating your thoughts is the best way to help a relationship succeed.

These tips should hopefully make the time go by quickly and help you look forward to a wonderful time that you will be hopefully spending with your loved one soon. Being away is no fun, but can you imagine the memories you will create when you are together again? If you have the option to bridge the distance by moving or taking another job, that is the best option, but sometimes a long distance relationship cannot be helped. So take a deep breath, put both feet in, and do your best to communicate and create a long distance relationship worth keeping.

An ocean dreamer at heart and in real life, Sierra Greenman thrives on visiting and living near the beach and could never imagine herself anywhere else. She recently ventured out into the freelance world and now is a Freelance Writer and Social Media Specialist and absolutely loves it. Writing about fashion and style are one of her many passions. You can also find Sierra at her blog Ocean Dreams and follow her on Twitter @oceandreams4u. She also is a featured fashion blogger for and her e-mail is [email protected] if you want to say hello!

Online Dating Advice for Success

I have some very valuable online dating advice tips that you can use to make friends, dates and even find love through online dating services. Many people know that online dating services work, even more have been successful in meeting life partners through online dating sites but it is always never easy. If you are interested in meeting someone online, read on to find important online dating advice tips you can put to use and increase your chances for success.

a) The internet is safe and convenient, but it all depends on how you handle yourself. The first online dating advice I can give you to succeed in finding the person you are looking for is to look in the right sites. Not all dating websites are the same, they have different features and attract different members to their site.

b) Know yourself well and know what you are looking for. The online dating advice in this case is, you must assess your desires and express what you want on your dating profile to attract the kind of person from the start especially relationship wise.

c) Another very important online dating advice is to create a good online dating profile that reflects exactly who you are and what you are looking for. Most people will be able to judge how serious, outgoing, vibrant or committed you are based on how carefully you fill in your personal profile.

d) The last online dating advice you should take very seriously is honesty. Just the way you would wish to like and contact someone for what they really are, you should fill up your profile honestly and truthfully to attract the right potential partners. Remember that nothing ever happens instantly, you will probably have to be patient as you sample different possible partners.

5 Tips for a Strong Relationship

A young woman and man embracing while outdoors.
Image via Wikipedia

It’s easy to think that the average man doesn’t see anything in a woman past her looks. But this is an aged stereotype that needs to be broken. Too many attractive and successful women hide behind the notion that “men are pigs” to justify not being in a relationship. But for every man that is a pig there are scores that are sweet and attentive – you just need to know how to find them. But this article isn’t about finding them, it’s about keeping them. We did our research and figured out not what men are attracted to in a woman, but what makes them stay in a relationship in that woman. In short, things that make the honeymoon phase stretch out, maybe forever.

  1. Surprise!

It’s a common complaint in married women that the spontaneity has abandoned their marriage. They see it as a sign that the husband isn’t interested anymore and isn’t trying to keep the marriage interesting. But men see things in a very similar way, and one of the things that they enjoy about their partners is spontaneity. If you keep things interesting and keep him on his toes, not only will he love you more for it, he’ll also try to one-up you every chance he gets.

  1. In the sack

Human beings love sex. Men, especially, think sex in incredibly important. So it’s no wonder that being active between the sheets is so high on the list of men’s relationship priorities. But most were quick to say that they weren’t looking for anything kinky or even constant sex. What they want is to feel fulfilled and, surprise of surprises, to feel like they are fulfilling their partner. Keeping things interesting in bed won’t take too much effort – just talking about your likes and dislikes will go a long way – and you’ll reap great rewards on your relationship.

  1. Don’t be clingy

It’s important for men to feel like they are free, and that their women have a life of their own. The man that liked his woman to be meek and always by his side is out of the window. If you’re in a healthy relationship, there’s much to be gained by having your own group of friends and engaging in activities that don’t involve your man. At the end of the day, getting back together will be even sweeter and it will also give you a change to step away and regain some perspective.

  1. Make him feel wanted

This last advice ties in perfectly with the previous one. Don’t shun your man too far out of your life. Men like to feel important – who doesn’t? Introduce him to your friends and go that extra mile to make him feel like the most important person in your life and he’ll definitely do the same to you.

  1. Support him

Finally, a man likes to feel like his partner has his back. Be sure that he has your full support in becoming the best man that he can be, period.


Article contributed by Holly Adams of Coupon Croc, where you can find Thomson discount vouchers for your next romantic getaway.

Facebook the New Little Black Book

Have you noticed that when girls ask for you contact details, they always ask if you’ve got Facebook? Facebook is becoming a necessity to meet, and contact women.

You are probably reading this whilst logged into it. People within earshot are talking about who did what, and posted what, and said what on it, even your grandmother is on it. It is the social vehicle that according to CNN helped coordinate the North African revolts, and connected 100 million ranters like me with an audience to listen.

Face facts, Facebook may become outdated in five years time, its space overtaken by some new fad, but for now it rules the roost. Connecting friends, connecting enemies who want to keep their quarries under surveillance, connecting businesses with consumers. But Facebook as an option for online dating connections, takes this networking tool into a league even top dating sites like Match can’t compete with.

