How To Know If You Are Ready For Match Dating After A Break Up

It’s but normal for someone who had just been from a failed relationship to feel lost. After all, having a broken heart may be true to the word itself, you will feel shattered inside with a very minimal hope of recovering again. Then you learn that you can still find someone who can help you feel whole again through match dating. But how will you be sure that you are ready to accept a new partner again?

Here’s a checklist that will help you assess yourself:

Are you ready to restore your self again?

You may be successful in deciding that to be back on your feet again but doing it is another thing. As always, thinking something is different from doing it. Start off by asking yourself if you can change the way you look – a new hair do, a new color of nails, a new cap. If you can answer yes right away, then you can put your feet forward for a new relationship.

Are you really ready to meet the world again?

A man or a woman who had just broken up tends to isolate themselves from the world. Are you excited to go out and meet a whole new group of people again? Remember, even if you will be dating one person initially, you’ll have to embrace the people behind your partner in the end. You will need to assess yourself if you are already ready for those future encounters and if you are looking forward to it. If yes, then it’s another clue that it may be the right time for you to date again.

Have you let go of the excess baggage?

Of course it’s not easy to forgive your ex-partner but before you enter a new relationship or head out into one, make sure that you have made some actions to at least forgive yourself or your ex-partner to some degree. Looking at what they call the “silver lining” of the breakup may help you think of even a tiny space to let the face of your ex-partner stop haunting you. Leaving that excess baggage of a bad memory of someone will make it easier for you to load new and more beautiful memories of a new partner.

If you can answer yes to these questions then it is time to get back to dating and why not try Match Dating Online, give it a try!

Online Dating Tips You Should Know

There are a lot of people today who have become quite interested in online dating. Because of the advancements made in technology, it has become possible for people to stay in touch through the internet as well as their mobile phones. This has also paved the way for men and women to get to know one another through the same medium. There are a number of online dating sites today but still, it is important to practice caution when trying to find love through the web. Here are some of the most important online dating tips that both men and women should know.

The most important thing to consider when trying to date online is your security. If you are interested in a particular website, you should read more about it before you sign up. Find out what other people have said about it and take note of both the good and not so good comments they have said. Although it can be exciting to personally meet someone you have been speaking with for weeks or perhaps months, you should still be careful. Make sure not to give him or her personal details such as your home number, address and passwords. When you are using your mobile phone when you are with him, it is best to keep whatever it is that you are doing private so you may want to install a privacy screen protector. No matter how much you already trust the person, it still is best to be sure than be sorry later.

When you are making your dating profile, make sure to be honest about it. Use your real photo and don’t make up things if only to seem more attractive. Men and women know if someone is being natural and if you are not, chances are they would not want to get to know you.

Ten Sure-Fire Ways To Keep Your Guy Happy

When you find that seemingly perfect boyfriend, and potential husband, you want to make sure that you don’t do anything that could put your relationship in jeopardy. It is very important to have fun in a relationship and enjoy each other. You must also make sure that you are friends, as well as girlfriend and boyfriend. Some of the most successful couples will tell you that their significant other is also their best friend. All these things are essential and there are various ways to make sure it happens. Here are ten tips to keep your man happy.

1) His stomach should never be forgotten. It’s been said a million times, and that’s because it’s true! The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Feed him regularly with tasty meals and you will always be on his good side.

2) Let him cook once in a while. It’s true that men love to have great home cooked meals made for them, but they also love to grill. Take him out to the backyard and give him the opportunity to show you that he can also make some very impressive food every once in a while. Also, make sure you compliment him on his food. This will give him a huge ego boost.

3) Support his sports addiction. For some unknown reason all men love sports. Some women may not be able to understand it but it is tradition to watch the big game every Sunday. Your man will love it if you watch the game with him. It would be even better if you show how much you care by rooting along with him and trying to understand what is going on. Ask questions about it. Men love talking about sports and they will enjoy explaining to you why the other team deserved a foul on that last play.

4) Don’t be afraid to dress up, or even dress down for him. If you are going somewhere with him make sure you look your best. He will appreciate it and feel like spending time together is a special occasion to you, instead of just another day. Also, don’t hesitate to put on your sexiest lingerie when the time is right.

5) Talk to your man. Your boyfriend is not playing dumb when he acts like he doesn’t know how you feel. Men legitimately do not understand woman. Tell him how you are feeling if you want him to know. Explain it in a way he can relate to it.

6) Watch out for PDA. You do not want to be too lovey dovey in public. Holding hands is usually fine, but any more can sometimes cause problems. It’s not because he doesn’t want to be close to you, but because men think they need to “look tough in front of the guys.”

7) Kiss him when you can. Men do love to be kissed by their girl, just not in front of his friends. Surprise him by kissing him all over whenever you get the chance. You can even get scientific on this one. Kissing causes endorphins to be released. More endorphins make men want to get to know you better, so if you’re in the mood to talk, you can start by kissing.

8.) Hold him. Men are supposed to hold their women and keep them safe, but sometimes he may want to be held too. Holding your man is a way of telling him that you are hanging on to him and do not want to let go. It makes him feel important and very loved.

9) Live your own life. Men do not want you to depend on them completely. They want a woman who can survive on her own. So, keep your friends, explore your interests, participate in activities, basically just have fun. Men will appreciate an independent woman.

