Secrets To Dating And Attracting A Younger Woman

Secrets To Dating And Attracting A Younger Woman

My friend John usually asks me for advice on dating girls. He is bouncing back from a divorce, and is currently in his 40’s. The problem is, he’s having a hard time getting back into the "pickup" game.

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Similar to older guys who study my dating programs, John particularly likes women younger than him. His ideal dating partner is an attractive girl in her mid-twenties or early thirties. He does everything to maintain his body and stay in shape. He’s a fun-loving guy with a positive outlook in life. So what keeps John from finding success with girls?

He has a common, major problem that lots of guys are facing: he often finds it difficult to "Close The Deal".

Just yesterday, John contacted me with a question that bothers him:

"How do I get a girl to come over to my place?"

This question usually arises right after a date with an attractive woman. The guy has already spent some money on dinner, and the girl is somewhat tired physically. In turn, the guy tries to "recoup" his money and time investment by inviting the girl back to his place, hoping that at least she would agree (if not, the guy is somehow hoping for a good night kiss).

But you know what usually happens after that date? The girl says no. She’ll make some excuse, give the guy a handshake, say "Thank You", and decide to go home. It sucks, I know.


Do you know that there is a technique you can use to MAKE SURE that a woman will readily agree to come over to your place after a date?

Yes, there is something you can do. It’s a killer technique that I’ve used recently with awesome results.

First, keep in mind that most women have a Fear of The Unknown.

That’s the reason why all night long, you have to make the girl feel that you’re a trustworthy guy.

You can do this by dropping simple hints while you’re conversing with her. I’m sure you’re already familiar with this technique if you invested in my dating book, Mack Tactics.

Let me tell you this: if your goal is to invite her back to your place…and she’s never been there before…she will naturally feel hesitant to go there.

Remember? Fear of the unknown. All girls have it.

When you try to invite her to an unknown place, she will put up her defenses and start making excuses NOT TO.

Here are the possible thoughts running through her mind:

  • What if his place is unclean and uncomfortable? (Discomfort is not a good sell)
    * What if he has an eccentric roommate?
    * What if he’s married or has a live-in partner who suddenly shows up?
    * What if his place is EXTREMELY far away?

And so on.

Here’s what you need to do: work at OVERCOMING all her fears and concerns…and make going to your place an EASY decision.

So how can you do that?

It’s very simple, it’s right under your nose.

All you have to do is show her your place before you even go out with her.

Here’s the major format of this technique:

When you set the time and place for the date, tell her to meet you outside your place, which is just a "few blocks away". The idea is to ride in your car together to proceed to where you want to go in the date. (It could be a bar, restaurant, whatever).

And you know what, girls USUALLY agree to this kind of arrangement. Here’s the reason: she wants to find out where you live. Girls can be nosy. they want to see your place so they can form a general opinion about you.

Take Note: It is important to make it clear that you want to meet outside your place, instead of hang around INSIDE. Make it seem as if it’s going to take only a few seconds and that’s it’s no big deal.

OK, here’s what you do:

When her car arrives at your door, meet her outside (you must already be dressed up and appear ready to go on a date). Then tell her that you forgot to do something, and you need to go back inside for a few seconds (perhaps you need to make a phone call or send out an email).

"Hey, how are you…my goodness..I almost forgot, I need to make a quick phone call before we leave. It’s important. Come inside for a minute. It won’t take long"

She’ll usually agree to this for the reasons already stated above: she wants to see what kind of place you have, so she can form a general opinion about you.

She will agree to this. Naturally, she is curious to see the INTERIOR of where you live.

When she’s inside your place, pour her a glass of wine, then go away for a while so you can "make that phone call". While you’re not around, I can almost guarantee that she will SNOOP AROUND.

She’ll look at your pictures. She’ll check out what’s hanging on your walls. Heck, she might even open the fridge and find out what’s inside. The reason why she’s doing this is that she’s looking for some "evidence" that you have an existing relationship with someone else. Don’t let her find any.

She might also try the bathroom…so make sure that your bathroom is EXTRA clean as usual. Flush the toilet, and keep the flooring clean. Disinfect and eliminate any undesirable smell in there.

The idea is to let her get used to your place, so when you ask her to go back there later, she would have lesser or NO resistance at all.

After a few minutes, re-appear and proceed on your date.

This technique might seem very simple, but it’s actually a HUGE STEP, psychologically, that shatters a woman’s defenses and causes her to start feeling comfortable towards you.

At the end of your date, after you’ve spent time laughing and having a great time, she won’t hesitate to go back to your place to "watch a movie", or have a drink, or just relax — all because you already allowed her to become familiar with your place. It’s no longer UNKNOWN territory to her.

Secrets To Dating And Attracting A Younger Woman by
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6 thoughts on “Secrets To Dating And Attracting A Younger Woman”

  1. Good tips. Personality is an important factor to attract females. Do you think so?

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  2. Parents need to make a conscious effort to protect their teens that are using the Internet.

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  3. Each one of these skills is a learn-able skill in much the same way that you can learn how to play the guitar or speak a foreign language.

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  4. On your first date, be spontaneous and fun, but don’t go overboard.

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  5. Hi, great article, this is definitely a great technique for a date. Althought younger women pay less attention to details as older women do, but thanx for the tip.

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  6. There are lot of steps one should know before taking part in dating.

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