On Facebook, your relationship status is known to everyone. If you are single, it should poke an interest from unattached ladies. Women like to keep their relationship status as active. No woman wants to have her Facebook relationship status as “single“ or “not in a relationship“ for very long.

Think about it, everyone is on display, most have their relationship status showing, their pics of themselves, their info, their likes, their wants, they are there on their profile in plain view to those they are connected with. There is an ability to message in an instant, to hunt down an old flame in a moment, to find and to be found.

Advantage has been taken of this connectedness by a range of dating applications like speed-date, yet the real benefit of Facebook as a means to get the girl is not in the apps. it is in the platform itself. Any fool can use it, and I know you have received friend requests from such fools, but you will have received friend requests from girls you are interested in too.

Have you used the tool at your fingertips to make that connection about more than the posterity of having a triple digit friend count? Information in the dating game is key, the more we know the more we can show. It is not about trickery, reading up on the girl we like and coming up with pre-prepared lines that will woo her.

Even if you have a girlfriend already, through Facebook you will be able to always know how she is feeling. Less risk of misunderstandings, and the misreading of emotions, improving the longevity of a relationship.

No girlfriend? A  perfect match can be made. Chances are that if you’ve got a Facebook account, you’ve got a girlfriend, or are soon to get one.

The information we have on potential girlfriends helps us to decide if this person is really someone we could like over the long haul. There is more information on a Facebook wall than is attainable through any dating specific site.

Even if the wall shows an inordinate amount of game app postings like Farmville, we can tell the person is either boring, has an addictive personality, or indeed is bored and looking for someone new to spend their time with. We can see from the comments and posts they make what is important to them, and determine if these are in line with the things that are important to us.

There are enough girls in your friends list right now to keep you dating for years, and you’ll probably find something lasting. But Facebook too can be used in the hunt for fresh girls, girls unknown to you, people you can seek out, or have them come to you by being in the places, by connecting with the people, by commenting in pages that interests you, you can catch their eye.

Turning a friend into “something more“ is as simple as communicating, and communicating is what Facebook is all about. Striking up a conversation that can go on for hours, stretch over days to be picked up on and continued until you know you are both in “like“ with each other. Facebook is, and most likely will always be free, putting up with those spammy messages, and in your face Facebook links to sponsors is well worth the return, when that return is chance to mingle with multi millions of potential matches.

Strike a match, and light a fire that will last well beyond the shelf life of the place where the match was found.

Nicholas Jackman loves writing about dating and social media. Follow Nicholas on Twitter here.

Five Tips for a Successful Date

Ich und meine Ex-Frau

You’ll experience a great number of dates in your lifetime, though, no matter how long you’ve been dating, you can always use some pointers. It’s always important to be yourself on a date, but sometimes we can get so caught up in our nerves, we forget the basics. Here are some useful tips to help increase your odds of a successful date.

1) Don’t say the “Ex” word: bringing up an ex in any conversation makes for an uncomfortable, awkward moment. It’s best not to mention the past, whether you’re speaking of them in a positive, or negative light, it gives the wrong impression. Talking up your ex can give your date the impression you haven’t moved on, expressing disgust or anger towards them is altogether inappropriate, and something your date is not at all interested in hearing. Stick with talk about friends and family, or otherwise “neutral” parties that don’t relate to any of your former romantic relationships, ex wife, ex boyfriend or otherwise.

2) Dress appropriately: this seems like a no-brainer, but many times it’s easy to not dress correctly for the occasion or venue. This is particularly important for those going on the third or fourth date, as you are more likely to become more comfortable, you might stop trying so hard and begin to under dress. Consider the vibe and atmosphere of the meeting point: is it expensive? Is it contemporary? Is it a lounge, restaurant, bar? Is it for lunch, or dinner? First impressions are always important, but keep the same effort going through out every date, as a rule.

3) Don’t keep them waiting: this goes for women and men. There is no such thing as being “fashionably late”, and no bigger turn off than waiting in a crowed restaurant for your date. Although you may be sure to be punctual on the first date, you should always be on time for every date, no matter how comfortable you are becoming with the person. We all understand there is traffic, but over compensate and arrive early to be sure you show respect to your date.

4) Turn off your phone: the image of a nightmare date often goes along with the individual talking on their phone constantly, ignoring the date completely, this is well known. However, some may think that texting, tweeting, facebooking or checking their fantasy football scores is not equally rude. Staring down at your phone itself is rude, whether you’re bored and checking the time, or telling your friend how amazing your date is. Don’t come off as being inaccessible, keep your phone out of site during dates.

5) Choose a relaxed venue: first dates can be stressful, especially if it’s a blind date and you don’t know what your date’s tastes may be. If you are having trouble choosing a venue for your date, consider a relaxed atmosphere that will help you avoid awkward silences, such as a lounge with live music, or take off the pressure by having a lunch date.

Written by Holly Adams from, one of the largest discount voucher websites for romantic travel deals.