10) Make him feel important. Boost his ego. One way to do this was already discussed, complimenting him on his cooking, but there are many ways to make him feel like the special man he is. Laugh at his jokes. He’s a typical man so he will probably make a lot of them. Laugh at them even if their dumb because it makes him feel like he made you happy. If he is “the one” than he will love making you happy, so give him the benefit of the doubt.

Now that you have found the right man, and you have read and studied these ten tips, it’s time to go make your man happy. All you have to do is follow this list and you will have a successful and fun relationship.

Kaitlyn Jovanovski is a professional matchmaker and the owner of Instant Checkmate Dating. She has been in the matchmaking business for over five years and has successfully matched hundreds of couples. Learn more about Kaitlyn’s Instant Checkmate Dating service on her website to Screen For Sex Offenders – They Don’t Already? announced that they will begin checking the National Sex Offender Registry when people sign up to use their online dating service today.  What is truly amazing is that they were not already doing so.  Perhaps I was remiss in thinking that this would be a logical thing for a dating service to be doing.  Regardless, they are doing so now.

The company has started doing this in large part because of a huge lawsuit filed in California by a woman that says she was raped by a date.  The lawsuit claimed that the man forced his way into her apartment on the second date and proceeded to rape her.  The man named in the lawsuit allegedly had six different sexual battery charges in his history in Los Angeles County, not to mention anywhere else.

The woman says that because did not screen for predators that are known, that she was at risk.  This seems contrary to what had in their terms of service.

In the terms of service and enrollment agreement on, it clearly states that individuals are solely responsible for any and all meetings and results between dates.  In other words, has no responsibility when damages are incurred from meeting someone on the site and seeing them. (paraphrased from the site)  The terms are rather clear, but that does not seem to be stopping the case from moving forward.

The woman says that it was rape, while the man claims it was consensual.  Regardless, the case is one that seems to be changing the way does business.  They are changing the background checks on the site, and are now going to bounce the names against the registry.  It seems that this is a simple enough thing to do and one that should have been done to start with.

Perhaps that is the reason why the lady is pursuing this action in court.  While the website seems protected with the wording included on the sign up sheet, it still can be held accountable under certain conditions.  Apparently Jane Doe’s lawyers feel strongly enough about the case to pursue it.  It should be interesting to see what comes of this and if it will change the industry standards in the months to come.

A safer online dating environment is certainly not a bad thing, but how much of that onus should fall upon the heads of the website?  Is much of this still not on us? I guess it depends upon what we perceive that we are paying for, and what we are actually getting for our membership.  Maybe it would be a good thing to offer extensive background checks on prospective matches.  I know that I would certainly pay for it if I were back in the dating scene somehow.  Safety is the most important thing when it comes to online dating, even though we may not realize it until after something bad like this happens.

We shall see in Los Angeles Court in due time.  It should be an interesting battle indeed.

This article is contributed by Rodney Southern, a freelance writer and sports columnist.  Rodney regularly publishes articles at collaborative writing sites such as HungryScholar.

  • What Are They Really Saying? Reading Body Language on the First Date (
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What Are They Really Saying? Reading Body Language on the First Date

A couple on their first date have an infinite number of questions running through their heads: Does he like me? Am I making a good impression on her? Does he find me attractive? Although couples can’t read each others’ minds, they can take hints from their date’s body language.

licking lipsRaised Eyebrows – If your date raises their eyebrows, it’s a sign they find you engaging. People raise their eyebrows as a subconscious attempt to take in as much as possible of what’s right before them. This expression is often a quick reflex.

Licking Lips – People commonly lick their lips when they see something they desire. If your date is licking their lips while staring at you, it’s a good possibility that you’re at the top of their craving list.

Palms Faceup – Extending your hands palms-up shows that you desire a closer connection to the person you are talking to. A person who extends their hands to you with palms faceup is feeling open and submissive.

Tight-Lipped Smile – When a person smiles at you with their upper lip tight and their teeth barely peeking through, this shows that, though they may enjoy your company, there is no romantic interest.

Attractive blonde portraitHalf Smile or Sneer – A person who is half smiling at you, or even flat-out sneering, is not being sincere with you. They may only expect one thing from the first date, and you can expect to never hear from them again after they get what they want.

Toes Pointed Inward – If your date is standing or sitting with their toes pointed inward, this indicates they are interested but feeling shy and insecure. Make sure your body language is open but not overbearing, showing that you are mutually interested but won’t overpower them.

Head Titled – A tilt of the head signals your date that you want them to come closer, literally and figuratively.

Crossed Arms – Although some people do this when feeling awkward or insecure, this can also be a sign that a person is uninterested and trying to close themselves off from their date. They may feel you are coming on too strong.

Intense Eye Contact – Eye contact is usually a good thing, but if your date won’t break eye contact and stares intensely, they may be attempting to seduce you.

Face Touch – If your date touches their face, it’s a sign you have their attention. They are trying to listen to you and wish they could be touching your face as well.

touching hairHand Gestures – A person who talks with their hands is usually a good communicator. The larger the gestures, the more they are attempting to signal their interest in you.

Legs Apart – Sitting or standing with your legs apart is a primal instinct showing that you are hot for someone. This is a complicated signal, as some people do this while genuinely interested, and others when they have an over-inflated ego.

Remember that body language is a subconscious language. Some people may unintentionally stand, sit, or gesture in a negative way. Use body language as a way of taking hints, but don’t give up completely if you receive both positive and negative vibes from your date. They may simply need to feel more secure before they open up with their body language.


This was a guest post by John from Body Language training program the Body Language Guide. Download our latest series of videos to learn more about attraction body langauge to help with your dating!