Have you lost count of the number of times you have witnessed a hot woman stroll past you and immediately convinced yourself that you have no chance with someone like her? The answer to this, for most guys would be a resounding ‘Yes’, although few guys would admit to this. An attractive woman can make an average guy feel inferior and inadequate. However, this is definitely NOT a feeling you wish to or should have to cope with.
Here are several things that you will want to know with regards to how to attract women. This guide will make you reconsider letting a stunning woman walk by without trying to catch her eye:
- Most beautiful women have already experienced jerks trying to go after them. This means that you have an increased chance of a woman providing you with her time if you are just that little bit different.
Notice the stress placed on the word ‘different’. If you attempt to mimic the behavior of the classic jerk, you are unlikely to make a great impression on her.
Most women have two main complaints about men. Firstly, the majority of men that try to catch their attention are jerks. Secondly, the nice men just stand there and do nothing but stare and act as though they feel intimidated by them. When you want to catch the attention of a beautiful woman, you will have to find the courage to make an advance. You will score points if you act in a way which is different to all the jerks on the scene.
- You have to learn how to play the game and start mentally preparing yourself for attracting beautiful women.
Among the overlooked yet essential aspects of attracting women is to be confident in your mind. If you constantly think that all women are too good for you, then you will never stand a chance. Being able to become an expert in the mental side of attracting women is essential to your success. Do not ignore this side of attraction.
- Women DO want to meet guys.
This is one thing that a lot of guys will fail to remember in their minds. Often they convince themselves that they are bothering a woman when they flirt with her or attempt to start up a conversation. But guess what? Most women really are OPEN to conversing with new guys and this is especially apparent if the guys have something of interest to say to them and know how to chat a girl up without looking creepy or sounding like they are egotistical.
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The only way to attract women is to talk to them. Just pluck up the courage and go for it. You’ll never get a woman who isn’t attracted to you to become attracted to you, but you will meet those who are. You just have to get out there and do it!
It seems it has a great idea on attracting women but the real attraction comes from sincerity towards your true intention. Keep posting!
@offdance : Real attraction comes from people’s tastes. It is not a matter of sincerity, unfortunately, but a matter of image. This is all about the looks, even though you can betray yourself if you do not master a behaviour.
This is (sadly) a pure matter of looks.
So, show yourself confident, show what makes you different, without playing the uninterested guy, and voilà !
I think the key is to be happy within ourselves first. We then attract happy, confident people into our lives.
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